Category Archives: Health

Dry Skin Acne: Causes, Treatments, Preventions

Around 50 million Americans, with up to 15% of women, suffer from acne problems every year. Though oily skin is more prone to acne, dry skin may also result in acne due to skin rash and cracks. Moreover, not following a proper skincare routine for your dry skin may trigger the situation. The most prominent forms of dry skin acne are pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, or nodules. Let’s understand the phenomenon that causes acne to develop on dry skin. Facts about Dry Skin The epidermis (the layer of outermost skin cells) acts as a protective barrier between the skin and the external environment. It protects the skin from harmful chemicals or infectious particles and helps retain its natural moisture. However, certain environmental factors, skin diseases, or general health problems may cause extreme skin dryness, making it rough in appearance. Other possible causes of dry skin may be: Harsh detergent soaps and cleansers Cold weather with less humidity Hot water shower Certain health conditions like diabetes, skin lesions, chronic kidney or liver diseases, or skin cancer Side effects of medicines How Does Dry Skin Cause Acne? Sebaceous glands on the skin are responsible for secreting and controlling the oil called sebum on the skin. Blocking tiny skin pores either due to sebum, dirt, bacteria, or dead skin cells clogs the skin pores. It results in minute bumps, whiteheads, or blackheads formation, thus stimulating the acne. Moreover, due to having a rough texture, dry skin becomes more prone to bacterial infection and pollutants, thus resulting in acne development. The acne may be mild such as pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads, or severe such as cysts or nodules. What to do for Dry Skin Acne? You’ve to identify and remove the triggering factors responsible for dry skin acne. Sometimes, it’s easier to manage the causative agents by keeping yourself hydrated and moisturizing your skin. But, it’s not always possible to quickly manage the problem. Harsh cold weather or some chronic disease may take time to be cured. However, seeking medical advice from your dermatologist may help resolve the problem without serious complications. Here are some tips to prevent dry skin acne: Keep your skin moisturized and hydrated to combat dry skin acne. Drink enough water and eat foods that may help lock the skin’s natural moisture. In addition to this, use dry skin friendly moisturizers and non-comedogenic products to hydrate your skin and prevent acne. Apply quality sunscreen before sun exposure to help protect your skin from the harmful UV sun rays that can damage the skin and cause acne. Consume multivitamin supplements to nourish and moisturize your skin. Research reveals that essential fatty acids, zinc, and vitamins can efficiently treat dry skin acne, and oral supplements make an ideal choice to get all these essential nutrients. Adopt skin hygienic practices to reduce the effects of environmental pollutants and bacterial growth. Use gentle cleansers, mild scrubs, and facial masks suitable for dry skin to treat dry skin acne. OTC medications in the form of creams or gels containing benzoyl peroxide may help treat mild cases of dry skin acne. Retinoid creams and antibiotics may also prove to be beneficial for acne problems.   Dry skin acne can be frustrating to manage, but it’s possible by carefully managing your skin’s hydration and cleanliness. Know the cause of dry skin acne and follow the tips shared above to protect your dry skin from damage and reduce or prevent the acne.

7 Common Causes of Sensitive Skin and Possible Treatments for Them

Sensitive skin can be a skin characteristic or a symptom of complicated skin disease. Many people can’t recognize they have sensitive skin until exposed to a triggering factor. The stimulant for skin sensitivity may vary from person to person, depending on genetics, skin type, age, gender, and generalized health condition. However, common possible causes of sensitive skin are listed below. 7 Causes of Sensitive Skin Allergies Contact dermatitis- the response of sensitive skin to a certain irritant, varies according to the types of allergens and their severity. Sensitive skin causes skin rash, inflammation, or itchiness when it comes in contact with an allergen. The most common allergic stimulants are pollens, laundry detergents, skin care products, plants, and pets. Identify the type of allergen making your skin hypersensitive to prevent the problem in the future. Hormonal Imbalance Women are more prone to sensitive skin due to hormonal fluctuations. Research claims that hormonal changes in women during menstruation and menopause increase the skin sensitivity symptoms such as pimples, itching, redness, and skin dryness. Moreover, the disturbance in estrogen or androgen hormones level may result in PCOS, leading to acne, wrinkles, and fine lines. You can avoid the negative consequences by adding multivitamins to your diet. Ultra Violet Rays The sun’s ultraviolet rays can trigger your immune system, making it more photosensitive. Certain OTC medicines, genetics, skin type, and cosmetics can increase skin sensitivity, causing rash and itchiness. Research claims that sun-sensitive people have an increased risk of skin cancer, which is even more in non-Hispanic whites than Blacks and Hispanics. Thus, preventing direct sun exposure and using sunscreen are essential to protect from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. Skin Diseases Inflammatory skin disorders such as eczema and rosacea may cause hypersensitivity. Irritants causing the disease easily penetrate the skin and damage its protective barrier. Certain skincare products having hyaluronic acid, ceramides, niacinamide, and peptides may help protect the skin from the damages caused by skin sensitivity. However, consulting your dermatologist will help relieve the symptoms of hypersensitive skin. Autoimmune Disorders The immune system of a person suffering from autoimmune disease starts attacking his own body instead of protecting it. Skin sensitivity is a common phenomenon that occurs in this case. The most common autoimmune disorders that negatively affect the skin are psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Climatic conditions Harsh winters and burning sun are more common causes of skin sensitivity. Studies suggest that low humidity levels and low temperature may make the skin more susceptible to mechanical stress while damaging the protective skin barrier. Environmental Pollutants One of the biggest challenges for people with sensitive skin is to keep them protected from environmental pollutants. Skin cells behave as a protective barrier between the body and surroundings, but prolonged exposure to environmental toxins makes the skin more susceptible to infections. Pollution induces oxidative damage to the skin, making it rough, dehydrated, and itchy. To Wrap it Up Skin sensitivity is quite aggravating, but luckily, numerous treatments are available. A good moisturizer and consultation with the dermatologist are typically all required for relief. Keep track of any food or environmental factor that aggravates your skin and devise a defense strategy accordingly.

5 Apparent Signs of Dry Skin and Possible Treatments to Reduce the Symptoms

Dry skin, also known as Xerosis, occurs when the skin can’t produce or store enough natural oils. Heredity, skin diseases, dehydration, seasonal variations, and underlying health conditions may cause extreme skin dryness. However, signs of dry skin may vary based on your skin type, age, gender, sun exposure, or generalized health conditions. Let’s have a look at various that tell you may have dry skin. 5 Signs of Dry Skin Dehydrated Skin Dehydrated skin occurs when your body loses more water than it takes. The skin becomes scaly and itchy with cracked lines. Thus, replenishing your water intake is a prerequisite for treating dehydrated skin. Drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water a day can rejuvenate your skin. Fiber-rich foods, raw vegetables, and fruits may also help to meet the demands of your body and skin. Moreover, skincare products having soothing agents can increase your skin’s natural moisture. American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends that the products having glycerol, urea, or lactic acid can soothe dry skin. Itchy Skin The skin has a natural tendency to renew itself by shedding dead skin cells. Sometimes, skin shedding increases which can be a sign of extremely dry skin. Constant itching or redness are the other common outcomes of dry skin. The problem is more prominent and severe in harsh cold winters when the skin faces extreme dryness both from the outside and inside of the body. Avoiding hot showers and regularly cleansing and moisturizing your skin may help prevent the problem. Rough Texture Losing skin’s natural moisture makes it rough and flaking in appearance due to the shrinking of skin cells. Sometimes, the skin has deep cracks that cause the skin to bleed, even on minor cuts. Exfoliating the skin with a mild scrub and keeping it well moisturized may help to nourish it. Exfoliation removes the dead skin cells while moisturization restores its required hydration. Frequent Skin Infections Skin dryness often results in frequent skin infections due to cracking of the skin epidermis. This allows the bacteria to more easily penetrate the skin making it more prone to skin lesions and chronic skin diseases. The more obvious signs of skin infections are swelling, yellow crusts, and persistent skin wounds, causing pus formation. Wrinkles and Aging Dry skin is more vulnerable to wrinkles and aging but less likely to develop skin lesions and acne than oily skin. Losing a lot of skin moisture may increase the risk of skin damage. You can prevent extreme skin dryness by increasing your water intake and eating a healthy, balanced diet. Multivitamins can also help hydrate the skin. Research shows that oral supplements can increase skin elasticity and hydration. These are some signs and symptoms of dry skin. Mild skin dryness can be resolved at home by taking good care of skin hygiene and regularly moisturizing it. However, extreme dryness needs proper consultation and treatment.

Best Foods to Help Protect and Moisturize Dry Skin

A well-balanced, healthy diet is essential for your better health and the nourishment of skin and hair. Generally, dry skin may be a sign of nutrient deficiencies such as zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, or vitamin A, C, D, E and niacin. So, a nutrient-rich balanced diet can help protect your skin from dry skin, oxidative damage and skin diseases. Consequently, your skin becomes well hydrated and fresher. Here is the list of the best foods for dry skin that can help to protect and moisturize your dry skin. Best Foods for Dry Skin Hydration Nuts and Seeds Nuts and seeds are rich in antioxidants, unsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins. They help to increase skin moisture, elasticity, and moisture and protect it from oxidative damage. The ideal nuts are almonds, Brazil nuts, chia seeds, flax seeds and walnuts. Nuts and seeds are rich in proteins, healthy fats and antioxidants, so you must incorporate them into your daily diet plan. Almonds moisturize the skin and reduce the aging effects such as wrinkles and fine lines. Brazil nuts reduce inflammation and oxidative stress and improve skin hydration and elasticity. Chia and flax seeds work as anti-aging foods that soothe the skin by reducing the risk of acne, dry skin, wrinkles and fine lines. Walnuts are rich in polyunsaturated fats and omega fatty acids that help to improve skin hydration making it glowing and healthy. Fish Fish is highly beneficial not only for your health but also for your skin and hair. Being rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fish can help hydrate your skin and remove toxins from the blood, leaving the skin well-nourished, glowing, and soft. Cucumber Cucumbers are incredibly good for managing dry skin problems. It has a high content of water, vitamins (A, C and K), potassium, phosphorus, calcium and folate. High water content in cucumber makes it best suitable for treating dry and dull skin. Carrots Loaded with vitamin C, potassium and healthy fats, carrots are amazingly beneficial for improving skin moisture and radiance. They help prevent wrinkles and aging effects of dry skin by improving collagen production (the protein responsible for skin protection and repair). So, the skin becomes nourished and healthy. Avocado Being rich in proteins and omega-3 fatty acids, avocadoes are incredibly good at improving skin texture. According to the National Institutes of Health, omega-3 or omega6 fatty acid deficiency can make the skin rough and scaly. Thus, avocadoes can help retain the skin’s natural moisture and rejuvenate it. Moreover, protein content increases collagen formation and improves skin elasticity. Dark Green Leafy Vegetables Green leafy vegetables such as kale, broccoli and spinach are the great source of vitamins, calcium, zinc, and folic acid. They are also rich in antioxidants that help reduce the itchy skin and soothe it by reducing the oxidative damage in skin. Conclusion Cold weather, skin diseases, and nutrient deficiency can make your skin dull over time. However, foods rich in nutrients can help restore skin moisture by increasing metabolism and removing toxins from the blood. Moreover, some supplements such as Diamond Glow, rich in vitamin A, B, C and E, can help restore skin moisture and increase collagen production. Thus, they are ideal for healthier and well-nourished skin.

Can Pigmentation Come Back- Here’s What You Need to Know

Did you know that more than 150 genes directly or indirectly control our skin color? Moreover, the various sizes and numbers of melanocytes (skin cells) result in different skin colors. Therefore any abnormalities in this cell may lead to uneven skin color, also known as pigmentation. Usually, pigmentation is a harmless skin condition, but in some cases, it may be caused by an underlying medical condition and can come back even after proper treatment. What Causes Pigmentation? Medical Conditions The more serious cause of pigmentation is Addison’s disease and hemochromatosis. Addison’s disease affects the adrenal glands and causes pigmentation in certain body areas such as folds of skin, lips, toes, inside of the cheeks, elbows, and knees. Hemochromatosis is a disorder which causes iron overload in the body. Sun Exposure Prolonged sun exposure leads to the excess production of melanin that can cause dark skin spots or patches, also called sunspots. Melasma Usually, pregnant women experience this type of pigmentation during pregnancy. Melasma occurs because of hormonal changes and results in dark patches. Reactions to Drug Use Sometimes, certain medications such as antimalarial drugs and tricyclic antidepressants may result in pigmentation where gray skin patches appear on the skin. Chemicals in topical treatments may also cause pigmentation. Can pigmentation Come Back? Pigmentations often come back even after successful treatments. It happens because of various factors, such as continuous exposure to sunlight or hormones, but you can stop this from happening by adding a few things to your skincare routine. First, never go outside without applying sunscreen on your face; ensuring proper sun protection measures will give you long-term sustainable results. If you fail to maintain sun protection measures, it will affect the pigmentation results. Moreover, treatments can only clear your pigmentations. It’s up to you to properly take care of your skin to prevent pigmentation from coming back. Remove your pigmentations first, then prevent recurrence by diligent care of your skin. How To Treat Pigmentation Medical Treatment There are several medical treatment options that you can opt for based on the cause of your pigmentation. These treatments are: Cryotherapy Intense pulsed light (IPL) Chemical peels Laser resurfacing Microdermabrasion Oral supplements However, you can also opt for home remedies to treat mild pigmentation. Home Remedies Milk One of the most effective treatments for pigmentation is milk, buttermilk, and even sour milk. All of these contain lactic acid that works great at lightening dark skin patches. Aloe Vera Another natural treatment for skin discoloration is using aloevera. It contains aloin, a natural depigmenting compound proven to lighten skin, and is an effective nontoxic hyperpigmentation treatment. Conclusion Skin pigmentation is usually not any serious concern except in some cases. Several medications and home remedies are available for pigmentation that can help you lighten skin discoloration. But before taking any medication, see your doctor, know the cause of your skin discoloration, and then treat accordingly.

6 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation Permanently

Hyperpigmentation is a common skin problem for many people, specifically women. It occurs due to excessive production of melanin pigment, making the skin darker. Other major causes for hyperpigmentation may be genetics, hormonal imbalance, prolonged sun exposure, environmental factors, or aging. However, hyperpigmentation is not a harmful skin condition and can be treated in many ways. Below is a list of some tried and tested ways to get rid of hyperpigmentation for good. Six Ways to Treat Hyperpigmentation Chemical Peels Chemical peeling involves removing the upper layer of damaged skin cells to stimulate the growth of healthy new cells. It fuels collagen production and reduces the risk of wrinkles, fine lines, and blemishes. The damaged and tanned skin is exfoliated during chemical peeling, making your skin healthier and brighter. Intense Pulsed Light Another effective treatment option for hyperpigmentation is intense pulsed light or IPL. A broad-spectrum light of different wavelengths targets denser melanin cells of the skin. Eventually, melanin masses break down so you have a lighter skin tone. The procedure doesn’t cause a painful sensation and might take 20-30 minutes. The number of sessions depends upon the type or severity of pigmentation and your overall health condition. Laser Treatment Laser treatment is the most impactful therapy for treating hyperpigmentation. A short beam of laser light hits the melanin cells on the skin and breaks them down. Resultantly, the skin gets a radiant glow by decreasing the melanin pigment. Research suggests that laser therapy can significantly reduce hyperpigmentation, specifically melasma. Microdermabrasion Microdermabrasion is a non-ablative exfoliating therapy for removing dead skin cells. It reduces different pigmentation problems such as age spots, acne, freckles, or melasma without any side effects. Fine granules or coarse particles are gentled rubbed on the skin, making it healthier and glowing. Generally, 3-6 sessions are recommended for best results, depending on your skin type, age, and overall health condition. Anti-pigmentation Medicines Topical creams containing active ingredients such as kojic acid, hydroquinone, glycolic acid, retinol serums, or vitamin C may lighten the skin tone and reduce pigmentation. These medical products reduce the dark spots by reducing the melanin production in the skin. Kojic acid inhibits tyrosinase synthesis responsible for the production of melanin pigment. It is rich in antioxidant properties and stimulates cell regeneration. Vitamin C, being an antioxidant, lightens the dark spots by fighting free radicals. It minimizes melanin production, hence, boosting your skin glow and complexion. Glycolic acid is an effective ingredient that boosts cells’ regeneration capacity and cleans the clogged pores. It reduces hyperpigmentation issues and brightens the skin tone. Hydroquinone, a skin lightening agent, helps fade dark spots, acne scars, melasma, or freckles by reducing the number of melanocytes. Retinol Serum stimulates cell rejuvenation and reduces the dark spots by reducing melanin synthesis. Multivitamins Hyperpigmentation can be treated by taking vitamin A, C, E, and B12. Vitamin A  helps remove dead skin cells, vitamin C produces more collagen, vitamin B12 supports the growth of new skin cells, and vitamin E helps fade dark spots. You can fulfil these vitamin needs by consuming multivitamins such as Diamond Glow.It contains vitamin A, B, C, and E to help treat pigmentation, restore collagen, diminish dark spots, and cure acne scars effectively.   These are some ways to get rid of pigmentation. In addition to this, have a healthy skincare routine and make sure to apply sunscreen when you’re outside to prevent skin from developing dark patches or pigmentation.

8 Best Face Masks for Dry Skin 2022

Everything from cold weather and genetics to aging and hormones can make your skin dry and dull over time. The skin has a natural tendency to produce and store moisture to prevent excessive dryness or skin cracking. But sometimes, it fails to nourish itself due to some environmental factors or underlying skin problems. Even the best moisturizing and cleansing products fail to restore skin hydration. That’s when masks for dry skin can help hydrate your skin and restore its natural glow. We have compiled a list of the 8 best face masks for dry skin that you may add to your skincare routine. Best Face Masks for Dry skin Laneige Water Sleeping Mask Formulated by pro-biotics, Laneige Water Sleeping Mask hydrates your skin and brightens the complexion. Apply this hypoallergenic hydrating gel mask overnight to get deep hydration. Rinse the mask in the morning, and you’ll get bright and moisturized healthy skin. Freeman Hydrating Gel Cream Mask The product is highly effective for dry skin and protects it from environmental pollutants. Freeman Hydrating Glacier Face Mask nourishes the skin by enhancing its moisturizing ability. Apply a small quantity to clean and dry skin, and leave it overnight to get a radiant skin glow. Ultra Repair Instant Oatmeal Mask First Aid Beauty’s Ultra Repair mask is a great solution for dry skin problems. Formulated with oatmeal, shea butter, and sea buckthorn, the oatmeal mask deeply hydrates the skin and helps repair the damaged patches. Neutrogena Hydro Boost Face Mask Neutrogena Hydrating Face Mask deeply moisturizes the skin and makes it super smooth and glowing. The product contains hyaluronic acid, an incredible moisture retainer, thus, reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Being non-comedogenic and gentle, it leaves the skin well-nourished. Apply the mask on clean, dry skin and leave for 20-30 minutes to get clinically proven results. Hydro Biotic Recovery Sleeping Mask Dr. Brandt Hydro Biotic Mask is a hydrating gel mask that helps the skin retain moisture for up to 72 hours. Being hypoallergenic, the mask helps prevent the skin from irritation due to having a great combination of soothing peptides, ceramides, and fatty acids. The mask is dermatologically tested, making it an excellent choice for getting well-nourished and soothing skin. Soothing Radiance Mask The Soothing Radiance Mask is a no-rinse product with hydro-nourishing agents that leaves the skin refreshed and glowing. Filled with natural red-fruit extract and antioxidants, Soothing Radiance Mask protects the skin against free radicals. After cleansing, apply a thick layer of soothing radiance skin mask to get a radiant glow. Origins Drink Up-intensive Hydrating Mask Enriched with hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, glacier water, apricot, and avocado extract, Origins Drink Up-intensive Hydrating Mask provides instant moisturization. It helps retain the moisture for 72 hours and leaves the skin soft and smooth. Gently massage the cream on clean skin before going to sleep, leave overnight, and get radiant skin in the morning. Phyto Corrective Masque The mask is formulated with cucumber and olive extract, thus, helping soothe and hydrate the skin. Moreover, hyaluronic acid boosts the moisture-retaining capacity of the skin. The Phyto Corrective Masque is also suitable to fight inflammation and rashes, thus making the skin more relaxed and nourished.  I hope this list of the best face masks for dry skin helps you moisturize and hydrate your skin. In addition to applying masks, make sure to maintain a healthy skincare routine, stay hydrated, and eat healthy to keep your dry skin from cracking and damaging.

Can Exfoliating Help Remove Pigmentation?

Can Exfoliating Help Remove Pigmentation? – The skin has a natural tendency of forming new cells by removing the dead skin cells. Exfoliation removes the dead cells from the skin’s upper surface, improving its glow and elasticity. Gentle exfoliation can enhance skin tone by opening the clogged pores filled with oil or dust particles. However, the American Academy of Dermatology Association states that improper or harsh exfoliation can damage your skin. Keep reading to know whether exfoliation helps remove pigmentation. Why Exfoliate for Pigmentation? The ideal time for the generation of new skin cells is around 30 days. The turnover cycle extends with age, so your skin takes around 40 or sometimes more than 70 days to produce new cells. So, the layers of dead skin cells keep accumulating on the skin during this time. That’s why exfoliation is performed to remove the layer of dead skin cells and pigmented spots on the skin. How Exfoliation Works to Remove Pigmentation? Exfoliation helps to break the excessive melanin pigment in the skin. Melanin can increase the production of collagen protein that promotes skin elasticity and fades the pigmented spots. Physical or mechanical exfoliants use coarse particles or granules to fade the dark spots. The most common physical forms of exfoliants are cleansing scrubs, loofahs, pumice stones, or brushes. However, don’t be hard on your skin as improper or harsh exfoliation irritates the sensitive skin and can cause inflammation or sometimes bruising. Chemical exfoliants help resurface the dead skin cells of the face, neck, or any pigmented skin area. Unlike physical exfoliants, chemical exfoliants work on the targeted deeper layers of the pigmented skin. It dissolves the bonding in dead skin cells; thus, it sheds itself. Some of the best chemical exfoliants are: Salicylic acid exfoliates the skin and inhibits the production of excess melanin; thus, helping to lighten the skin tone. Glycolic acid rejuvenates the skin by replacing the topmost dead skin cells with new cells. Retinol– a derivative of vitamin A, helps to reduce oxidative stress by eliminating the free radicals. So, you can use it to reduce the wrinkles, acne, fine lines, and aging effects on the skin. Alpha and Beta Hydroxy acids are considered effective ingredients for deep exfoliation. They can moisturize the skin, lighten the skin tone, and prevent aging and wrinkles. Benefits of Exfoliation for Pigmented Skin Improves Skin Texture and Tone Exfoliation improves the skin texture and tone by encouraging skin cell turnover. That’s why your skin becomes more uniform over time. It makes your skin softer and look younger by making skin capable of retaining a good quantity of moisture. Stimulates Collagen Production Regular exfoliation stimulates collagen production, which improves skin elasticity and glow. Consequently, the anti-aging properties of collagen help to rejuvenate the skin and prevent pigmentation. Deep Cleansing Unclogging the pores filled with excessive oil is the primary role of exfoliation. Deep cleansing of each cell helps to improve your complexion and prevent blemishes. Moreover, the chances of developing whiteheads and blackheads also decrease. Better Blood Circulation Mild exfoliation can increase the blood flow in each cell of the skin. Consequently, it helps to nourish the skin cells by providing enough oxygen and nutrient content. Exfoliation can also prevent the damage of free radicals to the skin, thus eliminating the chances of pigmentation or acne.

Pigmentation During Pregnancy; Causes and Treatments

The level of estrogen increases during pregnancy, triggering melanin production. Excessive melanin production can cause hyperpigmentation on the face, neck, armpits, or belly. Research shows that some mild to severe pigmentary changes, such as melasma, dark spots, or secondary areola may occur during pregnancy. However, the changes are more noticeable during the first trimester. Let’s understand the pigmentation triggering factors during pregnancy. Causes of Pregnancy Pigmentation According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, about 50-70% of pregnant women face skin pigmentation issues. Pigmentation on the face may appear on the forehead, nose, cheeks, or upper lips, and is generally known as the mask of pregnancy. The main reasons behind pigmentation are: Hormonal Changes Estrogen and progesterone are the primary reproductive hormones of the female body that increase during pregnancy. The sudden hormonal changes stimulate melanin production, leading to dark spots and pigmented skin on the face. Excessive Sun Exposure Sun activates and boosts the production of melanocytes, the cells responsible for melanin production. Melanin is the natural defense system of the skin against harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Whenever your skin exposes to the sun, melanocytes become active to protect the skin, thus causing pigmentation. Hereditary Factors Some women may experience pigmentation during pregnancy without any prominent reason. Thus, genetics can be the pigmentation triggering factor in those women. Moreover, women of a certain race with a darker skin tone are more likely to develop pigmented skin during pregnancy. Malnutrition Usually, women are more prone to nutrient deficiency during pregnancy that can cause poor health and pigmented skin. Taking multivitamins and folic acid can help to improve your health and skin. Dark green vegetables, lentils, legumes, beans, and chickpeas can significantly improve your skin texture and glow. Tips to Avoid Pregnancy Pigmentation There are a few essential tips to be followed to avoid the severity of your symptoms, such as: Avoid prolonged sun exposure and always apply an excellent pregnancy-safe sunscreen of probably SPF 30+before going outside. Ensure to re-apply the sunscreen every 2-3 hours of sun exposure. Wear a cap or scarf to minimize sun exposure. Increase your vitamin C (citrus fruits, broccoli, brussels’ sprouts, tomato) intake through diet to help prevent sun tanning and spots. Taking antioxidants through diet, such as strawberries, blueberries, flaxseeds, avocados. Antioxidants help to fight oxidative stress and make the skin younger and glowing. Avoid excessive and harsh scrubbing as it can increase the risk of pigmentation. Taking supplements rich in vitamin A, B, C and E may help treat acne and pigmented skin. Being HACCP-approved, Diamond Glow a reliable multivitamin supplement, ideal for pregnant women as it helps restore collagen, diminish dark spots, and treat acne scars. Conclusion Usually, pigmentation is not a severe problem, but can exert psychological pressure on pregnant women. Pregnancy is a beautiful experience for women. Due to minor skin problems like melasma, skin rashes, or freckles, don’t panic. However, consult your gynecologist if you feel too much irritation or pain in pigmented areas. They’ll prescribe you some over-the-counter medicines to relieve the symptoms.

Muscle Fatigue: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Muscle Fatigue Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments – Extreme tiredness followed by a decline in muscle performance is called muscle fatigue. It affects your professional and personal life by causing multiple health risks, such as disruption in normal physical and cognitive processes. Let’s understand the causes and negative consequences of fatigue on the body. Symptoms of Muscle Fatigue Fatigue can cause a range of negative impacts on your physical and emotional health. The main signs of fatigue are: Extreme tiredness Muscles weakness and pain Weak immunity Constant headache and dizziness Lack of concentration and decision-making ability Depression Causes of Muscle Fatigue Sedentary Lifestyle An inactive lifestyle can cause a loss of muscle strength due to poor blood circulation throughout the body. So, you may experience low oxygen and nutrient flow, leading to body pain and tiredness. Aging Usually, aging is associated with reduced mobility and specific health problems. However, following a healthy lifestyle, such as proper exercise, vitamin intake, and a healthy diet can help prevent the possibility of muscle weakness in old age. Impaired Immune System The long-term extreme tiredness disrupts the immune system functioning. Resultantly, the body can’t resist frequent infections and chronic health problems. Anemia Anemia is when a patient lacks enough healthy red blood cells. Iron is the major component of hemoglobin that carries oxygen throughout the body. Oxygen depletion makes your body exhausted; hence, you may suffer from shortness of breath, dizziness, or extreme tiredness. Malnutrition, pregnancy, menstruation, and infectious diseases contribute to developing anemia. Depression Depression can intensify physical and mental fatigue by increasing the stress on your muscles. It is often associated with hormonal imbalance; your body needs to transmit chemical messages to muscles and nerves. A disturbance in the signal transmission process can cause muscle stiffness and pain. Moreover, sleep disturbance due to depression also exerts pressure on the body, causing muscle weakness. Certain Chronic Diseases Sometimes, muscle fatigue can be the sign of a chronic health problem such as: Cancer Hypothyroidism Muscular Dystrophies HIV Rheumatoid Arthritis Chronic Kidney and Liver Disease Treatment Options for Muscle Fatigue There are multiple treatment options for muscle fatigue, the most common are listed below: Healthy Diet and Enough Water Intake Eating a balanced, healthy diet and drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water can improve your metabolism and prevent muscle fatigue. Make sure to add a balanced proportion of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to your diet to prevent the adverse outcomes of malnutrition. Regular Exercise A sedentary lifestyle is a primary cause of muscle fatigue. However, regular exercise, yoga, or running can boost your metabolism, improve blood circulation, and appetite. Multivitamins Intake Sometimes lack of essential nutrients can cause muscle fatigue. Research shows that vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular issues. So, you may consider taking multivitamins such as Diamond Glow to help relieve the symptoms. Supplement intake can improve your energy level and muscle and bone strength. Medication Over-the-counter medicines for pain and inflammation can relieve the symptoms of tiredness. Treating thyroid dysfunction can also be beneficial to restore muscle strength. Conclusion Muscle fatigue is a painful problem that interrupts your daily healthy activities. It can be temporary or long-term, depending upon the underlying cause. Consult your doctor, who’ll diagnose its reason and suggest a proper treatment plan.

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