8 Common Questions about Sensitive Skin You Need to Know

People with sensitive skin should be extra careful about choosing the right skincare products. You must be aware of each aspect of skin sensitivity, from skin itching to frequent allergies or skin infections. Here, the most commonly asked questions are discussed that might clear your confusion about causes, signs and recommended skin products for sensitive skin.

What is Sensitive Skin?

The sensation of itching, burning or redness in response to a triggering stimulant such as environmental changes, pollens or certain allergens is recognized as sensitive skin. The sensitive skin may respond to triggering factors such as recurring skin infections, pimple breakouts, pigmentation, or even mild pain.

Why My Skin is Sensitive?

Skin sensitivity may be associated with multiple factors that stimulate or worsen hypersensitivity. Commonly, it may be due to inherited skin diseases, extreme skin dryness, hormonal imbalance, allergens, pollution, or chronic diseases. Your dermatologist identifies the root cause of your skin sensitivity before starting the treatment.

How to Know if My Skin is Sensitive?

Commonly, people with sensitive skin don’t realize their skin type until exposed to an irritant or allergen causing hypersensitivity. Skincare experts check your skin sensitivity level and then recommend the best possible treatment options. Frequent skin allergies, redness, inflammation, or acne breakouts are some of the most common symptoms of sensitive skin.

Can Sensitive Skin Cause Acne?

Sensitive skin itself doesn’t cause acne, but it may be more prone to acne and skin damage as it overreacts to infections and inflammation. Moreover, skincare products that accelerate or stimulate skin damage might also result in acne and skin infections. Thus, sensitive skin needs proper care and management to avoid skin disorders.

How to Exfoliate Sensitive Skin?

People with sensitive skin have to be very careful when exfoliating their skin. You’ve to very gentle on your skin. Apply an exfoliator containing retinoid, alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA), glycolic acid, lactic acid, or polyhydroxy acids (for more sensitive skin) once a week. Exfoliation will help to remove dead skin cells and toxins safely.

A study recommends using a low AHA concentration for sensitive skin as it may help prevent skin damage due to UV rays of the sun. A higher concentration may cause swelling, itching, or skin damage.

Can Sensitive Skin Use Salicylic Acid?

Salicylic acid (SA) is a widely used product to improve skin health by reducing the risks of acne, blackheads and whiteheads. However, for sensitive skin, frequent use of salicylic acid products is not recommended.

Sensitive skin is more likely to develop rashes and extreme dryness that salicylic acid-containing products can aggravate. Research reveals that products containing a high concentration of SA might cause skin lesions, ulceration, or acne eruption.

Which Sunscreen is good for Sensitive Skin?

Using fragrance-free physical sunscreen with SPF 30 or above can help reduce sun-exposed skin damage and sensitivity. However, its active ingredients should be titanium dioxide or zinc oxide to prevent the skin from allergic reactions. Reapply your sunscreen every 2-3 hours of sun exposure.

Is Sensitive Skin Permanent?

The answer to the above question is may be yes or no, depending upon the causative agent and treatment. If the reason is genetics, then it may affect you throughout the life. However, sometimes skin sensitivity caused due to seasonal changes or certain allergies which can be treated by following a proper skincare routine.

These are some common questions about sensitive skin. Take a very good care of your skin followed by a healthy diet, vitamins intake, and proper skin care routine.

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