How Oily Skin Looks Like; Sign and Symptoms

Oily skin can be worst, but sometimes you just fail to understand if you have oily skin. In this article, I’ll help you identify which skin type you may have so that you may opt for treatments and buy skincare products accordingly.

Characteristics of Common Skin Types

There are five main skin types; oily, normal, combination, sensitive, and dry. There are a few things that can help you determine which skin type you may have, such as;

  • How oily is your skin, which affects its softness?
  • How much water does your skin have, which affects its elasticity and comfort?
  • How dry or sensitive is your skin?

Here are different skin types to help you determine your skin type.

Normal Skin

People with normal skin have neither too oily nor too dry skin. Instead, their skin has a perfectly smooth texture that barely contains any visible pores or flakiness. Normal skin is less likely to be prone to pimples, sensitivity, or blemishes.

Dry Skin

If you have dry skin, you may have a dull or rough complexion, red patches, cracked, and more visible pores and lines. Additionally, your skin shows less elasticity and feels tighter.

Combination Skin

Combination skin often feels dry or normal in some areas, whereas oily in others. For example, your T-zone might appear greasy or shiny while your cheeks feel dry or normal.

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin often appears red; it seems like it’s burning, itchy, or dry. Usually, sensitive skin is the combination of two skin types: normal and sensitive skin, oily and sensitive skin, or dry and sensitive skin.

Regardless of which combination you have, try to figure out your triggers, such as environmental factors or any food ingredient. Once you know the trigger, avoid it.

How Oily Skin Looks Like?

Your skin type is categorized as oily if it persistently appears greasy or shiny. Oily skin feels like exactly how it sounds ﹘ too much oil on your face, especially on T-zone (nose, forehead, and chin).

Other signs of oily skin include;

  • More visible or enlarged Pores
  • More vulnerable to breakouts
  • Dull or shiny complexion
  • Easily develop blackheads and other blemishes

Who Gets Oily Skin?

Typically, oily skin is hereditary, which means both or one of your parents has oily skin. However, sometimes increased hormone levels could be the reason for excess oil on the skin, such as during puberty, pregnancy, menstrual cycle, or menopause. In all these situations, the sebaceous glands become more active.

Significant Signs of Oily Skin

If your skin shows the following signs, this means you may have oily skin:

  • Your makeup will never stay all day and seems to slide off your face.
  • The oily areas of your face have pimples, blackheads, or other types of acne
  • You feel the need to dry out your face all the time
  • After cleansing, your face becomes shiny again, only in a few hours.
  • You rarely find your skin tight or dry

Diamond Glow- Effective at Reducing Oily Skin

Diamond Glow is a multivitamin that helps control oily skin along with offering other benefits such as treating acne, reducing wrinkles, reducing dark spots, boosting immunity, hydrating skin, diminishing acne scars, and more. Click here to learn more about Diamond Glow or to order the product for you.

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