Category Archives: Tips

1 new easiest lasting way for dark underarm (2022)

Having a dark underarm and not getting lasting solutions to brighten it is forever a problem for everyone, especially women. I can assure you none of us would be happy to have dark underarm and we are dying to try any ways to brighten them. I know it because I used to have dark underarm too. Especially when we are married. Oh my, we become more insecure to lift up our hands as it will show not appealing dark underarm even from far. We need to be comfortable and confident around everyone so this problem needs to be solved pronto! I have tried laser to be honest and the result was remarkable but the price to maintain is just too much for me. If you have the budget go for it! It worked! How many sessions you need depends on your underarm. The darker it is, the more sessions you need. Pro tip: when you are under laser treatment, DO NOT wax to remove the hair! It will burn your underarm and it will turn black! Please use razors and shave them. The other best solution is whitening scrub. A whitening scrub that can be used daily to get a faster result without irritating your skin. This is as far as I know the first in the market, a scrub that can be used daily. I love the fact that it can be used daily because we are using deodorant on a daily basis. So we need to remove the deodorant chemicals from our underarms daily too. I tried for the first time scrubbing it gently on my skin and leaving it for 5 minutes to let it absorb. Guess what? After only the first usage, I can already see my underarm is brightened! After the first usage only guys! I need like few sessions for the laser to see it whiten but this product only needs a one-time usage to show the result. Obviously, I keep on using it and remember to always scrub it gently because we want to use it on a daily basis. We don’t want to tear our skin by scrubbing too hard. Please no! Keep it steady and gently. I just love the smell of this scrub! It smells peach and the texture makes it easy to scrub. It doesn’t use sugar. The scrub is using sea salt which we all know sea salt has many benefits for the skin. One major benefit of using sea salt in your skincare routine is the boost of trace minerals it offers your skin. The trace minerals in sea salt include magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium — all of which aid in optimal skin health and function. The scrub has 18 active ingredients to help smoothen and whiten the skin. You can also apply it to any dark body parts except for your face. Your dark knees, elbows, neck, toes, and any other dark parts. The benefits are just amazing for the skin: BENEFITS Whitening Removing dead skin cells Smoothing & softening dry skin Smoothing razor bumps Freeing ingrown hairs Promotes skin hydration You can feel it instantly after using it. I’m going to share a few feedbacks from customers who purchased it down below for your reference. Oh yeah, they are giving FREE 10 days body & mind detox program worth RM149 for this week’s promo. So grab yourself one tub and feel the difference yourself. Get the underarm whitening scrub and don’t forget to share with me your feedback. I would love to know how it helps you. Please share it in the comment section down below. Let’s lift up our hands with confidence 😍 Much love 😘              

Undeniable glutathione facts help to whiten skin (2022)

Whitening skin is a trend in Malaysia and some other countries and women are willing to spend thousands of ringgit on glutathione. Glutathione has been women’s favourite ingredient for whitening. Some consume glutathione in powder, some in tablets and some will go the extra mile and do direct injections of glutathione to their body to get even faster results. First, is glutathione safe? As long as you take them in the advised dosage it is safe. When you go more than the advised dosage there will come a problem. This is when you can get kidney problems and other health problems. Now let’s go deeper into glutathione benefits for the skin: high antioxidants (prevent you from aging) detox (remove toxins from your body) boost energy Decrease melanin (pigmentation) Decrease wrinkles Increase skin elasticity Skin whitening effect Decrease psoriasis Reduce eczema Reduce allergies Glutathione also can help improve your health. There are many health benefits to taking glutathione: Fight and reduce inflammation (the root most of health problems) Boost immune system Help raise levels of GSH in plasma in children with autism Reduced symptoms of peripheral vascular disease (PVD) Increase bioavailability of Vitamin D As you can see, glutathione produces many skins and health benefits. No wonder people are crazy about glutathione. There are many glutathione products out there and my choice is, Diamond Glow Diamond Glow is mixed with 14 other ingredients that worked well together in helping us to get whiter, clearer, and healthier skin. Why go for only whiter when you can get clearer and healthier right? I have been consuming Diamond Glow since 2017 and my skin now is a few tones brighter. This product is famous in Africa as it helps many women in Africa achieve brighter skin. Well logically, if it can help darker skin tones like African, I’m pretty sure it can help Asian skin too, easily. Always remember to follow the suggested dosage to avoid any health issues. So to answer your question “Can glutathione really help whiten the skin?” YES, 100%! Try now and please share with me your experience with glutathione. I would love to know how it helps you. Much love 😘 Glutathione in Diamond Glow has helped her achieve brighter skin within a month    

8 oily skin causes you missed to avoid (Updated 2022)

Having oily skin makes your skin looks shiny and I know for sure it’s uncomfortable. Not only that, it can cause so many skin problems like acne. We need to understand our skin first before we can treat them. Some oily skin can cause because the skin is too dry and some oily skin is caused by unsuitable skincare products, stress, genetics, hormone, and many more. Have you ever experienced a situation when you see your friends with oily skin using certain skincare products and it works for them but when you try it, unfortunately, it doesn’t work for you? It always happened to me too! I feel you. It’s very disappointing and sometimes demotivating, right? So we need to know what has been causing oily skin for us and test from there. You really need to look at what you eat, what you drink, the environment, your skincare routine, and sooo much more! Let me list the causes and we go through them together okay? Sugar intake if you are a sugar lover like me, you need to slowly cut down your sugar intake. Tip: don’t store any sweet drinks or cordials in your house as you will have the tendency to drink them Tip: don’t store any candies, chocolate, or desserts in your house too whatever goes into your body will show it to your skin if you can control and maintain and good diet you will be surprised by the result Skincare routine sometimes you don’t need 7 steps skincare routine to get clear and healthy skin. Start finding the right cleanser and then you can add with toner then serum and so forth the major steps are cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen find the right ingredients for your skin as there are no black and white on this. Different people suit different ingredients, so you need to try and error Environment If you are always exposed to smoke this will definitely can cause oily skin Too hot or too cold weather also can cause oily skin Hot shower Oh yeah hot shower definitely my favourite too but this will dry out the skin and cause more oily skin Best shower with warm water or room temperature water As I said, too hot or too cold are never good. You need to balance it Overwashing Having oily skin will make you want to always wash your face but this will only worsen it You can wash your face but don’t use any cleanser. Only use water Also, if you always wash your face with water to remove the excess oil, make sure to moisturize your skin back as we don’t want it to dry too I have made these silly mistakes before because I cannot stand having my face so oily and shiny so please don’t over-wash your face using a cleanser Over moisturize Yes this also can cause your skin to be oily When you over-moisturize your skin, you can clog your pores and cause excess oil and worst, acne! Hydrate your skin with hydrating-based products and drink lots of water Imbalanced hormones As a woman, we struggle a lot with these. I suggest you consume a supplement that can help balance your hormone to treat the inside of the body Consuming supplements can add more nutrients that your body needs More nutrients = Clearer and healthier-looking skin Genetics Sorry but for this one, you need to wait for it to pass and I don’t have the answer to the genetic problem So happy to share that I have helped this lady overcome her skin barrier   So identify what causes your skin to get very oily and makes your skin super shiny before you treat them. Knowing the problem first is always the way for you to get the solution. Don’t go crazy trying everything and making your skin worst. Yeah that’s all I can share based on my experience. Do add any causes or even tips that you have experienced in the comment section below. I would love to know it. Much love 😘      

5 New Oily Skin Skincare Routine

I struggled with oily skin for a very long time and it took me years to find the best skincare routine that suits my skin. My experience would definitely help you. Oily skin is a major problem that will lead to many other skin problems like acne, blackheads, whiteheads, shiny face, and many more. Finding the right skincare routine is not easy like seriously. I believe we constantly try new products and sometimes it makes it worst. I feel you. I hope my experience with oily skin could help you find the right skincare routine. When we have oily skin, the first thing we think is to make it dry where which will cause even more excess oil.  Do you know that you can get oily skin because of dry skin? Yeah! So what you need is to balance your skin pH level. How do we balance it? Toner usually helps on balancing the skin’s pH level when the cleanser has already dried off your skin’s natural moisture. I found that even hydration cleansers sometimes dried your skin off. So weird right? You’re supposed to hydrate my skin hellooo 😂 I have been skipping toner for a very long time and this is bad! We should always include toner in our skincare routine as it helps balance skin pH levels and it helps clear our pores. So I highly recommend hydration toner. Usually, hydration toner is based on rose or green tea. So far these are the best ingredients to hydrate the skin. Pro Tip: Don’t use cotton when applying toner. Take a few drops of the toner on your hand and apply it to your face using your hand. In my experience, swiping using cotton will only make our skin dry and cause irritation. I always apply toner twice as I have oily skin because of dry skin. So I need to hydrate more my skin so that it will not be too dry. Got it? Cleanser! This is the crucial part. I believe this is the hardest part. It took me years to understand cleansers. Like I said, never go for a cleanser that will dry your skin like a cleanser for acne skin especially. Acne skin cleansers usually will make your skin very dry. First, you will feel relieved not seeing the shiny face but after a while, your skin will be too dry and tiny bumps will start to pop because of lack of hydration. Can you see something here? Our skin needs to be hydrated for it to appear clear, healthy, and not shiny. But guys, I didn’t found yet a hydration cleanser that suits me. As I said, even hydration cleansers dry my skin off. So I go for a very mild and gentle skin cleanser with no soap. Highly recommended Cetaphil. Yes, it may feel like it didn’t cleanseyour skin but it does. You are just used to soapy and thick texture cleansers. I feel like that too so I add cleansing water before I cleanse my skin using Cetaphil. But I also tried without the cleansing water, and my skin is more hydrated! You can try and error this part to see what work. And please choose cleansing water that will still hydrate your skin after using it. I recommend green tea based. It will still lock the moisture. Next, you may feel like oily skin doesn’t need to use moisturizer right? You are wrong. You still need to include them in your routine but find a moisturizer that is based on gel type. There are cream and gel-type moisturizers. Best use gel type as it suits oily skin more. The cream type suits people with dry skin as the texture is thicker. I used to not be a fan of sunscreen because every time I used sunscreen my skin will be more oily and shiny. It feels very uncomfortable. Do know that sunscreen helps treat your skin. I can say that most sunscreens have treatment agents in them. The higher SPF the better to protect your skin but you gotta be careful with the texture. There are also 2 types, gel, and cream. I rather use the gel type with lower SPF than use the cream type as it will make my skin too oily and acne will start to pop up. So let me simplify it again for you here: Use mild and gentle cleanser as it will not irritate and too dry the skin (too dry can cause more oil) Use hydration toner to balance the skin’s pH level Use moisturizer gel type if you have oily skin, cream type if you have dry skin that caused oily skin Sunscreen gel type if you have oily skin, cream type for dryskin that caused oily skin The choice that worked for me: Cetaphil gentle cleanser Innisfree green tea hydration toner 5 in-1 Hada Labo UV protection + hydration Diamond Glow skin collagen supplement (15 ingredients to hydrate the skin) My skin result Before: Oily skin because of too dry and of course acne prone skin The key here is hydration (water)! Our skin needs enough water to appear clear and healthy. Same with our body, lack of water will cause so many health problems. If this has helped you, please share it with me in the comment section. I would love to know if you have new tips for me too! Much love 😘  

1 New Way Can Prevent Jaundice & Boost Breastmilk Too

I have been consuming it since 2017 and it worked wonders for my skin. In 2019, it helped my baby from jaundice and boosted my breastmilk. I have to stop consuming Diamond Glow until my pregnancy is 4 months because the first trimester is very sensitive and it’s advisable to take only meds from the doctors. So for the first time, I’m taking folic acid, given by the doctor to help with the development of the baby in my cute little tummy. But honestly, I can feel the difference when not taking Diamond Glow. My body is not energetic like usual but maybe also because I’m carrying a human inside of me. I can still work as usual and I can see myself really loving to get dressed up and make-up for some reason. That is really not me guys! Told ya before I can’t even maintain a 3 steps skincare hahaha I am seriously counting the days till I reached 4 months! I can’t wait to be on Diamond Glow again. It’s like very addictive and of course the results to my skin and digestive system that I really love. And the day has come! That night I’m appreciating Diamond Glow more than before hahaha Oh yes! The next day I woke up with fresh glowing skin and more energy. I don’t want to miss any days because I know I’m sharing all the good nutrients with my baby too. And I’m hoping it will make my baby’s skin bright and fair hehe Can you feel the excitement? 😝 For your information, I and my husband were born with darker skin so it’s very unlikely to get a white fair baby. I am really experimenting with Diamond Glow if it can do some magic on our baby hehe I didn’t miss any doctor’s appointments and so far my baby is healthy according to the brain check and the heartbeat. Alhamdulillah, I’m very grateful for this blessing. I am going to be a mom soon! It feels surreal! I have been wanting to have a baby since I was in high school. I even collect babies’ stuff since then. I bought tiny shoes, a newborn romper, a napkin, and sooo many more! My family knows about this and the best part is when my papa went to London he came back with a newborn romper for me guys to add up my baby collections! This was when I was in high school. To think back it’s really funny though when he supported me like that 😂 Dad of the year ay? I don’t have my husband’s baby photo but I’m going to show you mine so you will see the colour of my skin. I’m on the left You can see there I’m born with a darker skin tone and I look like a boy too hahaha Why in the world is our hair so short like that? My sister looks cute though Yeah that’s me. Just the two of us, me and my sister. My due is at the end of May and I’m hoping that my baby will come out on the 23rd of May then it will be the same birth date as my papa. I can already feel the contractions but I don’t really know though it’s my first hahaha On the 22rd of May 2019, I still don’t feel like the baby is going to come out so I decided to go to the hospital, and no matter what I want that date! 😂 I am serious guys. I really want my baby to share the same birth date as my papa. The nurse checked my opening is only 3cm and she said I can deliver tomorrow if they induced me. OKAY, IT’S ON! (not knowing the pain after induced 😂) OMG, it’s crazy how I had every 5 mins of contractions since 11 pm. I can’t even sleep. I’m thinking how can I push the baby out when I already finishing my energy fighting the pain of contractions for so long? My husband suggested an epidural but nope! So stubborn to show that I am strong to do this without any help. After a 7cm opening, I gave up 😂 Give me the epidural NOW! Right after they injected my backbones, I didn’t feel any pain anymore but hey it’s not the time yet to push okay! I need to wait until the 10cm opening to push. Damn this is hard! They advised me to sleep first and will wake me up when 10cm. Oh okay 😂 Long story short, I deliver my beautiful baby boy at 4 pm on the 23rd of May 2019 😍 Jackpot! Got the date! Phew, THANK YOU EPIDURAL 🤣 I cannot believe that my baby boy is very pinkish-white! It worked! Diamond Glow worked!!! It’s a boy! Look at his skin Noah 2.9kg So pinkish la you mummy so jelly! Look at that beautiful baby boy. My son, Noah. I continue consuming Diamond Glow during my confinement as it helps boost my energy and balances my hormones. It also helps boost my breastmilk yayy! Noah has very little jaundice and I only have to treat him at home. To sum up, my pregnancy journey was beautiful alhamdulillah. Thanks to Diamond Glow for giving me a fair baby 😍 If you are not allergic to collagen, give Diamond Glow a try and see how it helps your overall skin and health and your baby too. So far, I have never consumed anything else to maintain my skin and body healthy. Don’t forget to share with me your journey with Diamond Glow during pregnancy okay? Leave a comment if you would like to ask me anything too. Much love 😘    

The 5 Best Foundations For Combination Skin [in 2022]

best foundations for combination skin

Are you having a hard time finding the right foundation for your combination skin that complements your half-oily and half-dry skin type? You’re not alone!  People with combination skin often get confused about whether they should buy oily or dry skin foundations. Some end up buying multiple foundations; one to apply on their dry cheeks and another to their T-zone.  We’re here to make the selection easier for you. Below is a list of the 5 best foundations for combination skin that will offer you better coverage and glow. Keep reading!  5 Best Foundations for Combination Skin 1. Beautyblender Bounce Liquid Whip Long Wear Foundation Beautyblender has introduced one of the best foundations to meet combination skin needs. Bounce Liquid Whip Foundation has a whipped texture made exclusively from the “HyperWhip” process that gives an ultra-light finish and blends easily into your skin. This weightless foundation feels matte on your skin and gives its shine-free look. The hyaluronic acid in its formula helps keep the dry areas hydrated and glowing. 2. Charlotte Tilbury Airbrush Flawless Foundation Charlotte Tilbury Airbrush Flawless Foundation offers full skin coverage, blurs pores, and gives your skin a perfect airbrush look. The foundation contains hydrating and oil-absorbing ingredients which makes it an ideal choice for combination skin types. Moreover, this matte finish foundation comes in 44 different shades, ensuring that there is something for everyone. 3. Illamasqua Skin Base Foundation Are you tired of wearing double layers of foundation to hide your combo skin problems? Wear this amazing Illamasqua lightweight skin foundation to give your skin a lightweight and flawless coverage. Some users claim that the foundation is as light on your skin that it feels like a second-skin finish.  In addition, Illamasqua’s amazing formula gives your skin a matte look with a touch of sheen. It contains hyaluronic acid and niacinamide that help fade redness, maintain oil production, moisturize the skin, and give it a soft glow. 4. Kosas Revealer Skin-Improving Foundation SPF 25 Looking for a foundation that not only gives a brilliant makeup look but also protects your combo skin from sun rays? Kosas Revealer Skin Improving Foundation is the way to go. This lightweight skin foundation is available in 36 different shades and gives your makeup a dewy finish.  The foundation has been formulated with the best skin hydrating ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, that will quench your skin’s hydration needs and keep it healthy. It also contains niacinamide to help suppress excess sebum production, which means its regular use may help prevent blemishes. Moreover, this all-in-one foundation comes with SPF 25 so you don’t have to layer up your skin with sunscreen or moisturizer separately.  5. Charlotte Tilbury Beautiful Skin Foundation Wearing Charlotte Tilbury’s Beautiful Skin Foundation helps you achieve plumper and glowy skin in just a few minutes. The foundation is available in 30 breathable shades so you can get a non-cakey makeup look. Moreover, its formula contains hyaluronic acid that not only helps keep your skin healthy and hydrated but also ensures an ultra glowing finish.                       We hope this list of best foundations for combination skin helps you find the right foundation for a flawless makeup look. Do you have something to add to the list? Do share with us in the comments section.

5 Best Sunscreens for Dry Skin [Updated 2022]

best sunscreens for dry skin

Finding the right sunscreen for dry skin that works best in both winter and summer might be challenging for a lot of people. You need a sunscreen that not only keeps your skin moisturized and hydrated but also gives you a non-greasy look in hot summers.   Cut down your search time in finding the perfect sunscreen for your dry skin. We are here with the list of five best sunscreens for dry skin types to help protect your skin from UV damage. 5 Best Sunscreen for Dry Skin  1. SkinKraft Sunscreen Dry-Touch Perfect for dry to slightly dry skin types, SkinKraft Sunscreen is a lightweight sunscreen that quickly absorbs into your skin after application.  The best thing about this dry-touch sunscreen is it doesn’t feel sticky or heavy on your face, so you can easily wear it on cold winter to sunny summer days.  On top of that, its application gives your skin a gentle moisture effect and comes with SPF 50 to protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays. 2. Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Face Lotion SPF50 Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Face Lotion with SPF 50 and a Helioplex XP™ helps protect your skin from different skin problems caused by sun rays. These include sagginess, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and more.  Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Location is ideal for people looking for a sunscreen that is not only non-sticky but also feels light on the face and gives a good moisture effect. This water and sweatproof sunscreen provides a broader spectrum of protection to your skin without appearing greasy at all. 3. Bioré UV Bright Face Milk SPF 50 Biore with SPF 50 works both as a moisturizer and foundation primer. Its excellent formulation helps mattify the greasiness, calm uneven skin, and protect the skin from harsh sun rays.  The sunscreen may leave behind a white layer on your skin after initial application. However, this white cast goes away after a few minutes as soon as your skin color adapts to it. 4. HERA Sun Mate Protector SPF 50+ If you’re experiencing skin problems like pigmentation, inflammation, and redness along with excessive dryness, then HERA Sunscreen might be an ideal choice for you. This is another great product that comes with SPF 50+ and a multitasking formula rich in moisturizer. not only protects your skin from sun rays but also treats pigmentation as it contains exfoliating AHAs and salicylic acid. 5. Kiehl’s Ultra Light Daily UV Defense SPF 50 If you are experiencing suntan or dull skin complexion in addition to dry skin, then try using Kiehl’s Ultra Light Daily UV Defense with SPF 50. It soothes and calms your skin tone while guarding it against harmful sun rays.  Moreover, this sunscreen is fragrance-free, oil-free, colorant-free, and non-comedogenic, making it an ideal choice for dry skin types. It also comes packed with a unique blend of soothing oils and vitamin E to nourish the skin and keep it supple.  Bottom Line  In this article, we’ve presented a list of some best sunscreens for dry skin to protect your skin from harsh sun rays while keeping it well moisturized. You can pick any according to your needs and fulfill your skin’s thirst for moisturization.  Do you have something to add to the list? Do share with our readers in the comments below. 

8 Incredible Foods for Boosting Skin Healing

best foods for skin healing

The healing of skin cells largely depends on your food choice. A healthy and balanced diet comprising proteins, healthy fat, fresh fruits, and raw vegetables are best for increasing cell turnover and healing damaged or injured skin cells. However, unhealthy food choices such as fast food, alcoholic beverages, and processed foods can slow the cell’s recovery process.  Let’s have a look at some best food choices that can exceptionally boost the repairing of the damaged cells either after an injury or surgical procedures. Best Foods for Boosting Skin Healing Process Avocado Avocados are packed with healthy fats, vitamin E, and soothing properties, making them an ideal choice for boosting wound healing. Vitamin E can also help the skin cells prevent premature aging signs by tightening skin, preventing sunburn, and rejuvenating skin. Moreover, a high quantity of plant sterols, antioxidants, and essential minerals can induce collagen production and reduce inflammation, thus leading to healthier skin. Coconut  The healthy fats and vitamins present in coconut can help minimize skin pores, thus preventing acne breakouts. It also contains vitamin C which helps repair damaged skin cells and combats oxidative radicals. Furthermore, coconut oil is a supernatural moisturizer for dry, flaky, and acne-prone skin types and leaves skin extra glowing. Yogurt Known for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties, yogurt is a prebiotic-rich food that can help fight acne-causing bacteria. Furthermore, it contains a large quantity of protein that can help nourish the skin cells by improving skin elasticity and youthfulness. Yogurt also helps restore the natural barrier of skin required for protection against bacteria or environmental pollutants. Berries Berries are filled with healthy nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamin C that can help speed up the process of wound healing by promoting the production of collagen.  The high level of anthocyanins (antioxidants) found in berries can help strengthen the immune system and fight oxidative stress. The National Institute of Health states that anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, thus helping protect against non-communicable diseases and multiple skin infections.  Nuts and Seeds Nuts and seeds such as almonds, walnuts, hemp, and sunflower seeds contain a high amount of plant proteins, vitamin E, minerals, and healthy fats that can help boost the skin healing process. Vitamin E can also improve immunity, help fight infectious diseases, and repair injured or dead skin cells. Soy Having a high amount of antioxidants such as isoflavones, soy is highly beneficial for increasing cell turnover and repairing injured skin cells. Moreover, it can reduce premature aging signs such as wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmented skin.  Salmon Salmon contains a high quantity of protein, iron, zinc, and omega-3- fats. Studies claim that taking omega-3-fats can help regulate the immune system, heal damaged cells, and fight inflammation. Salmon can also reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation, eczema, and sunburn, hence helping you get healthier and juvenile skin. Bottom Line While recovering from an injury or skin damage, you must take foods high in nutrients that help your body heal and recover. Anti-inflammatory and high-protein diets can boost the skin’s healing process. Furthermore, make sure to get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol to promote maximum healing.

5 Best Foundations for Dry Skin [in 2022]

best foundations for dry skin

Picking the right foundation that matches your skin tone and skin type can be tricky. And if you have dry skin, that means double the effort.  But no more cakey or parched makeup look! We have compiled this informative guide on the five best foundations for dry skin to make it easier for you to create a flawless makeup look. 5 Best Foundations for Dry Skin  1. Charlotte Tilbury Foundation Are you fond of full coverage makeup look but always end up creating a foundation faux pas look such as cakiness making your pores more prominent? Consider using Charlotte Tilbury Foundation to achieve full coverage makeup without the risk of dry lines or cakiness on the skin.  It gives your skin an airbrushed look by effortlessly covering pores, pimples, and dark circles under the eyes. On top of that, it comes in 44 different shades so you can use one that matches your skin tone.  2. Jane Iredale Dream Tinted Moisturizer If you have dry skin, then Jane Iredale Dream Moisturizer is going to be one of your favorite foundations. It does not only help you create a flawless makeup look but its tinted moisturizer also keeps your skin well hydrated.  Jane Iredale contains titanium oxide that protects your skin from sun rays and treats any redness on the skin caused due to dryness. Besides soothing properties, it also includes algae extracts that prevent moisture loss and keeps your skin supple. Its water-resistant quality makes it last all day long. 3. Catrice True Skin Hydrating Foundation Catrice True Skin is another beauty brand that offers an amazing foundation to its dry skin customers. The best thing about this foundation is it’s alcohol-free and doesn’t dry out your skin further. When you apply this foundation, it quickly melts into your skin. Its lightweight liquid formula gives your skin a soft natural look. In addition, the Catrice hydrating version contains hyaluronic acid that helps keep your skin moisturized and hydrating. 4. Fashion Fair SkinFlex Stick Foundation Fashion Fair is one of the first-ever black cosmetic lines introduced 56 years ago. If you have a dry, dark skin texture, then this foundation can be a great choice for you.  Fashion Fair Skin Flex Stick offers 16 different shades, which means almost every black girl finds a perfect foundation match here. The foundation’s version for dry skin includes soya bean oil which has antioxidant-rich hydrating properties and keeps the skin moisturized. It also contains vitamin E which helps soothe inflammation. Plus, the lightweight creamy formula is easy to blend and doesn’t make your pores look more prominent. 5. Kosas Tinted Face Oil As its name says, this foundation feels much like face oil. If you are looking for a lightweight hydrating foundation for your dry skin, then give Kosa’s a go.  This weightless foundation comes in 16 different shades. It’s similar to serum and feels comfy while wearing. Best for those who don’t like wearing heavy foundations as Kosas Tinted Face oil gives a natural, velvety look. Bottom Line  We hope the above-shared list of the best foundations for dry skin helps you find the right foundation for your needs. Don’t forget to thoroughly remove any makeup on your face before going to bed to avoid your skin pores from being clogged.  Do you have something to add to the list? Do share with our readers in the comments below! 

Whiteheads on Nose: Causes and Treatments

whiteheads on nose

The T-zone area, specifically the nose, is the most sensitive area of the skin vulnerable to acne breakouts such as pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads.  Whiteheads or closed comedones are non-inflammatory skin lesions that may develop on the nose when skin pores become clogged due to dead skin cells, dust, toxins, or excess sebum. They’re annoying and stubborn that may get worse if not treated carefully. However, you can remove and prevent whiteheads on the nose by knowing how and why they develop.  Let’s discuss various causes behind whiteheads on nose and possible treatment options for them.  Whiteheads on Nose Causes It’s natural for skin pores to have dead skin cells and oil. Dead skin cells are inevitable since your skin continually produces new ones to replace them. Natural skin oil (sebum) is essential for healthy and well-moisturized skin. However, dead skin cells and excessive oil production can turn your clogged pores into whiteheads. Besides this, there are various other factors that may cause whiteheads on the nose such as:  Hormonal changes  Pollution and excess humidity Puberty Menstruation Pregnancy Contraceptive drugs OTC Treatment for Whiteheads on Nose Over-the-counter (OTC) medication is one of the most common treatment options for whiteheads. The most effective OTC treatments may include: Salicylic Acid  Salicylic acid is used widely in numerous skincare products due to its amazing benefits for healthier, blemishless, and acne-free skin. It is amazingly good for removing the dead skin cells and keeping pores clear from unwanted debris without damaging skin nourishment, thus helping reduce the risk of whiteheads formation. Benzoyl Peroxide It targets bacterial infections and inflammatory toxins, thus reducing the risk of closed comedones and acne.  Retinoids Retinoids have been used extensively in the skincare industry for many years due to their ability to boost skin’s natural cell turnover and improve skin texture. They help remove the clogged pores, hence minimizing the risk of acne, whiteheads, and blackheads. Glycolic Acid It is a kind of alpha hydroxy acid and is highly effective in preventing acne breakouts. It opens the clogged pores and removes the topmost dead skin cells, leaving skin youthful and fragile. Azelaic Acid Azelaic acid is a gentle skin ingredient that helps prevent whiteheads formation by keeping skin pores clean. It effectively treats the skin from acne lesions, redness, inflammation, pigmentation, and oily skin problems. Other Tips to Prevent and Treat Whiteheads on Nose It’s better to prevent your skin from developing whiteheads by following a good skincare routine and using high-quality and gentle products. However, sometimes preventing whiteheads is difficult if caused by medical reasons.  Some preventive tips are mentioned below that might help treat or prevent whiteheads: Follow good skin hygienic practices to keep your skin from accumulating debris or developing dead skin cells.  Ensure using non-comedogenic products to reduce the risk of forming whiteheads. Regular cleansing, moisturization, and exfoliation is the best way to prevent or get rid of whiteheads. Ensure gentle massage or scrubbing as harsh treatment may trigger the development of whiteheads on the nose. Bottom Line Whiteheads on the nose can be tricky to get rid of. Consult a dermatologist if the home remedies or OTC treatments don’t help you eliminate whiteheads on the nose. Untreated whiteheads can cause severe skin problems, leading to skin damage.

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