Why Do You Feel Fatigued After Eating and How to Treat It

Feeling tired or sleepy after eating can be frustrating, especially after midday meals when a person is usually at work or needs to be alert. But, is getting fatigued after meals is normal or worrisome? Experts say it’s absolutely a natural phenomenon, and there is nothing to worry about it.

However, you should know what causes fatigue after eating and how to reduce its symptoms. That’s what we’ll discuss today!

Why Do You Feel Sleepy After Eating?

It is very common to feel tired or have difficulty concentrating after having a meal. You may feel tired, depending on what, when, and how much you ate. Here are some reasons why a person might feel fatigued after a meal.

Type of Food You’re Eating

Eating foods rich in protein and carbohydrates can make you feel sleepier than other types of food. To some researchers, another reason for feeling tired after meals is because our body produces more serotonin. It is a chemical that contributes to regulating mood and sleep cycles.

Also, tryptophan is an amino acid present in many protein-rich foods and aids our body to produce serotonin. On the other hand, carbohydrates aid the body in absorbing tryptophan. Eating meals rich in protein and carbohydrates may make you feel fatigued for all these reasons.

Here’s a list of some foods rich in protein and contain tryptophan:

  • Poultry
  • Eggs
  • salmon
  • Spinach
  • Cheese
  • Seeds
  • Milk
  • Soya products

Here are some foods that contain high levels of carbohydrates.

  • White bread
  • Crackers
  • Cakes, cookies, donuts, and muffins
  • Corn cobs
  • Pasta
  • Sugar and candy
  • Rice
  • Milk

How Much Food Do You Consume

You are most likely to experience postprandial somnolence (tiredness) after having a large meal. People who eat larger midday meals may experience more afternoon sleep than those who eat less at lunch. Excess eating causes a rise in blood sugar, followed by a drop in energy as well.

Tips To Avoid Feeling Tired After Eating

Eat Less And Often

Instead of eating big meals, eat smaller meals every few hours to keep your energy up. A slice of fruit, a handful of nuts, or any healthy snack might be enough to cure an energy dip.

Consider Going On A Walk

Doing light exercise throughout the day, especially after meals, can help you feel less tired.

Consume Vitamins to fight fatigue

Deficiency in vitamins such as A, B. C, and E can contribute to fatigue. Whereas good intake of these vitamins can aid fatigue as well as improve energy and concentration levels.

It will be awesome if you take a multivitamin supplement that contains all these ingredients, such as Diamond Glow so that you combat fatigue and get back your energy. Diamond Glow is an energy and immunity booster that contains vitamin A, B, C, E, and other natural ingredients.


Feeling tired or sleepy and experiencing low energy levels after eating is a natural biological response for many people. But, if this is getting in the way of your daily activities, you should change your food content and the timing of your meals. Still, if you see no betterment, then seek medical help.

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