Category Archives: Health

Skin Pigmentation Causes and How to Get Rid of It

Skin Pigmentation Cause and How to Get Rid of It – Pigmentation refers to the formation of dark spots and uneven skin patches across different body parts. Melanocytes are specialized body cells that produce melanin, the body’s natural pigment that determines the color of your hair, eyes, nails, and skin. Sometimes, melanin production disturbs due to different reasons such as genetics, underlying health problems, and environmental issues, leading to pigmentation. Let’s have a look at the possible causes of pigmentation are discussed here. Causes of Pigmentation Hormonal Imbalance One of the most common reasons behind skin pigmentation is hormonal imbalance. It can be due to dysfunction in the thyroid gland, reproductive hormones, chronic kidney, liver disease, or insulin resistance. Women during pregnancy often face an abrupt hormonal imbalance leading to emotional and physical disturbances. So, they develop patches of pigmented skin and acne on the face, neck, or hands. Exposure to UV-light Long-term exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun can change the melanin production in the skin. Long-term exposure can damage the melanocytes (cells responsible for melanin production), collagen, and some skin proteins, thus leading to pigmentation. Common pigmentation problems due to UV-light exposure are the formation of sunspots, melasma, and freckles. Poor Quality Skincare Products Sometimes, using a low-quality skin product may cause pigmentation problems. It is essential to check the reviews and reputation of the brand as well as to know your skin type before applying any product to your skin. Aging The formation of fine lines, spots, and wrinkles may be the consequence of aging. Research shows that the chances of developing post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, melasma, or solar lentigo increase with age. Moreover, the collagen content of the skin decreases with age, leading to loss of skin tightening and glow. Certain Medications Research suggests that certain medications such as anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, and anti-malarial drugs may cause skin pigmentation, freckles, or allergy. Moreover, chemotherapy for cancer patients and medicines for the auto-immune disorder may also result in skin damage. A study claims that around 20% of pigmentation problems are drug-induced. How to Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation? You must find a comprehensive solution to treat the skin pigmentation problem. There are many different treatment options available for treating pigmentation, some of these are listed below: Chemical Peels Chemical peels deeply exfoliate your skin to regenerate skin with a brighter complexion by removing the clusters of melanin on the outermost skin. It can help remove acne and fine lines and heal sun-damaged areas. However, the effectiveness depends on the mode and extent of the peeling procedure. Intense Pulsed Light Intense pulsed light is an effective treatment option for pigmented skin. It breaks the melanin pigment by targeting a broad-spectrum light of different wavelengths on the pigmented area. Thus, minimizing the problem of imbalanced pigmentation. Sunscreen Minimizing sun exposure can significantly decrease the risk of developing pigmentation. So, you should apply good quality sunscreen before going outside to prevent the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Otherwise, you may suffer from frequent pigmentation problems even after taking multiple skin treatments. Multivitamins Multivitamin supplement intake can enhance the skin glow by reducing oxidative stress. For instance, Diamond Glow is a certified supplement enriched with vitamin A, B, C, and E, making it an ideal choice for treating pigmented skin. It is HALAL and HACCP approved and packed with natural ingredients best for improving your skin tone, elasticity, and glow. To Wrap It Up Pigmentation can occur at any age or in gender due to sun exposure, environmental pollutants, or an underlying health problem. For best results, consult your dermatologist as they can help find the root cause of pigmentation and prescribe treatment accordingly.  

How Does Fatigue Feel Like: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

how does fatigue feel like

“How does fatigue feel like” – a question challenging to elaborate on, you may find yourself describing fatigue in words like I feel lazy, exhausted, or tired throughout the day. While that’s true, fatigue can affect your physical, mental, and emotional health. Medical science defines fatigue as the overall feeling of low motivation or reduced capacity to perform a task after a physical or mental drill. Let’s have a look at the symptoms and causes of fatigue, and how to treat/prevent it. Symptoms of Fatigue From physical to mental to emotional symptoms, fatigue can appear in various forms. Common symptoms include feeling sleepy, loss of appetite, blurred vision, muscle weakness, mood swings, agitation, lack of motivation, poor attention span, hallucinations, impaired judgment, memory problems, etc. There are other symptoms associated with an underlying medical disorder, including: Arthritis Thyroid Kidney, heart, and liver disorders Diabetes Cancer Common cold and flu Causes of Fatigue There are numerous causes of fatigue. Some of them are as follows: Hormonal Issues Crushing syndrome – a disorder that occurs when your body makes excessive cortisol – causes fatigue. Cortisol is known as a stress hormone as it helps your body respond to stress. Metabolic Issues  Kidney and liver diseases, diabetes, anemia, etc., can also cause fatigue in a patient. Infectious Diseases  Fatigue is a must-appearing symptom in infectious diseases like hepatitis, tuberculosis (TB), AIDS, malaria, pneumonia, etc. Medication  Medication like sedative drugs, anti-depressants, relaxants, steroids, blood pressure drugs, etc., can lead to tiredness. Mental Conditions  Depression, stress, anxiety, mood swings, sorrow, etc., are major causes of tiredness or fatigue. Sleep Issues  Insomnia, lack of sleep, sleep apnea (fluctuation in breathing during sleep), working late at night, etc., also take a toll on your health and cause fatigue. Vitamin Deficiency  The deficiency of vitamin B12, D, iron, and folic acid deficiency leads to fatigue. How to Beat Fatigue? Medical Treatment  You should visit a doctor if your body temperature is higher than usual, or you’ve put on excessive weight. The most alarming sign is vomiting blood, severe headache, striking pain in the chest, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, suicidal thoughts, etc. Your doctor will prescribe medication depending on the underlying reason. They might prescribe urine or blood test for better diagnosis. Lifestyle Changes  You should consider exercising daily, meditating, getting adequate sleep, avoiding unnecessary stress, abstaining from illicit drugs, avoiding alcohol, etc., to reset your mind and body, and thus beat fatigue. Hydrate Drinking plenty of water and juices to stay hydrated can help prevent and beat fatigue. Cut Caffeine Consumption  Excessive caffeine consumption may lead to fatigue itself. Try cutting its use down and experience overall improved health. Consume Vitamins  Following the suggestions mentioned above is the optimum way to reduce tiredness. However, adding vitamins to your daily diet routine can speed up the process many folds. Consider consuming multivitamin supplements that contain vitamin B, C, and D3 as they help improve your physical and mental performance. Diamond Glow is one such supplement that contains vitamin A, B, C, E, and other essential ingredients that help boost your energy, improve your attention span, and combat stress. Note: You get a flat discount of 15% on the purchase of Diamond Glow for a limited time. Use the coupon UNLEASHYOURPECHE at checkout to avail of this offer NOW!

Why Do You Feel Fatigued After Eating and How to Treat It

Feeling tired or sleepy after eating can be frustrating, especially after midday meals when a person is usually at work or needs to be alert. But, is getting fatigued after meals is normal or worrisome? Experts say it’s absolutely a natural phenomenon, and there is nothing to worry about it. However, you should know what causes fatigue after eating and how to reduce its symptoms. That’s what we’ll discuss today! Why Do You Feel Sleepy After Eating? It is very common to feel tired or have difficulty concentrating after having a meal. You may feel tired, depending on what, when, and how much you ate. Here are some reasons why a person might feel fatigued after a meal. Type of Food You’re Eating Eating foods rich in protein and carbohydrates can make you feel sleepier than other types of food. To some researchers, another reason for feeling tired after meals is because our body produces more serotonin. It is a chemical that contributes to regulating mood and sleep cycles. Also, tryptophan is an amino acid present in many protein-rich foods and aids our body to produce serotonin. On the other hand, carbohydrates aid the body in absorbing tryptophan. Eating meals rich in protein and carbohydrates may make you feel fatigued for all these reasons. Here’s a list of some foods rich in protein and contain tryptophan: Poultry Eggs salmon Spinach Cheese Seeds Milk Soya products Here are some foods that contain high levels of carbohydrates. White bread Crackers Cakes, cookies, donuts, and muffins Corn cobs Pasta Sugar and candy Rice Milk How Much Food Do You Consume You are most likely to experience postprandial somnolence (tiredness) after having a large meal. People who eat larger midday meals may experience more afternoon sleep than those who eat less at lunch. Excess eating causes a rise in blood sugar, followed by a drop in energy as well. Tips To Avoid Feeling Tired After Eating Eat Less And Often Instead of eating big meals, eat smaller meals every few hours to keep your energy up. A slice of fruit, a handful of nuts, or any healthy snack might be enough to cure an energy dip. Consider Going On A Walk Doing light exercise throughout the day, especially after meals, can help you feel less tired. Consume Vitamins to fight fatigue Deficiency in vitamins such as A, B. C, and E can contribute to fatigue. Whereas good intake of these vitamins can aid fatigue as well as improve energy and concentration levels. It will be awesome if you take a multivitamin supplement that contains all these ingredients, such as Diamond Glow so that you combat fatigue and get back your energy. Diamond Glow is an energy and immunity booster that contains vitamin A, B, C, E, and other natural ingredients. Conclusion Feeling tired or sleepy and experiencing low energy levels after eating is a natural biological response for many people. But, if this is getting in the way of your daily activities, you should change your food content and the timing of your meals. Still, if you see no betterment, then seek medical help.

The Impact of Fatigue on Learning and How to Fight It

Every year, 1.5 million people in Australia see a doctor with the complaint of feeling fatigue. Fatigue is often misunderstood as a serious medical condition, but it’s just a symptom of extreme tiredness. However, this exhaustion and tiredness can affect your learning process if not treated on time. That’s why it is important to know how fatigue influences learning and how to combat fatigue by making a few changes in your lifestyle. So let’s get started. What is Fatigue? Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness, exhaustion, or low energy that does not go away sometimes, even after getting rest. People usually feel fatigued after long hours of working as their body releases some toxins. These toxins affect particular parts of the body and can only go away with proper rest. Often, fatigue results from one or more bad habits or routines. And it is caused by a response to overwork, poor eating habits, lack of sleep, etc. However, fatigue is a symptom, not a serious health condition, but it may require medical treatment in some cases. So if your self-help remedies fail to fight fatigue, then you should see your doctor. How Fatigue Affects Learning Here are a few ways fatigue affects learning: If a person gets fatigued, it will influence their learning capability and lessen it to a great extent. The person will show less interest in learning because of fatigue. If a person is tired or sleepy, he will commit more mistakes. Initial fatigue makes the person learn more effectively. But once the person gets mild fatigue, he should stop working. Fatigue affects children more than adults. Therefore, their learning capacity gets affected more than the grown-ups. Tips to Fight Fatigue and Improve Learning Reduce Caffeine Consumption If you are feeling tired and thinking of having some tea, coffee, or cold drink, then it’s not a good idea. Instead, try cutting off caffeine completely for a while to see if you feel less tired without it because daily consumption of caffeine may sometimes lead to fatigue. Get Enough Sleep Improper sleep routines can cause fatigue. About two-thirds of people suffer from sleep problems, and many don’t get enough sleep. We recommend you to go to bed and wake up in the morning at the same time every day, try not to take any naps during the day, and consider taking a warm bath or shower before going to bed. Exercise Any physical activity increases energy levels, whereas an inactive lifestyle causes fatigue. Physical activity is very beneficial for the body and mind. Also, a good workout helps you sleep better. So consider going on walks and doing another exercise to keep yourself active. Consume Vitamins to Boost Energy B-vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin D3 can help improve your mental and physical performance. B-vitamins help improve energy and alertness, vitamin D3 can boost concentration levels, and vitamin C can help combat oxidative stress and improve your attention. It’s better to consume multivitamin supplements containing all these ingredients such as Diamond Glow so that you get maximum benefits. Diamond Glow contains vitamin A, B, C, E, and other natural ingredients to help boost your energy levels and immunity. It’s HALAL and HACCP certified and safe for people aged 13 years or above. Note: Here’s a special coupon for you to get a discount on the purchase of Diamond Glow-UNLEASHYOURPECHE. Use this coupon at checkout and get an exclusive discount of 15% off.  

Fatigue during Pregnancy: Signs, Causes, Prevention

Is feeling extremely tired during pregnancy normal? Well, pregnancy fatigue is one of the most common early pregnancy signs because many hormonal and physical changes occur in a woman’s body. A pregnant woman typically experiences fatigue twice during her pregnancy, at the beginning of the first trimester and again in the third trimester. Let’s have a detailed look at how early fatigue starts in pregnancy, its causes, and how to deal with pregnancy fatigue. What Does Pregnancy Fatigue Feel Like? Basically, fatigue is a constant lack of energy. If you’re pregnant and fatigued, then you may find difficulty waking up in the morning or you may want to plunge into pillows as soon as you get home from work. Likewise, you may feel inactive, unenergetic, and dragging the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed to sleep. When Does Fatigue Start during Pregnancy? Fatigue can start very early, mainly in the first weeks of pregnancy. Some pregnant women notice exhaustion as early as one week after conceiving. Whereas fatigue gets better at the start of the second trimester, you can experience it later in your third trimester. However, like other symptoms, it varies from pregnancy to pregnancy. What Causes Pregnancy Fatigue? Pregnancy fatigue is absolutely normal. During pregnancy, women’s bodies undergo many changes, so fatigue is just a body indicator that tells you to need to slow down and give your body time to adjust to new changes happening inside. Additionally, changes in hormones make you feel tired, especially the hormone progesterone. What happens is, that progesterone rises sharply in the first trimester. At the same time, the blood volume increases to supply extra blood, nutrients, and oxygen to the developing placenta and fetal circulation. On top of that, your heart and breathing rates up while blood pressure and sugar level may go lower — all these changes result in exhaustion and pregnancy fatigue. Also, low iron levels can sometimes make you feel tired; this is more common in later pregnancy. How Long Will Pregnancy Fatigue Last? For most pregnant women, the extreme exhaustion and tiredness of the first trimester will soon end as their second trimester begins. So if you’re lying around, dozing, or napping in your first trimester, don’t worry as pregnancy fatigue is completely normal in the first trimester. However, fatigue could return in the third trimester because of pregnancy insomnia, growing baby bump, and increasing discomfort, but this too will pass in time. Things You Can Do to Feel Better Take Small Frequent Meals Good nutrition and eating small, frequent, healthy meals can help beat pregnancy fatigue. A healthy diet pattern will keep you going and may also help with nausea. Exercise Drooping eyelids while at work? Do some stretches or deep breathing exercises. You may go for a walk around the block whenever you feel like going because a bit of exercise can energize you and may help rest well when you go to sleep. Adapt Your Sleep Habits Taking naps during the day can help fight pregnancy fatigue. Also, you can try going to bed early. Energy Boosters Taking energy supplements, especially multivitamins can help boost your energy levels during pregnancy. Diamond Glow is one such safe multivitamin for pregnancy that helps boost your immune system and keep you energized even during extreme exhaustion pregnancy times. Click here to learn more about the product.

What Causes Fatigue in Women?

Fatigue in women is often linked to psychological distress, chronic health problems, or insomnia research describes. Almost 1 in 5 women suffer from fatigue or extreme tiredness that disrupts the overall health and quality of life. However, most women accept this problem as a challenge to manage their careers and personal lives. Here, some of the most common causes of women’s fatigue are discussed below. Thyroid Disfunction Hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid gland is a more common cause of fatigue in women. Thyroid hormone regulates food energy production, so an underactive thyroid causes low energy production, leading to tiredness.  Weight gain and muscles weakness are the visible signs of hypothyroidism. Vitamin D Deficiency Being deficient in vitamin D can pose multiple health problems, including fatigue in women. Its deficiency results in losing bone strength, depression, tiredness and related health problems. According to a study, vitamin D deficiency may cause autoimmune disorders, hypertension or chronic diseases. The same research suggests taking at least 800-1000 IU vitamin D3/d to achieve better health outcomes. Anemia Losing too much blood during your periods or pregnancy is a leading cause of fatigue. Sometimes a heavy period flow may lose even 8cc of blood in a month, leading to anemia, causing drowsiness. Blood loss during childbirth also causes anemia (iron deficiency). Moreover, malnutrition may be another cause of iron deficiency. Due to constant anemia, your blood can’t transport enough oxygen to each cell resulting in extreme weakness. Depression Feeling fatigued can be a hallmark of depression and anxiety. Depressed women are more prone to develop mental and physical fatigue than contented and happy ones. However, usually, women remain in a state of constant depression due to workload and family matters. Treating depression can boost your energy. Lack of Better Sleep Many women around the globe experience a hectic routine due to managing their career and family life together. Constant struggle and stress cause insomnia (lack of enough ideal sleep), making you dull or exhausted. It’s better to calm your nerves by doing relaxation exercises or meditation to get better sleep. Malnutrition or Imbalanced Diet Nutrition deficiency may be a fundamental issue causing fatigue in women. Usually, you don’t pay attention to taking a healthy balanced diet along with managing your family and personal career. That’s why, at some stage of life, you face permanent fatigue problems. Taking a healthy balanced diet (good ratio of protein, carbohydrates, fats) and enough water intake can boost your metabolism, making you energetic. You may also consider consuming energy-boosting multivitamins that might help you combat fatigue, such as Diamond Glow. Sedentary Lifestyle Lack of physical activities like exercise, walking, and yoga is one of the main reasons causing fatigue. An active life helps improve your cardiovascular fitness by increasing the blood flow to each cell and muscles of the body. Thus, you may become more energetic, stress free and productive. Fatigue can be due to a busy routine life or an underlying health concern. Try to make your life fatigue-free by adopting healthy lifestyle modifications, consuming healthy diet, and taking medication depending upon the root cause of extreme tiredness.

What Causes Hormonal Imbalance?

Hormones are the chemical messengers of your body that travel across your bloodstream, delivering your brain’s commands. Hormonal imbalance translates to over or under production of a specific hormone in your body. This fluctuation can pose serious side effects like irregular periods, insomnia, infertility, depression, extremely parched skin, muscle weakness, joint stiffness, etc. But what causes the hormonal imbalance? Let’s have a look at some of the major causes of hormonal imbalance in this article. Causes of a Hormonal Imbalance There are many factors affecting hormone stability. They differ based on which hormone suffers an imbalance. Some of the common causes are as follows: Thyroid Issues The thyroid gland produces hormones that play an integral role in your body’s functions. If your body is experiencing problems with thyroid glands, then your chances of hormonal imbalance are high. Eating Disorders An eating disorder is associated with an abnormal eating pattern, like overeating, starving, or binge eating. This disorder leads to the underproduction of hormones, such as estrogen. Birth Control Some birth control pills disturb your natural hormonal levels. They may cause irregular periods or lack of periods altogether, heavy bleeding in periods, digestive issues, weight gain, and more. Stress Stress commands your body to release cortisol. In chronic stress, your body experiences a constant surge in cortisol level, affecting other hormones and leading to crushing syndrome. Other things that factor into disturbing your hormones include: Premature menopause – that manifests before the age of 40. Also known as premature ovarian failure Pregnancy Menopause Breastfeeding PCOS Medication Chemotherapy Hormone therapy Tumors, either benign or cancerous Trauma or injury Underlying Medical Conditions Causing Hormonal Imbalance  Some medical conditions may also play a role in disrupting hormonal balance. For example: Diabetes type 1 and 2 Hypogonadism – underproduction of sex hormones Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) is a genetic disorder affecting the adrenal glands, the tiny glands above the kidney. These glands are responsible for producing hormones that regulate your body’s response to stress and illness. Reduced level of cortisol and aldosterone is the symptom of CAH. Cushing Syndrome-  The outer layer of the adrenal glands is responsible for producing cortisol. The crushing syndrome is a medical condition with overproduction of cortisol. It can be a result of taking excessive steroids or tumors. Addison’s disease is the inability of the adrenal glands to produce enough hormones for normal functioning. The underlying reason can be an infection, injury, or auto-immune response: when your immune system is misguided to kill a body’s own cells. These signals make an immune system attack the adrenal glands. Hence the hormonal anomalies. To Wrap It Up Hormonal imbalance can occur due to many reasons as discussed above; however, healthy lifestyle habits and a nutritious diet may help improve your hormonal levels. Consume enough proteins and healthy fats, exercise regularly, maintain moderate weight, and consider taking multivitamins may help balance your hormones. Our multivitamin supplement, Diamond Glow may help balance your hormones as the supplement is rich in vitamins and natural ingredients to offer a range of health benefits. We’re offering a special discount of 15% to our blog readers. Use the coupon code UNLEASHYOURPECHE at checkout to avail of it!

Period Fatigue: Causes, Prevention, Treatments

Period fatigue refers to the symptoms of tiredness before or during the menstrual phase. It is one of the common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, more than 90% of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome like bloating, mood swings, and headaches. This article will discuss the causes and treatment options of period fatigue along with essential preventive measures. Causes of Period Fatigue There are several reasons behind period fatigue; however, the most common causes are: Hormonal Disturbance Your body experiences abrupt hormonal changes before or during the menstruation. Estrogen, a category of sex hormones, increases in the women’s body for almost 15 days after periods and then drops after the ovulation phase. Thus, a low estrogen level leads to decreased serotonin, resulting in low energy, sleep disturbance, and irritability. Iron Deficiency or Anemia Heavy bleeding during periods may cause iron deficiency leading to anemia. Consequently, hemoglobin levels reduce, making the quick oxygen supply in each body cell difficult. Due to low oxygen supply, the body feels exhausted and weak during periods. Insomnia Due to premenstrual syndrome and period cramping, you become restless. Thus, you suffer from difficulty sleeping, leading to mood swings and depression. Constant Stress The stress negatively impacts menstruation, such as painful, delayed, or even missed periods. Under extreme stress, your body releases cortisol, which helps manage stress symptoms. High cortisol causes an increased synthesis of prolactin and inhibits reproductive hormones. The problem can lead to no or delayed egg production, PCOS, period fatigue, and infertility. How to Prevent Period Fatigue? Physical Activity Regular physical activities can be beneficial to cope with period fatigue, PMS, and discomfort. Similarly, deep breathing exercises, relaxation therapies, and meditation help alleviate period fatigue. Research shows that aerobic exercise increases the hemoglobin and platelet count and reduces the prolactin level and progesterone. Healthy Food and Multivitamins Eat a healthy, balanced diet restores energy and reduces fatigue. Similarly, taking multivitamins can significantly reduce the severity of period fatigues. For better results, you can use the supplement Diamond Glow which is rich in vitamins needed to mitigate the symptoms of period fatigue with no side effects. Better Sleep Better sleep calms your brain and relaxes your body to carry out routine tasks. So, getting better sleep relieves your stress, and you might better fight fatigue and period cramps. Stay Hydrated Being dehydrated can worsen the symptoms of period fatigue and make you feel lethargic. Drinking around 6-8 glasses of water every day can help you relieve the symptoms. Avoid Alcohol Consumption Alcohol can worsen your mood and increase anxiety, so minimizing its consumption may help treat period fatigue and PMS. How to Treat Period Fatigue? Antidepressants If you feel extreme pain or fatigue during periods, then it’s time to consult your doctor. They may prescribe antidepressants to alleviate physical and mental fatigue. Never use any medication without consulting your doctor as they prescribe you medicines after examining your overall health condition. Anti-inflammatory Drugs Anti-inflammatory medicines can help minimize inflammation in the body, which in turn helps avoid bloating. Thus, you feel fresh to perform the daily tasks. To Wrap It Up Fatigue before your period is a common sign of PMS, but it can interfere with your daily life. Regular physical activity, relaxation exercises, and a healthy diet are some self-care measures that can help beat period fatigue and stress. A decent bedtime routine that relaxes and prepares your mind and body for sleep can also help relieve period fatigue.

7 Warning Signs that You May Have a Hormonal Imbalance

Feeling frustrated, sluggish, or bloated round the clock? Wait! You might be suffering from a hormonal imbalance. Hormones are the chemical messengers that control the functioning of the body’s cells, tissues, or metabolic processes. Their normal body level may fluctuate due to multiple reasons such as certain diseases, depression, menopause, pregnancy, or as a side effect of some medicines. Keep reading to know the signs of hormonal imbalance. Sudden Weight Gain One of the most significant signs of hormonal imbalance is sudden weight gain and bloating. The most important of these are estrogen and thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormone regulates the metabolic pathways, thus controls fuel (energy) production. When the thyroid level decreases in the blood, it leads to slow metabolism and weight gain. Moreover, when the estrogen level decreases, it also contributes to weight gain and menopause. Mood Swings and Depression Hormonal imbalance can intensify the symptoms of sleeplessness, mood swings, anxiety, or depression. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone play a vital role in the physical and emotional well-being of women. When these hormones are imbalanced, they might exacerbate mental health problems. When the estrogen and progesterone levels drop, you feel more frustrated and restless. Cortisol imbalance, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism can also induce severe anxiety and depression.  A recent study published suggests that women are more likely to develop depression due to hormonal imbalance than men. Irregular Menstruation The normal menstruation cycle in females is 21-35 days; however, if your periods’ date is irregular, it may signify hormonal imbalance. Perimenopause can be an obvious reason if you are in your late 40s or early 50s. Similarly, due to hormonal imbalance, polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS can also interfere with normal periods. Infertility The polycystic ovarian syndrome is the most common condition produced due to hormonal imbalance and eventually leads to infertility. Hormonal imbalance interrupts the normal ovulation cycle, preventing the normal thickening of the uterine lining and preventing the chances of pregnancy. Moreover, research states that women suffering from hormonal imbalance will not produce follicles necessary for the development of an ovule. However, you can cure your hormonal imbalance through medicines, diet, or lifestyle modifications such as regular walks and exercise. Constant Fatigue Lethargy and tiredness can be the warning signs that your hormones are not balanced right now. Low levels of estrogen hormone and hypothyroidism make you sleepier and more exhausted. So, you can not complete your set goals efficiently. Acne If you are developing acne repeatedly, then it may be a warning sign that your body is suffering from hormonal imbalance. The main hormones responsible for acne production are estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen regulates and controls the sebum production in the skin; thus, excessive concentration may open pores hence, acne production results. Similarly, high androgen may stimulate the over-production of oil glands. You may experience acne near your menstruation period and even at the post-menopausal stage due to disturbance in normal levels of estrogen and progesterone. Hair Loss Hair loss can be due to an underlying health condition; however, extreme hair loss without any noticeable health problem can disturb the body’s hormonal balance. Hair growth significantly reduces when estrogen and progesterone level drops in the blood. Thus, increased androgen hormones shrink the follicles and cause hair loss, commonly known as androgenetic alopecia. However, this might not happen in the case of all men because some are genetically inclined to baldness. Conclusion Your body shows the warning signs that you are going through a hormonal imbalance so it is time to consult your doctor. Get medical advice as soon as possible to mitigate or reduce the negative effects of imbalanced hormones. However, hormonal imbalance is not a complicated disease so can be cured by medicines, lifestyle modifications, and proper diet. Moreover, check our dietary supplement Diamond Glow that may help balance your hormonal levels and treat acne. It also helps boost energy and immunity.  

How Fatigue Affects Your Performance?

Fatigue is a state of extreme tiredness that causes a disturbance in physical and cognitive abilities. According to a poll conducted by YouGov, merely 1 in 7 Americans wake up fresh while 45% of Americans feel exhausted even after taking 7 to 8 hours of sleep.  That’s what fatigue does to your body. Fatigue not only causes discomfort, but might also cause a huge disturbance of physical and mental performances. For instance, it may affect your sleep quality, keep you from effectively performing everyday tasks, and disturb your focus. Let’s have a look at some of the many ways through which fatigue affects your performance. Lack of Concentration Slowed responses due to mental fatigue make it really hard for you to pay attention to your routine activities. Moreover, research indicates that mental fatigue develops insomnia symptoms that make you tired and may lead to having difficulty focusing. Some studies suggest that your attention deteriorates badly when you’re fatigued or sleep-deprived. Depressive and Frustrated Attitude Fatigue can make you frustrated and fuel your depression. You become short-tempered without any particular reason, so it becomes difficult to control your emotions. The feeling of hopelessness can lead to anxiety. Consequently, you lose your ability to socialize and may experience decreased levels of motivation to perform even simple tasks. Thus, exhaustion results in increasing your anger levels or frustration. Reduced Work Efficiency Performance decrement is usually associated with cognitive fatigue. Moreover, physical or mental fatigue can hinder your motivation level; thus, you can easily distract from your set goals and work deadlines. It reduces your work efficiency and productivity by diverting your attention and interfering in accomplishing specific tasks. If you experience any such symptoms of fatigue, it’s better to take a quick break from your routine activities and improve your mental wellbeing. Impaired Decision-Making Ability Fatigue can have a variety of psychological impacts, including trouble making good judgments and other avoidance behaviors. When your brain is fatigued, you may become more impulsive and irresponsible with your decisions. . It may impact your thinking process, and you may fail to make the right decisions. Slow Reflexes Fatigue is one of the leading causes of slowed responsiveness. It increases the impaired systemic evaluation as well as difficulty in the execution of tasks. You become more prone to skipping the instructions and not following the directed guidelines due to delayed responsiveness. The problem may cause delayed reflexes, thus you may find it difficult to respond. Memory Loss According to recent research, mental fatigue may cause a huge memory loss. Remember, your brain needs to rejuvenate to meet the requirements of your daily tasks. So, the best way to refresh your brain cells is to avoid exertion and get better sleep. The most significant problem linked to fatigue is forgetting the deadlines and important occasions that can lead to embarrassment. To Wrap it Up Mild fatigue may have little impact on your overall health; however, chronic fatigue can lead to various health issues as described above. Thus, make sure to take proper care of your mind and body and eat a healthy diet to prevent fatigue. We recommend adding multivitamins to your diet routine as they boost your immune system and energy levels. Peche’s Diamond Glow is one such supplement that can help beat chronic fatigue and make you more energetic and active. Learn more about the product at Note: If you want to order Diamond Glow, use the coupon code UNLEASHYOURPECHE at checkout to get an exclusive discount of 15%. Hurry up before this limited-time offer expires!    

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