Vitamin C For Acne; Benefits And Sources

vitamin c for acne

Acne vulgaris or acne is a common skin condition in which blocked pores lead to swelling, redness, and sometimes inflamed bumps filled with pus. It affects around 50% of teens and 30% of adults in North America. 

Though there are many ways to treat acne, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that not only helps heal acne but also stimulates collagen production and makes your skin more glowing. That’s why most skincare products, topical creams, and supplements contain vitamin C. 

Let’s dive deeper into the uses and benefits of vitamin C for acne-prone skin. 

Benefits of Vitamin C for Acne

Studies show that vitamin C can treat many of these acne-related problems, such as.

Reduces Redness

There are a number of factors behind uneven, blotchy, red skin, including inflammatory skin disorders (like eczema and rosacea), hormonal imbalance, sun exposure, and certain medical conditions. 

Research shows that redness occurs due to damaged capillaries that can mend using vitamin C antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Hence, vitamin C can help reduce redness and give more smooth and even skin. 

May Reduce Hyper-pigmenatation

Hyperpigmentation is a skin condition in which darker spots appear on the skin. It usually occurs due to excessive exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays or other environmental factors.

Studies indicate that the antioxidant properties of vitamin C can help get rid of unwanted dark spots caused by abnormal melanin deposits due to sun damage. 

Reduce Acne Scars

Scarring is usual for many people with acne. Once you get pimples, it needs time to heal; otherwise, they may leave scars. In most cases, severe or cystic acne leaves scars; however, scarring can happen in mild cases too. Moreover, genetics, prolonged acne, and picking or squeezing the pimples can increase the risk of scarring. 

Vitamin C may prove beneficial for reducing scarring as it promotes collagen synthesis, a protein that structures the skin and is essential for healthy skin function. It can also help in healing wounds.

Sources of Vitamin C


There are a lot of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, such as strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes, and citrus fruits. However, it is not proven yet that dietary vitamin C can minimize acne in any way, but it is essential for wound healing and overall health.  


Another way to add vitamin C to your routine is by taking vitamin C supplements. Look for good quality and certified vitamin C supplements that are safe to use, such as Diamond Glow. Besides vitamin C, this powdered supplement also contains vitamin A, B, E, and 15 other natural ingredients. All in all, this energy booster is highly safe to use for people aged 13 or above, men, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and during menstruation.

Skin Care Products 

Vitamin C is present in many skincare products, including serums, moisturizers, and creams. L-ascorbic acid is the most powerful form of vitamin C  but is the least stable as it quickly gets rancid in skincare products. 

For best use, always read the manufacturer’s instructions and throw away any expired or discolored products.

Take Away 

Though acne is an annoying skin condition, the antioxidant properties of vitamin C can help treat acne effectively. It can also reduce hyperpigmentation and skin redness.

In addition to this, vitamin C offers many other benefits for your skin and overall health so make sure to incorporate it into your diet routine. 

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