Did you know that around 284 million people suffer from anxiety disorders around the world every year? 

Anxiety is one of the most common mental illnesses and the deadly pandemic has made more and more people suffer from anxiety where they don’t even realize it. Hence, it is important to know what exactly anxiety is and how it can harm your mind and body. 

Let’s find out. 

What is Anxiety?

According to the American Psychological Association, anxiety is a mental state that makes the person feel tense and worried with some physical changes like accelerated heart rate. It’s a feeling triggered by excessive stress and worry. People with anxiety get carried away with negative emotions and irrational thoughts. 

Can Anxiety Cause Body Pain?

Reductionist theory suggests that thoughts are nothing but chemical changes in our brain that also impact our physical health. Many mental health professionals identify mental health issues including anxiety, by physical symptoms. 

Some of the physical symptoms of anxiety are as follows:

Chest Pain

Chest tension and sharp or chronic chest pain are the most common symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks. Some people may experience sudden shooting pain while others may have persistent chest pain. People with anxiety may also experience an unusual muscle twist in their chest or feelings of chest burning and dull aches.  

Muscle Aches

One of the most common reasons for muscle pains is anxiety. It causes the muscles to tense up and ultimately leads to aches throughout the body. Anxiety also weakens the muscles and can lead to joint pain. 


Headache is also a common symptom of anxiety. It usually causes sharp headaches or pain around the eyes. People with panic disorder may also experience a dull ache. Studies also suggest that anxiety upsets hormonal balance in the body, thus leading to migraines. 

Breathing Difficulty 

If a person experiences panic attacks, it can lead to shortness of breath. People often describe it as a feeling of being suffocated. Shortage of oxygen in the body promotes more anxiety and fear, worsening the situation.

How to Manage Symptoms of Anxiety? 

During anxiety, the person’s body is in a fight-or-flight situation that makes you more stressed and anxious. It may weaken your immune system, which ultimately leads to pain and other physical symptoms. 

So, it’s necessary to bring some changes to your lifestyle to deal with the anxiety, such as: 

  • Exercise; it helps your mind and body relax, thus easing anxiety. 
  • Practice meditation and yoga to reduce stress, get rid of negative vibes, and promote a healthy mind and body. 
  • Stay hydrated. Plus, eat a healthy and nutritious diet for a healthy body and proper brain function.
  • Take multivitamins as they may help reduce oxidative stress and relieve the symptoms of anxiety as suggested by a study

However, make sure to buy multivitamin supplements from a trusted supplier like pêche. Our Diamond Glow multivitamin supplement is rich in vitamin A, B, C and E, and is HACCP and Halal certified-making it a safe and healthy choice. 

Click here for more details or to buy our supplement; we ship worldwide. 

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