How Does Fatigue Feel Like: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

how does fatigue feel like

“How does fatigue feel like” – a question challenging to elaborate on, you may find yourself describing fatigue in words like I feel lazy, exhausted, or tired throughout the day. While that’s true, fatigue can affect your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Medical science defines fatigue as the overall feeling of low motivation or reduced capacity to perform a task after a physical or mental drill.

Let’s have a look at the symptoms and causes of fatigue, and how to treat/prevent it.

Symptoms of Fatigue

From physical to mental to emotional symptoms, fatigue can appear in various forms. Common symptoms include feeling sleepy, loss of appetite, blurred vision, muscle weakness, mood swings, agitation, lack of motivation, poor attention span, hallucinations, impaired judgment, memory problems, etc.

There are other symptoms associated with an underlying medical disorder, including:

  • Arthritis
  • Thyroid
  • Kidney, heart, and liver disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Common cold and flu

Causes of Fatigue

There are numerous causes of fatigue. Some of them are as follows:

Hormonal Issues

Crushing syndrome – a disorder that occurs when your body makes excessive cortisol – causes fatigue. Cortisol is known as a stress hormone as it helps your body respond to stress.

Metabolic Issues 

Kidney and liver diseases, diabetes, anemia, etc., can also cause fatigue in a patient.

Infectious Diseases 

Fatigue is a must-appearing symptom in infectious diseases like hepatitis, tuberculosis (TB), AIDS, malaria, pneumonia, etc.


Medication like sedative drugs, anti-depressants, relaxants, steroids, blood pressure drugs, etc., can lead to tiredness.

Mental Conditions 

Depression, stress, anxiety, mood swings, sorrow, etc., are major causes of tiredness or fatigue.

Sleep Issues 

Insomnia, lack of sleep, sleep apnea (fluctuation in breathing during sleep), working late at night, etc., also take a toll on your health and cause fatigue.

Vitamin Deficiency 

The deficiency of vitamin B12, D, iron, and folic acid deficiency leads to fatigue.

How to Beat Fatigue?

Medical Treatment 

You should visit a doctor if your body temperature is higher than usual, or you’ve put on excessive weight. The most alarming sign is vomiting blood, severe headache, striking pain in the chest, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, suicidal thoughts, etc.

Your doctor will prescribe medication depending on the underlying reason. They might prescribe urine or blood test for better diagnosis.

Lifestyle Changes 

You should consider exercising daily, meditating, getting adequate sleep, avoiding unnecessary stress, abstaining from illicit drugs, avoiding alcohol, etc., to reset your mind and body, and thus beat fatigue.


Drinking plenty of water and juices to stay hydrated can help prevent and beat fatigue.

Cut Caffeine Consumption 

Excessive caffeine consumption may lead to fatigue itself. Try cutting its use down and experience overall improved health.

Consume Vitamins 

Following the suggestions mentioned above is the optimum way to reduce tiredness. However, adding vitamins to your daily diet routine can speed up the process many folds.

Consider consuming multivitamin supplements that contain vitamin B, C, and D3 as they help improve your physical and mental performance. Diamond Glow is one such supplement that contains vitamin A, B, C, E, and other essential ingredients that help boost your energy, improve your attention span, and combat stress.

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