Category Archives: Tips

5 Amazing Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin

benefits of vitamin c for skin

Vitamin C is one of the most effective components used in many skincare products and dietary supplements due to its remarkable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It ameliorates skin texture by improving its moisture-retaining capacity and reducing wrinkles and signs of aging. Being dermatologically approved and highly safe, vitamin C usage is increasing day by day for resolving multiple skin-related issues such as photoaging, oxidative skin damage, and hyperpigmentation.  Let’s have a look at the top 5 benefits of vitamin C for the skin.  Potential Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin Stimulates Collagen Synthesis Collagen, a main structural protein found in the human body, plays an important role in maintaining skin’s texture and retaining its natural moisture. A study claims that vitamin C is directly involved in synthesizing proteins such as elastin and collagen- the main structural proteins in skin cells. They aid in making skin smoother and firmer with a more radiant glow. However, the normal level of collagen depletes with the time that must be restored through diet, supplements, or topical skincare products. Applying vitamin C can accelerate the process of collagen synthesis that ultimately restores skin freshness and youthfulness. Acts as Antioxidant Being a highly potent antioxidant, vitamin C helps fight oxidative stress caused by UV rays, environmental pollutants, chronic inflammation, or certain medicines. Topical application may reduce skin inflammation by neutralizing free radicals involved in oxidative damage. Thus, vitamin C revitalizes your skin by improving its resistance to fighting various skin infections.  Provides Protection Against UV Damage The sun’s UV rays deteriorate skin cells and make it more likely to cause infections and sensitivity. Vitamin C is rich in antioxidants that help protect skin cells against free radicals.  Research claims that topical ascorbic acid or vitamin C treatment can efficiently reduce photodamage, thus helping alleviate wrinkles, pigmented spots, and coarse skin.  Fights Skin Aging Skin aging is a natural phenomenon that can’t be prevented. However, you can delay or minimize the early signs by following a healthy skincare routine. Vitamin C is a magical anti-aging nutrient with many soothing benefits for the skin.  Research suggests that topical application of vitamin C can safely reduce photodamage, wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation, or skin sagging. Although it has high efficacy for delaying or minimizing premature aging, it can’t reverse the problem completely. Treats Hyperpigmentation Excess exposure to UV rays and environmental toxins may lead to pigmentation on the face and other parts. Vitamin C helps fade hyperpigmentation or dark spots by hindering excessive melanin (natural skin pigment) production. Moreover, it also reduces the production of the tyrosinase enzyme involved in melanin production and results in a lightening of skin tone.  To Wrap it Up You can get desirable skin benefits of vitamin C by consuming a vitamin C rich diet such as fruits and vegetables. You can also consume it in the form of supplements such as Diamond Glow. It’s a powdered supplement rich in vitamin A, B, C, and E, hydrolyzed marine collagen, and other natural ingredients to help restore collagen, treat hyperpigmentation, and prevent premature skin aging. Vitamin C serums and creams can also be helpful for improving your skin’s elasticity and glow. 

How To Exfoliate Sensitive Skin?

Exfoliate Sensitive Skin

In general, sensitive skin requires a gentle approach in terms of treatment or skincare regime. A person with sensitive skin needs to look for non-irritating treatments, supplements, and product ingredients.  People with sensitive skin often find it really difficult to exfoliate their skin to remove blemishes, excessive oil, dirt, and dead skin. Because where exfoliation helps get rid of dead skin cells and clogged pores, too much of it can damage the skin.  Here are some amazing tips to help you exfoliate your sensitive skin properly with caution.  3 Pro Tips To Exfoliate Sensitive Skin  Don’t Overdo  Less is better when it comes to exfoliating sensitive skin. Skincare experts suggest that you should use an exfoliating toner only four or five days a week because all skin types require protective cells on the surface to continue functioning properly. Regularly removing layers of invisible skin cells can be harmful to skin health.  Too much exfoliation can damage your skin barrier. If this happens to people with sensitive skin types, they need to take at least two weeks to break from exfoliation and can only start again once their skin feels repaired. Also, reintroduce exfoliation slowly into your routine.  Moreover, depending on the sensitivity and needs of your skin, you can use a home exfoliating mask every one or two weeks.     Know What to Avoid For people with sensitive skin, the higher the amount of acids in your product, the more chances it will irritate the skin. Experts recommend using chemical exfoliant products with a formula containing only 2-5 % alpha or beta-hydroxy acids for sensitive skin types.  Sensitive skin people should also refrain from using any physical exfoliating methods such as loofahs, exfoliating brushes, sponges, or gloves. All these methods involve too much rubbing of the skin, which often leads to irritation and tears.  Always read product labels, and especially if you have sensitive skin, avoid using products containing foaming sulfates, high concentrations of synthetic oils, synthetic dyes, and synthetic fragrances (such as perfumes) as they can cause irritation and dryness. Try This! If you have sensitive skin, the best thing you can do is to search for the best exfoliating acid that works for you. But if you have acne-prone sensitive skin or already have clogged pores, then going for exfoliating acid or retinol might not seem a very good option. That’s because active ingredients such as acids or retinol may purge initially and bring active spots on the surface. This happens as skin cells turnover speeds up but there is nothing to worry about because these blemishes go away once your skin gets used to these ingredients. We advise incorporating chemical exfoliation gradually into your routine, start by gently exfoliating once or twice a week and then increase as your skin tolerates.  Look for skin products with soothing ingredients to avoid irritation and exfoliate gently to remove dead cells without scratching your skin.  Final Word Our advice for people with sensitive skin is to always proceed with caution in terms of exfoliation. Skin problems like acne are often better with less exfoliation. Consider following the above-mentioned tips to exfoliate your sensitive skin. However, immediately stop exfoliating if your skin shows a reaction and talk to a dermatologist for advice. 

Collagen for Weight Loss: Can Collagen Supplements Really Help You Lose Weight?

collagen for weight loss

Collagen is a natural structural protein found in skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments. In recent years, collagen supplements have gained much attention for their amazing nutritional benefits. But, can collagen help promote weight loss? The unique amino acids profile of collagen may help suppress appetite by enhancing the feeling of fulness, thus aiding weight loss. Continue reading to understand how collagen supplements can help you lose weight directly or indirectly. How Can Collagen Help Reduce Weight? Most vital roles of collagen that can directly or indirectly induce weight loss are: Improves Digestion Improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may prevent you from losing weight. Health experts recommend collagen because of its capacity to heal, protect, and repair the digestive system. Villi, the lining in the intestinal walls, are made of collagen proteins. So, collagen intake can boost gut health by increasing the efficiency of the gastrointestinal tract. Consequently, better digestion leads to losing unhealthy weight. Improves Satiation A study suggests that taking protein diets and supplements such as collagen can increase satiety while reducing the muscle’s protein breakdown. It means that collagen can help reduce hunger and calories intake, which in turn help lose weight. However, take collagen with other protein-rich foods as collagen alone may not provide essential amino acids required to fulfill the body’s protein needs. Helps Reduce Fat Deposition Studies suggest that collagen may help reduce the development of adipocytes (fat cells). Research indicates that oral ingestion of collagen derived from skate skin helps combat fat accumulation in the body without posing any health risks during the fat-burning phase. Improves Stamina for Exercising Physical activity is important when you’re on a journey of losing weight. It helps burn and reduces the number of calories you eat, thus aiding weight loss. However, excess weight can put stress on the joints, specifically the knees, which may keep you exercising, running, or performing other physical activities. Taking supplements rich in collagen can significantly reduce joint or muscles problems by improving your flexibility and movement. A study demonstrates that collagen peptides may act as therapeutic agents to improve joint fitness that in turn leads to a more active life and thus weight loss. Helps Retain Muscle Mass Building muscles is an essential part of losing weight, and collagen intake are highly beneficial to get stronger muscles. That’s because muscle burns more calories during rest, resulting in a higher overall calorie-burning process. Research conducted on participants with sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss) showed that collagen peptides enhanced muscle mass and body composition when combined with resistance training, causing weight loss. To Wrap it Up Though collagen has a significant role in helping reduce weight, it isn’t a replacement for a healthy lifestyle. You should follow a dietician-approved comprehensive plan if you want to take collagen supplements for weight loss. For a healthy weight loss, you should combine collagen intake with healthy food, exercise, and quality sleep. Moreover, consult your physician to ensure that the collagen supplements you are going to take are safe for you.

Who Should Take Collagen (And when should you take it)

who should take collagen

The tendency of taking collagen supplements is increasing day by day due to its potential benefits for skin and health. The most effective way of taking collagen is through diet; however, sometimes, you have to take supplements to meet the demands of your body. There is not much research to support the idea that collagen supplements are better than a healthy protein diet. However, dermatologists suggest collagen supplements under certain circumstances. Below are some science-based facts to help you identify who should take collagen and whether you should take collagen or not, depending on your age, health, and other factors. Who Should Take Collagen? At or Above Age 20 The collagen production in your body naturally reduces with age- it reduces about 1% each year after the age of 20 years. How quickly its production reduces depends on exposure to UV rays, pollution, imbalanced diet, and stress. Dermatologists recommend using collagen supplements as you age to reduce the associated risks such as loss in skin elasticity, wrinkles, bones or muscles pain, weakness, or other age-related issues. Women Facing Hormonal Imbalance Changes in hormone levels may occur in both males and females, but women are usually more likely to suffer at some stage of their lives. The most common causes of hormonal imbalance are unhealthy food, stress, anxiety, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), menstruation, and pregnancy, etc. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, approximately a decline of 30% collagen production occurs in women during the first 5 years of menopause. It becomes slightly slower, with around 2% collagen loss each year. So, doctors and nutritionists recommend taking peptides to women facing hormonal imbalance to minimize the adverse effects. People with Joint and Muscles Pain Research suggests that collagen peptides have healing, curative, and therapeutic properties to improve joint fitness. Thus, people having arthritis, osteoporosis, and other bones or joints related problems may use collagen supplements to reduce the symptoms. However, never use the supplements without consulting your health advisor. Difficulty Absorbing Food Nutrients The most effective way of taking collagen peptides is through diet. But sometimes, your body can’t efficiently absorb the nutrients obtained from food. So, your physician may recommend some collagen supplements to meet the demands of your body. Collagen supplements are typically easy to digest and absorb. You Need Quick Healing Sometimes, you need recovery or healing of skin that might be due to a skin burn, accident, or surgery. Collagen is the most abundant structural protein present in the skin, so increasing your collagen intake may help you heal quickly. It recovers and rejuvenates the skin by increasing cell turnover. Signs of Aging You can’t measure your collagen level, but finding wrinkles and fine lines may signify its decreased levels. Collagen is a fibrous and supportive protein in bones, skin, tendons, ligaments or cartilage that makes up around 70-80% of the skin. It increases skin strength by improving the skin texture deformed due to aging, sun UV rays, pollution, or other related problems. Hence, a proper quantity of collagen is required to restore skin elasticity and youthfulness. Undergone Resurfacing Procedures on Skin Harsh resurfacing skin treatments may cause skin rash, redness, and acute skin sensitivity. In such cases, dermatologists recommend taking collagen supplements for at least 3 months to help skin’s rejuvenation and softness. It also increases the healing process by increasing the production of new skin cells. Always consult your doctor before taking any supplements to avoid future complications as self-medication can also cause adverse effects.

3 Ways Collagen can Improve Your Hair

Haircare is very important for both men and women as it not only tells how healthy your hair and scalp are, but beautiful hair also adorns your overall appearance. Nobody wants to step out of their house with thin, damaged, dry hair. Right? Type 1 collagen (from marine and bovine) is known for its hair-related benefits, from hair thickening to repair follicle damage, reducing hair loss to speed up hair growth, and the sky’s the limit. Let’s have a look at the top 3 ways collagen improves your hair. 3 Ways Collagen Improves Your Hair 1. Collagen for Gray Hairs Collagen antioxidant properties may slow down hair graying by helping fight cell damage. Though genetics play a big role in age-related hair graying, free radical damage to the cells that are responsible for producing hair color can also contribute to hair graying. As you grow older, the melanin pigment cells begin to die. Melanin is a pigment that gives color to the skin, eyes, and hair. But sometimes your hair starts turning gray even at an early age because of free radicals resulting from stress, poor diet, and environmental pollutants. These free radicals damage the melanin-producing cells.  In case your body does not have enough antioxidants to combat free radical damage, your hair starts to turn gray. A test-tube study shows that the antioxidant activity of hair follicles containing melanin pigment was much higher than the gray hair that doesn’t contain pigment. Another study shows that collagen can fight free radicals in test tubes and prevent cell damage that produces hair color. Hence, collagen can help prevent premature graying. 2. Use Collagen to Fight Hair Follicle Damage If you have healthy hair follicles, then you have thicker hair strands and minimal hair loss. However, your follicles become weaker due to the accumulation of free radicals formed due to extensive exposure to UV rays, smoking, chronic stress, and poor eating.  What happens is these highly reactive free radicals can damage the lipids, DNA and protein-like organs that make up the cells in the human body. Free radicals also damage hair follicles. A study reported the relationship between free radicals and hair loss. It was found that a person having a high amount of free radicals on the scalp results in increased hair loss and thinning. Collagen antioxidant properties may fight the damage done by free radicals. Marine collagen can particularly help fight free radicals and prevent scalp and hair damage. 3. Collagen Supports Follicle Function The hair follicle function is largely affected by collagen, although collagen is present in a very less amount in the outer layers of the hair shaft. But it is located in the dermal tissue around your follicles. Research has shown that during the hair’s growth phase (anagen), the amount of collagen surrounding the hair bulb thickens and increases. As soon as the hair follicle passes into the next stage (catagen), it sheds two layers of collagen surrounding it. This means if our body produces more collagen, it can help regenerate the layers. Hence, support our hair follicles to re-enter the growth phase and help maintain the ongoing hair growth cycle. Conclusion There are various ways collagen can improve your hair, make it thicker, and prevent hair loss, follicle damage, and hair graying. If you are wondering how to add collagen to your diet, start eating citrus fruits, berries, fish, and chicken. You can also consider taking multivitamins that contain collagen such as Diamond Glow that you can take every mixed with your drinks. This amazing powdered supplement is a great source of collagen, Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and 14 other natural ingredients while offering improved skin and hair health.

How to Prevent Wrinkles?

Extensive sun exposure, pollution, too much use of makeup, and lack of vitamin C are a few of the many causes of wrinkles on the skin. In addition to this, our skin loses elasticity as we grow older, thus leading to wrinkles. Whatever the cause, you can always prevent and treat wrinkles. Here are some tips and easy remedies to prevent wrinkles and enjoy wrinkle-free skin. 6 Tips to Prevent Wrinkles Scarf Up Environmental factors such as pollution can drastically damage your skin. Therefore, try covering your face when going out for long hours to protect your skin from sun rays, dust, and pollution. Moreover, always use a mild face wash when you get back home to rinse all the dirt grime and prevent wrinkles. Tomato Mask for Wrinkles Tomato masks are among the best prevention remedies for anti-wrinkles and freckles-free skin. This mask also reduces and lightens the appearance of age spots. It’s because tomatoes are rich in lycopene and beta-carotene that help recover the skin from the damage caused by sun rays. Never Leave Your House without Sunscreen Excess exposure to the sun is harmful to the skin to the extent that it almost seems impossible to repair. You might think that Vitamin D is beneficial for health but exposing your skin to the sun for long hours causes more damage than good. It speeds up the aging process, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles at an early age. Soaking your skin in sunscreen is an excellent way to prevent the onset of wrinkles. Go for a water-based sunscreen with higher SPF. Avoid sunscreens containing harmful chemicals. Use sunscreen even on less sunny or cloudy days. The best way is to apply 15 minutes before you step out and try to reapply every 4-6 hours. Stop Smoking Besides being dangerous to human health, smoking can also cause wrinkles. Cigarettes contain carcinogens that act as toxic plastic bags all over your pretty face, which blocks and deprives it of oxygen. This speeds up the process of wrinkle formation on your face. So, it’s better to quit smoking to get wrinkle-free skin. Coconut Oil One of the reasons your skin shows signs of aging is the lack of elasticity, moisture, and dehydration. To combat this loss, you can apply coconut oil. Its hydrating and moisturizing properties help hold back skin elasticity and keep it soft and flexible. Massaging your face with coconut oil also helps prevent and reduce the formation of wrinkles. Vitamin C Intake of vitamins, specifically vitamin C, is beneficial for your skin. Vitamin C helps prevent the signs of aging by naturally synthesizing collagen in the body. You can also take anti-wrinkle supplements such as Diamond Glow, which is rich in vitamin A, B, C, and D, and other natural ingredients to help prevent wrinkles, restore collagen, heal damaged skin cells, and hydrate damaged skin. Conclusion Wrinkles formation is an inevitable natural process that can happen due to excess sun exposure, pollution, stress, lack of sleep, etc. However, you can still prevent and treat wrinkles at any age by making a few changes in your lifestyle and taking good care of your skin. I hope the tips shared above help you prevent wrinkles.

7 Easy Ways to Care for Sensitive Skin

Itching, rash, and redness are a few of the many symptoms of sensitive skin that sometimes may occur because you are treating your skin too aggressively. Research suggests that an average woman uses different products every day, containing 168 unique ingredients. This overwhelming skincare routine often leads to sensitive skin. However, very few people with sensitive skin recognize that there is something wrong with the way they are taking care of their skin. That is why we are here to guide you on how to care for your skin on a daily basis to reduce skin sensitivity. Use Sunscreen Daily Excess exposure to sunlight can be dangerous and may affect skin cells that sometimes result in rashes or other skin problems. The best solution to this is to avoid going outside in the sun and if you need to go, don’t forget to wear sunscreen. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with ingredients like titanium oxide and zinc oxide. It’s advised to go for sunscreen with SPF 30 or less. That’s because sunscreen with SPF above 30 may have higher amounts of comedogenic ingredients that can harm your sensitive skin. Use Raw Milk One of the popular cleansers for sensitive skin is raw milk as it contains moisturizing properties, skin lightening compounds, skin-nourishing ingredients, and anti-inflammatory agents. All of these together soothe the skin and reduce itching, pigmentation, and dryness. Apply Oatmeal-yogurt Face Mask Another way to care for your sensitive skin at home is by applying an oatmeal-yogurt face mask. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of oatmeal soothe the skin and prevent it from damaging. You can use the mask to treat sunburns and as a moisturizer as well. Yogurt is also an excellent exfoliator for dead skin cells as it contains lactic acid which makes your skin look fresh and smooth. Take Balanced Diet Consuming a balanced diet is the key to healthy skin. Therefore, try to eat natural foods as much as you can instead of processed food. Consider adding the following antioxidant and anti-inflammatory foods in your meals to make your skin healthy and heal faster: Add fats to your diet from natural sources like avocados, extra-virgin olive oil, and nuts Organic vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes, leafy greens, blueberries, and apples. All these contain high amounts of polyphenols and antioxidants that benefit your skin sensitivity. Intake of healthy carbs is very beneficial for keeping your skin healthy. Consider including whole grains, beans, and berries in your diet. Improve Your Bath Routine Are you a fan of taking a hot bath? Change this habit now! Where hot bats may be a source of relaxation for many, that’s not the case for people with sensitive skin types. Taking hot baths drives away all the natural oils from the skin and causes irritation, which results in red patches and sometimes dehydration. Don’t Rub Your Skin This is a common mistake that many people with sensitive skin might be making. Rubbing your face with a towel often results in bumps and redness. Instead, use a soft cloth and pat it gently to dry your face. Keep Yourself Hydrated It is essential to keep yourself hydrated if you have sensitive skin. For that reason, consider consuming plenty of water as it removes all the toxins from your body. Instead, you can also have any drink that contains vitamins such as vitamin B. Vitamin B reduces sensitivity and skin irritation. You may also consider taking multivitamins to meet your skin’s hydration needs. Diamond Glow is one such powdered supplement that acts as an energy booster and skin healer. It contains vitamin A, B, C, ad E and a handful of natural ingredients that help heal damaged skin cells and keep your skin moisturized and hydrated.

6 Effective Ways to Prevent and Remove Wrinkles Fast

Decreased production of collagen and elastin in the skin due to aging or underlying health conditions may cause wrinkles. That’s because both these proteins help improve skin elasticity and juvenility. Though aging and wrinkles are not inevitable, you can still look younger by using the appropriate products and treatment options. OTC products containing retinoids, antioxidants, or collagen can reduce wrinkles, while some home remedies can also be helpful in this regard. Let’s discuss the ways that can help you effectively remove, reduce, or prevent wrinkles. Causes of Wrinkles Wrinkles due to aging is a natural phenomenon that usually starts at 40 to 50 years of age. However, certain factors can trigger aging-related skin problems even when you are younger, such as loss of skin elasticity, wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation. The most significant reasons for wrinkles are: Aging and genetics Environmental toxins Improper skin products Prolonged sun exposure Unhealthy food Dehydration How to Remove and Prevent Wrinkles? Reduce Sun Exposure Prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays ultimately causes wrinkles on your face. Though completely avoiding exposure to UV light is not possible, sunscreen can be used to reduce its damaging effects. The National Center for Biotechnology Information suggests that sunscreen with SPF 30 or above may be highly beneficial in delaying the signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmented spots. Facial Massaging Facial massage using 2-3 drops of essential oils may help rid wrinkles by improving skin elasticity and blood circulation. It increases oxygen and nutrients supply towards skin muscles, thus, helping combat signs of aging. The best essential oils to improve skin health are: Avocado oil Olive oil Jojoba oil Coconut oil Sweet almond oil Healthy and Balanced Diet A well-balanced diet rich in proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins helps nourish your skin. Fish is an excellent food that provides all the essential nutrients your skin requires. Moreover, fruits and raw vegetables rich in antioxidants also improve skin texture by reducing the effects of free radicals. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water every day helps remove the toxins from your body, thus making your skin more fresh and glowing. Multivitamins Oxidative stress is more likely to occur and damage the skin cells than any other organ of your body. Taking foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants helps fight oxidative damage. You can also take oral supplements rich in vitamins and minerals, such as Diamond Glow. The HACCP-approved, anti-wrinkle formula of Diamond Glow is enriched with ascorbic acid, vitamins (A, B, C, and E), hydrolyzed marine collagen, and mixed fruit extract. All its ingredients help reduce wrinkles, prevent dark spots, and restore the natural moisture of the skin. Deep Moisturization A daily application of moisturizing cream or lotion helps restore the skin’s natural moisture and juvenility. It can also help decrease the early aging signs by reducing the fine line and wrinkles. Topical Treatments OTC skincare products, preferably with the following ingredients, can help reduce wrinkles and aging. These ingredients are: Alpha-hydroxy acids, also known as fruit acids, contain lactic and glycolic acid that stimulates collagen production and remove the dead skin cells. Retinoids boost the synthesis of new cells and improve skin elasticity without causing side effects such as itching or hypersensitivity. Pentapeptides help improve skin texture by reducing fine lines, wrinkles, bumpy skin, and aging signs, says the American Academy of Dermatology. Vitamin C is a natural product for reducing inflammation, aging, and wrinkles by increasing collagen production. It rejuvenates the skin by fighting oxidative stress. A healthy diet, physical activities, and natural skincare products are the best ways to prevent wrinkles. However, consult with your dermatologist before using any chemical product on your skin to minimize the associated risks.  

Sensitive Skin Acne; Causes, Treatments, Skincare Routine

Having sensitive skin isn’t a disease per se. It’s rather a reaction to a chemical in cosmetics or skincare products or a symptom of an underlying disease. In other words, it’s a skin type that can easily acquire inflammation. From dry skin to Eczema to Rosacea, there are many reasons why you experience sensitive skin in the first place. But the real question is: Can Sensitive Skin Trigger Acne? Sensitive skin and acne are some of the most lethal combinations ever existed. That said, symptoms like burning, redness, irritation, etc., join forces to add fuel to the fire. But, you can take some measures to treat acne on sensitive skin. How to Treat Sensitive Skin Acne? Below are some of the possible remedies and treatments worth a shot. Don’t Wash Your Face Frequently You should typically wash your face after waking up and before going to bed. Doing it more often can irritate your skin. Don’t Use Harsh Exfoliators  Exfoliating hard on acne-prone sensitive skin can prove to be a nightmare. Dr. Brooke Bair, a certified dermatologist, puts it this way: “Acne is not a ‘dirt’ problem. So, scrubbing harder and using hard exfoliants don’t help and can only lead to more redness and irritation.” No Picking Popping pimples is exceptionally tempting, but it can lead to acne scars that can sometimes be quite stubborn to disappear. Besides, it also transfers bacteria through your fingers to other pores and turns it into a big, inflamed bump. However, if you have to pick a pimple, let your dermatologist perform it through a process called extraction. A word of caution: Extraction involves using sterile, cutting-edge tools, so don’t try it at home. Wash Off Makeup Brushes and Pillowcases Frequently The American Academy of Dermatology recommends changing pillowcases 2-3 times a week. Besides, bed sheets should be changed every week. You can also prevent germs from spreading to other pores by cleaning your makeup brushes daily or twice a week at least. Furthermore, your mobile phone harbors enough dirt to clog your pores and worsen acne. So, wiping them off with a specific cleanser every day can be helpful. Skincare Routine for Acne-prone, Sensitive Skin Below is a morning and evening skincare routine that will bring desired results if you stick to it. Remember: Persistence is the key in treating any skin condition. Morning Use a gentle cleanser that does not irritate your skin. Apply toner to remove excess oil that plays a significant role in causing breakouts. Follow it with a moisturizer to attain an appropriate level of hydration. Top it up with a broad-spectrum SPF. Ideally, it should be 30+ as acne treatments make your skin sensitive to the sun. Evening If you’ve makeup on, make sure to remove it. Use a gentle makeup remover for this. Use a non-irritating, gentle cleanser that removes every spec of dirt from your face. The pivotal point of morning and evening skincare routine: follow your doctor’s prescription. Visit a Doctor  Dermatologists usually recommend salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and retinoids to treat acne. However, these ingredients are not idealistic for sensitive skin types as they tend to irritate the skin. So, your best bet is to visit a doctor for the proper treatment.  

Dry Skin Acne: Causes, Treatments, Preventions

Around 50 million Americans, with up to 15% of women, suffer from acne problems every year. Though oily skin is more prone to acne, dry skin may also result in acne due to skin rash and cracks. Moreover, not following a proper skincare routine for your dry skin may trigger the situation. The most prominent forms of dry skin acne are pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, or nodules. Let’s understand the phenomenon that causes acne to develop on dry skin. Facts about Dry Skin The epidermis (the layer of outermost skin cells) acts as a protective barrier between the skin and the external environment. It protects the skin from harmful chemicals or infectious particles and helps retain its natural moisture. However, certain environmental factors, skin diseases, or general health problems may cause extreme skin dryness, making it rough in appearance. Other possible causes of dry skin may be: Harsh detergent soaps and cleansers Cold weather with less humidity Hot water shower Certain health conditions like diabetes, skin lesions, chronic kidney or liver diseases, or skin cancer Side effects of medicines How Does Dry Skin Cause Acne? Sebaceous glands on the skin are responsible for secreting and controlling the oil called sebum on the skin. Blocking tiny skin pores either due to sebum, dirt, bacteria, or dead skin cells clogs the skin pores. It results in minute bumps, whiteheads, or blackheads formation, thus stimulating the acne. Moreover, due to having a rough texture, dry skin becomes more prone to bacterial infection and pollutants, thus resulting in acne development. The acne may be mild such as pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads, or severe such as cysts or nodules. What to do for Dry Skin Acne? You’ve to identify and remove the triggering factors responsible for dry skin acne. Sometimes, it’s easier to manage the causative agents by keeping yourself hydrated and moisturizing your skin. But, it’s not always possible to quickly manage the problem. Harsh cold weather or some chronic disease may take time to be cured. However, seeking medical advice from your dermatologist may help resolve the problem without serious complications. Here are some tips to prevent dry skin acne: Keep your skin moisturized and hydrated to combat dry skin acne. Drink enough water and eat foods that may help lock the skin’s natural moisture. In addition to this, use dry skin friendly moisturizers and non-comedogenic products to hydrate your skin and prevent acne. Apply quality sunscreen before sun exposure to help protect your skin from the harmful UV sun rays that can damage the skin and cause acne. Consume multivitamin supplements to nourish and moisturize your skin. Research reveals that essential fatty acids, zinc, and vitamins can efficiently treat dry skin acne, and oral supplements make an ideal choice to get all these essential nutrients. Adopt skin hygienic practices to reduce the effects of environmental pollutants and bacterial growth. Use gentle cleansers, mild scrubs, and facial masks suitable for dry skin to treat dry skin acne. OTC medications in the form of creams or gels containing benzoyl peroxide may help treat mild cases of dry skin acne. Retinoid creams and antibiotics may also prove to be beneficial for acne problems.   Dry skin acne can be frustrating to manage, but it’s possible by carefully managing your skin’s hydration and cleanliness. Know the cause of dry skin acne and follow the tips shared above to protect your dry skin from damage and reduce or prevent the acne.

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