1 New Way Can Prevent Jaundice & Boost Breastmilk Too

I have been consuming it since 2017 and it worked wonders for my skin. In 2019, it helped my baby from jaundice and boosted my breastmilk.

I have to stop consuming Diamond Glow until my pregnancy is 4 months because the first trimester is very sensitive and it’s advisable to take only meds from the doctors. So for the first time, I’m taking folic acid, given by the doctor to help with the development of the baby in my cute little tummy.

But honestly, I can feel the difference when not taking Diamond Glow. My body is not energetic like usual but maybe also because I’m carrying a human inside of me. I can still work as usual and I can see myself really loving to get dressed up and make-up for some reason. That is really not me guys! Told ya before I can’t even maintain a 3 steps skincare hahaha

I am seriously counting the days till I reached 4 months! I can’t wait to be on Diamond Glow again. It’s like very addictive and of course the results to my skin and digestive system that I really love. And the day has come! That night I’m appreciating Diamond Glow more than before hahaha Oh yes! The next day I woke up with fresh glowing skin and more energy.

I don’t want to miss any days because I know I’m sharing all the good nutrients with my baby too. And I’m hoping it will make my baby’s skin bright and fair hehe Can you feel the excitement? 😝 For your information, I and my husband were born with darker skin so it’s very unlikely to get a white fair baby. I am really experimenting with Diamond Glow if it can do some magic on our baby hehe

I didn’t miss any doctor’s appointments and so far my baby is healthy according to the brain check and the heartbeat. Alhamdulillah, I’m very grateful for this blessing. I am going to be a mom soon! It feels surreal! I have been wanting to have a baby since I was in high school. I even collect babies’ stuff since then.

I bought tiny shoes, a newborn romper, a napkin, and sooo many more! My family knows about this and the best part is when my papa went to London he came back with a newborn romper for me guys to add up my baby collections! This was when I was in high school. To think back it’s really funny though when he supported me like that πŸ˜‚ Dad of the year ay?

I don’t have my husband’s baby photo but I’m going to show you mine so you will see the colour of my skin.

I’m on the left

You can see there I’m born with a darker skin tone and I look like a boy too hahaha Why in the world is our hair so short like that? My sister looks cute though Yeah that’s me. Just the two of us, me and my sister.

My due is at the end of May and I’m hoping that my baby will come out on the 23rd of May then it will be the same birth date as my papa. I can already feel the contractions but I don’t really know though it’s my first hahaha

On the 22rd of May 2019, I still don’t feel like the baby is going to come out so I decided to go to the hospital, and no matter what I want that date! πŸ˜‚ I am serious guys. I really want my baby to share the same birth date as my papa. The nurse checked my opening is only 3cm and she said I can deliver tomorrow if they induced me. OKAY, IT’S ON! (not knowing the pain after induced πŸ˜‚)

OMG, it’s crazy how I had every 5 mins of contractions since 11 pm. I can’t even sleep. I’m thinking how can I push the baby out when I already finishing my energy fighting the pain of contractions for so long? My husband suggested an epidural but nope! So stubborn to show that I am strong to do this without any help.

After a 7cm opening, I gave up πŸ˜‚ Give me the epidural NOW! Right after they injected my backbones, I didn’t feel any pain anymore but hey it’s not the time yet to push okay! I need to wait until the 10cm opening to push. Damn this is hard! They advised me to sleep first and will wake me up when 10cm. Oh okay πŸ˜‚

Long story short, I deliver my beautiful baby boy at 4 pm on the 23rd of May 2019 😍 Jackpot! Got the date! Phew, THANK YOU EPIDURAL 🀣 I cannot believe that my baby boy is very pinkish-white! It worked! Diamond Glow worked!!!

It’s a boy! Look at his skin

Noah 2.9kg So pinkish la you mummy so jelly!

Look at that beautiful baby boy. My son, Noah. I continue consuming Diamond Glow during my confinement as it helps boost my energy and balances my hormones. It also helps boost my breastmilk yayy! Noah has very little jaundice and I only have to treat him at home. To sum up, my pregnancy journey was beautiful alhamdulillah. Thanks to Diamond Glow for giving me a fair baby 😍

If you are not allergic to collagen, give Diamond Glow a try and see how it helps your overall skin and health and your baby too. So far, I have never consumed anything else to maintain my skin and body healthy. Don’t forget to share with me your journey with Diamond Glow during pregnancy okay? Leave a comment if you would like to ask me anything too. Much love 😘



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