Category Archives: Health

How to Get Rid Of Oily Skin Fast?

Oil on the skin is produced by glands called sebum. Typically, sebum protects the skin and keeps it hydrated. Although sebum is vital for skin health, excessive sebum production can lead to clogged pores, oily skin, and acne.  There are many effective ways to get rid of your oily skin fast. Here are six simple methods to get rid of oily skin and get good-looking skin.   6 Ways to Get Rid Of Oily Skin Fast 1. Wash Your Face Daily Washing your face regularly can reduce the excessive amount of oil on your skin. To properly wash your face, use any gentle soap or face wash and rinse with warm water. Don’t use soaps with added moisturizer, fragrance, and harsh chemicals as they can make the skin dry and result in more sebum production. After washing, dry your face with a towel. Never pull down a towel or use a rough washcloth on your face as it may cause the skin to make more oil. 2. Apply Honey  Using honey is a popular natural remedy for healthy skin. Its antiseptic and antibacterial qualities can help you hydrate your skin and get rid of oily skin fast. Honey helps draw out the excess fluid from the skin without replacing it.  Wash your face with a mild face wash and apply unprocessed honey onto your acne or oily skin with fingertips. Allow your face to dry for 10 minutes then rinse it off with warm water.    3. Use Aloe Vera  Studies show that aloe vera is good for treating flaky skin caused by oily patches. It is also known to soothe sunburns and other skin conditions. Apply a thin layer of aloe Vera on your face overnight and wash in the morning to treat oily skin. However, some people with sensitive skin might get allergic reactions. To test whether it is safe for your skin, apply a small amount of aloe vera on your forearm for 24 to 48 hours. If no reaction occurs, you are good to go.   4. Blotting Papers Using blotting paper is an easy way to keep the oil off your face. You can use any good-quality blotting or astringent pads on your skin during the day. All you have to do is, swipe a pad over your face whenever you notice any shine or oil coming out on your skin. Usually, these blotting papers are made of absorbent material like rice bark that helps absorb the oil from your skin.  5. Change Pillow Cases Consider washing or changing your pillowcase once a week because the skin produces oil while sleeping, which remains on the pillowcase. And if you don’t wash the pillowcase, it will accumulate throughout the week and cause your face to become oily even if you went to bed with a clean face. 6. Consume Enough Vitamins  Oily skin is often a result of hormonal imbalance; the imbalance can impact your skin’s health, appearance, and function. Vitamins and minerals, specifically vitamin A, D, E, and zinc can help rebalance your hormonal level, fight oily skin, and get rid of acne. So, make sure to consume enough of these vitamins.  Though organic food is the best way to get vitamins and minerals, you also consider taking healthy supplements like Diamond Glow to meet your nutritional needs and fight oily skin. Diamond Glow is rich in Vitamin A, B, C, and E and helps remove dead skin cells, dirt, and excess oil from your skin so you get glowing oil-free skin. Use the coupon code UNLEASHYOURPECHE at checkout to get an exclusive discount of 15% on Diamond Glow. 

7 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scars

“About 80% of people between the ages of 11 and 30 will have acne, and one out of five of that population will have scarring.” Cleveland Clinic If you’ve had someone telling you to not pick your pimples, they were cent percent right. When you pop a pimple, it damages the skin tissues and leaves a red, purple, or brown scar behind. Dermatologists termed this type of scarring as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. In this article, I’ll show you some easy ways to get rid of uninvited acne scars.  How to Have a Scar-Free Skin?  Heads-up: the following treatments are for people whose acne has gone completely. That being said, if you still have active acne, DO NOT try these.  Microneedling  Brands have now introduced ‘micro-needling at home’ devices, but they can cause more damage than good if you’re naive or go sloppy with them. Therefore, it’s best to undergo this procedure under a dermatologist’s supervision. Your doctor will prick your skin using a micro-needling device that regulates the overall healing process and makes the scars fade away.  Chemical Peels  A chemical peel is used to exfoliate the upper layer of your skin. After exfoliation, your body automatically produces new skin cells, which help resurface the skin and thus acne scars fade away.  Microdermabrasion It’s a cosmetic procedure catered by spas as well as dermatologists. This treatment involves discharging aluminum oxide crystals into the skin via a tube. This treatment needs a series of follow-ups, after which the top layer of skin is removed.  Fillers This process is also performed at a dermatologist’s clinic. Your doctor will fill in the deep scars with either collagen or hyaluronic acid (much needed for smooth, flawless skin). On the contrary, they might use your own fat as a filler, depending on the severity of your scars. The results are most likely to last a couple of months.  Laser There are two possible laser treatments, depending upon the severity of acne scars.  Ablative – used for depressed scars. This type of laser treatment helps remove the outer layer of skin by burning the skin tissues in a controlled manner. After two weeks, the new tissues formed consequently are smoother and diminish the overall look of scars.  Non-ablative – used for mild scarring. This type of laser encourages the production of collagen (a building block of skin) with the aid of heat produced from infrared rays. This rise in collagen production stimulates the formation of new skin cells. These new cells then replace the scarred tissues.  Medicated Products  Topical creams and serums are beneficial in clearing acne and blemishes. You should always be on a lookout for products that have the following ingredients: Hydroquinone Salicylic acid Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) (e.g., citric acid, lactic acid, glycolic acid, etc.) Azelaic acid Retinoids Vitamins  Taking vitamin-rich foods or acne supplements that contain Vitamin A, B, C, E, and zinc can help wound the healing process of acne and reduce the risk of scarring. It’s better to consume supplements specially formulated for acne scars as they contain all the essential vitamins and minerals needed to heal acne scars.  Diamond Glow is one such supplement that contains Vitamin A, B, C, and E, specially formulated to help fight acne, reduce acne scars, treat damaged skin cells, and control excess skin oil. The supplement is safe for all age groups (13 years and above) and can be taken with your routine diet. Special limited-time offer for readers; use the coupon code UNLEASHYOURPECHE and get 15% off on the purchase of Diamond glow. Use this special discount to get rid of your acne scars fast!

4 Surprising Causes of Acne

Acne is a very common skin condition that happens to most people, but it mostly affects teenagers. Recent research shows that people aged 12-24 mostly experience acne. Though acne is not hazardous for your health, it often leaves spots on the skin that can be very embarrassing at times. That’s when you think of getting rid of this skin condition. However, you should first know the root causes of acne to get rid of it. Let’s have a look at what causes acne. What Causes Acne? Blockage of Pores Acne is caused when small sacs called follicles on human skin become blocked. The role of follicles is to produce and secrete liquid and join oil glands with pores. Oil glands produce a liquid called sebum. The gland releases sebum that moves out of the pores up the hair and onto your skin. The sebum keeps your skin soft and lubricated by producing oil. Any problem in the lubrication process can cause acne. Here are some problems that can affect lubrication:  Dead skin cells accumulation in the pores that finally lead to acne. Excessive oil production can cause acne. Sometimes bacteria grows in the skin that ends up in acne —the severity of acne depends on the strain of bacteria. But not all bacteria cause skin infection, some strains of bacteria help the skin remain acne-free. All these skin issues can lead to the development of pimples. Below are some other factors that may contribute to the growth of acne on the skin in different people. Maybe it’s in Your Genes Sometimes acne runs in families. For instance, if your parents had acne, there are chances that you may develop it as well. A study shows that you are more likely to develop severe acne at an early age if both your parents had acne on their skin. Similarly, if both parents have adult acne, you can probably get adult acne too. Hormonal Issues Teen acne is very common and is caused mainly due to the increased level of hormones during puberty. Increased levels of hormones cause the oil gland beneath the skin to grow. If the glands become enlarged, they will produce more oil (sebum). Excessive oil causes the breakdown of cellular walls in the pores that become the source of bacteria growth, thus leading to acne. Cause of Women Acne Research shows that women get more adult acne compared to men. In many cases, adult acne is caused by changes in hormone levels that many women experience at some time in their life, such as: Some women have symptoms of acne during their pregnancy, especially in their first three months. Many women get acne just before their period. Polycystic syndrome (PCOS) is a health condition that causes skin acne, weight gain, and small cysts in a woman’s ovary.   Other Possible Causes of Acne  Here are some other common causes of acne: Excessive use of cosmetic products. Some skin types are incompatible with chemical products, which leads to acne. Likewise, not properly removing your makeup can cause acne. Medication that contains lithium and androgen. Smoking can also contribute to acne in older people. To Wrap it Up Almost anyone can experience acne in their life at some point. Acne can be mild to moderate to severe, but you can only treat and prevent it from growing again once you know the root cause. We have listed above some possible triggers that will help you recognize the cause of your acne. You may consider taking Peche’s Diamond Glow supplement that helps treat acne and promotes healthy skin. It’s trusted by many customers and has helped them solve their acne problems regardless of skin type. We have a special offer for our readers; use coupon code UNLEASHYOURPECHE at checkout and get 15% off on Diamond Glow. Grab this special discount to try your first tub for healthier and clearer skin.  


Collagen is one of the most plentiful and abundant proteins that can be found in a mammal’s body. It is a fiber-like structure that is mainly responsible for providing structure for connectivity tissues, muscles, and skin. It helps make tissues and muscles stronger, resilient, and even able to better withstand stretching, thus making it ideal for skin and hair. It can naturally be found in a lot of common foods like meat and fish. Even though collagen is naturally produced in our body it will slowly produce less as we age older and older hence why people look to supplements for extra helping to increase it. Interested in learning more about our collagen supplement? Click the link below!

Multivitamins: Supplements Vs Food

Vitamins are important nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy and active, and even to survive. Vitamins help the body perform various functions and keep working properly. For example, vitamin A is necessary for vision and immunity, vitamin D helps proper absorption of calcium in bones and vitamin E acts as an antioxidant to protect cell walls. So, your body must be getting enough vitamins along with the other nutrients.  There are two main sources of vitamins: natural food and supplements. Most people can get the important vitamins from the food they consume and may not need supplements. However, some people choose to take supplements to fulfill their nutritional needs.  A report published in the National Center of Health Statistics in February 2021 shows that 57.6% of the US adults aged 20 to 60 took dietary supplements. Multivitamins-minerals were the most common type of supplements consumed by them. The same report shows that dietary supplements provide additional nutrients to meet the recommended nutritional dose required by the body when taken in balance.  What are Multivitamins?  Multivitamins are supplements that contain a range of vitamins and minerals, sometimes along with some other ingredients. They are also referred to as vitamins, multis, or multiples and come in various forms such as capsules, powders, tablets, liquids, and chewing gums.  There are thirteen vitamins and fifteen minerals that your body needs to function properly. Some of these include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, sodium, potassium, calcium, and iron. Multivitamins may contain all or any of these vitamins and minerals- the amount varies from brand to brand. Is it Better to Get Vitamins From Food or Supplements?  It’s obvious that dietary supplements should not replace natural food that you take daily because these meals are important to nurture your body. Relying on supplements alone without consuming daily meals won’t make your body healthy and may lead to various health conditions. Likewise, excess intake of supplements can also lead to more harm than good.  So, the key here is BALANCE. It’s not just about popping a pill, but the adequate intake of vitamins and nutrients can have a beneficial effect on your health. A study shows that multivitamins can enhance memory in older adults.  Another study found multivitamins to reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety.  A study based on an analysis of 62, 520 people shows that antioxidant vitamins may slow the progression of blindness. Some other studies reveal that multivitamins may reduce the risk of cataracts, an eye disease that leads to blurred vision.   Take Multivitamins from a Trusted Brand  When it comes to choosing multivitamins, you shouldn’t be looking into “cheap vs expensive vitamins” but the “label.” Carefully read the label to see what ingredients it contains and in what amount. You also need to check if the supplement is certified.  For example, Diamond Glow – a powdered multivitamin supplement, contains 15 ingredients including vitamin A, B, C, and E, berries extracts, sucralose, and grape seed extract. The supplement is HALAL, BKKM, and HACCP certified and offers multiple benefits such as boosting the immune system, skin treatment, improving health, balancing hormones, reducing wrinkles and scars, and reducing belly fat, and many more.  Click here to know more about the product or to order one for you. 

Can Supplements Boost The Immune System? Know What You Don’t Know!

How many of you manage to eat organic food daily instead of processed food? Or let me put it another way, are you able to get your daily nutrients and vitamins from your diet? If yes, really good for you. If not, that’s alright.  It’s never too late!  Research shows more than 75% of Americans try to combat their vitamin deficiency by taking at least one supplement daily. But does taking these extra supplements really work? Do they really boost your immunity or put your health at some serious risk?  Let’s unfold this mystery together.  Can Supplements Boost the Immune System  So can supplements boost the immune system? Hell yes! If you ensure the quality and dose of the supplements you are taking, there are more health benefits than harms. Below are some of the amazing health benefits that many vitamin supplements offer.  1. Give Your Body Enough Nutrients  It is no secret how many of us eat healthy in our daily routines. In fact, a lot of us do not even get all the essential nutrients and vitamins our body needs. But not to worry, incorporating supplements in your routine will be a good combat strategy if you lack any of the nutrients.  I am not telling you to replace diet with supplements but add it with a balanced diet. Taking supplements alone will not do the magic unless you take them with a balanced diet to give your body everything it needs.  2. Reduce the Risks of Heart Diseases  Getting heart disease is increasing these days because of a poor lifestyle such as no exercise and a bad diet. The best way to prevent heart diseases is to have a balanced diet with proper nutrients, exercise, and get enough sleep at night.  But, another way is to take health supplements like omega-3 fatty acids to prevent your body from heart disease and keep it function properly.  3. Boost your immune system  Our body’s immune system protects us from different pathogens like viruses and bacteria. That is why it is important to keep your immune system safe and healthy by eating nutritious food and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  In addition to this, you can also take vitamin supplements to boost your immunity. Studies show that vitamin D supplements can improve the immune system. Likewise, studies show that vitamin D supplements can reduce the duration of colds and the severity of upper respiratory tract infections.  Note: All in all, do ask your doctor before including any supplements in your diet. Do not overdose on the intake of a specific drug as it may cause side effects. Also, if you are undergoing a certain health condition or pregnancy, avoid supplements unless your doctor prescribes them.  Final Thoughts Vitamins and other nutrients play an important role in various body functions and have many beneficial effects on health and skin. And the deficiency of essential nutrients and vitamins may cause severe effects on your health in the long run.  If you are not able to fulfill your daily nutritional needs from organic food, you may consider taking quality supplements like Peche’s Diamond Glow. This immune booster supplement contains vitamin A, B, C, and E along with many other essential nutrients. Plus, the product is BKKM, Halal and HACCP certified. Click here to learn more about Diamond Glow or order it from your home. 


Did you know that around 284 million people suffer from anxiety disorders around the world every year?  Anxiety is one of the most common mental illnesses and the deadly pandemic has made more and more people suffer from anxiety where they don’t even realize it. Hence, it is important to know what exactly anxiety is and how it can harm your mind and body.  Let’s find out.  What is Anxiety? According to the American Psychological Association, anxiety is a mental state that makes the person feel tense and worried with some physical changes like accelerated heart rate. It’s a feeling triggered by excessive stress and worry. People with anxiety get carried away with negative emotions and irrational thoughts.  Can Anxiety Cause Body Pain? Reductionist theory suggests that thoughts are nothing but chemical changes in our brain that also impact our physical health. Many mental health professionals identify mental health issues including anxiety, by physical symptoms.  Some of the physical symptoms of anxiety are as follows: Chest Pain Chest tension and sharp or chronic chest pain are the most common symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks. Some people may experience sudden shooting pain while others may have persistent chest pain. People with anxiety may also experience an unusual muscle twist in their chest or feelings of chest burning and dull aches.   Muscle Aches One of the most common reasons for muscle pains is anxiety. It causes the muscles to tense up and ultimately leads to aches throughout the body. Anxiety also weakens the muscles and can lead to joint pain.  Headaches Headache is also a common symptom of anxiety. It usually causes sharp headaches or pain around the eyes. People with panic disorder may also experience a dull ache. Studies also suggest that anxiety upsets hormonal balance in the body, thus leading to migraines.  Breathing Difficulty  If a person experiences panic attacks, it can lead to shortness of breath. People often describe it as a feeling of being suffocated. Shortage of oxygen in the body promotes more anxiety and fear, worsening the situation. How to Manage Symptoms of Anxiety?  During anxiety, the person’s body is in a fight-or-flight situation that makes you more stressed and anxious. It may weaken your immune system, which ultimately leads to pain and other physical symptoms.  So, it’s necessary to bring some changes to your lifestyle to deal with the anxiety, such as:  Exercise; it helps your mind and body relax, thus easing anxiety.  Practice meditation and yoga to reduce stress, get rid of negative vibes, and promote a healthy mind and body.  Stay hydrated. Plus, eat a healthy and nutritious diet for a healthy body and proper brain function. Take multivitamins as they may help reduce oxidative stress and relieve the symptoms of anxiety as suggested by a study.  However, make sure to buy multivitamin supplements from a trusted supplier like pêche. Our Diamond Glow multivitamin supplement is rich in vitamin A, B, C and E, and is HACCP and Halal certified-making it a safe and healthy choice.  Click here for more details or to buy our supplement; we ship worldwide. 

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