Category Archives: Women Empowerment

Affiliate overtake market & how you can master it (22)

In this current economy, everyone is struggling and finding a way to make extra income and the easiest way is by being an affiliate. What is an affiliate? In simple words, it means you are selling other people’s products and getting a commission from the sales. Why choose to be an affiliate? You don’t have to fork out any of your pocket money. All the marketing materials are provided for you to market the products. Some company offers a high commission. You don’t have to arrange shipment for all orders. All you do is market the product and place orders for your customers. How to start being an affiliate? I recommend you sell products that you like to promote. If you are into beauty stuff, you can choose brands that sell cosmetics, supplements, beauty tools, etc Choosing products that are close to yourself makes it easy for you to promote and sell Even better buy one to test the product so you can easily explain how the product works Choose brands or companies that offer high commissions. Usually, they offer 5-10% for an affiliate but this company offers a 15% commission for an affiliate The higher your commission is, the higher your income is My experience of being an affiliate: I was once an affiliate of skincare products that I used. I choose the brand because I used their products and I know the results. It makes me more passionate about explaining, promoting, and selling products. Easily I make RM50/day which means my side income was RM1,500 monthly. Pro tip: Consistent promotion in all social media platforms starts by using your own personal accounts as they already have potential customers. Post about the product 3x a day (morning, lunch, and night time) The posting includes product information, testimonies, product benefits, and promos. Consistent for a month and I am sure you will see results. Don’t easily give up as it is normal not to get sales at the early stages. Just do it! If you have any more questions about this don’t hesitate to ask in the comment section down below. Hope this helps. Much love 😘    

1 New Way Can Prevent Jaundice & Boost Breastmilk Too

I have been consuming it since 2017 and it worked wonders for my skin. In 2019, it helped my baby from jaundice and boosted my breastmilk. I have to stop consuming Diamond Glow until my pregnancy is 4 months because the first trimester is very sensitive and it’s advisable to take only meds from the doctors. So for the first time, I’m taking folic acid, given by the doctor to help with the development of the baby in my cute little tummy. But honestly, I can feel the difference when not taking Diamond Glow. My body is not energetic like usual but maybe also because I’m carrying a human inside of me. I can still work as usual and I can see myself really loving to get dressed up and make-up for some reason. That is really not me guys! Told ya before I can’t even maintain a 3 steps skincare hahaha I am seriously counting the days till I reached 4 months! I can’t wait to be on Diamond Glow again. It’s like very addictive and of course the results to my skin and digestive system that I really love. And the day has come! That night I’m appreciating Diamond Glow more than before hahaha Oh yes! The next day I woke up with fresh glowing skin and more energy. I don’t want to miss any days because I know I’m sharing all the good nutrients with my baby too. And I’m hoping it will make my baby’s skin bright and fair hehe Can you feel the excitement? 😝 For your information, I and my husband were born with darker skin so it’s very unlikely to get a white fair baby. I am really experimenting with Diamond Glow if it can do some magic on our baby hehe I didn’t miss any doctor’s appointments and so far my baby is healthy according to the brain check and the heartbeat. Alhamdulillah, I’m very grateful for this blessing. I am going to be a mom soon! It feels surreal! I have been wanting to have a baby since I was in high school. I even collect babies’ stuff since then. I bought tiny shoes, a newborn romper, a napkin, and sooo many more! My family knows about this and the best part is when my papa went to London he came back with a newborn romper for me guys to add up my baby collections! This was when I was in high school. To think back it’s really funny though when he supported me like that 😂 Dad of the year ay? I don’t have my husband’s baby photo but I’m going to show you mine so you will see the colour of my skin. I’m on the left You can see there I’m born with a darker skin tone and I look like a boy too hahaha Why in the world is our hair so short like that? My sister looks cute though Yeah that’s me. Just the two of us, me and my sister. My due is at the end of May and I’m hoping that my baby will come out on the 23rd of May then it will be the same birth date as my papa. I can already feel the contractions but I don’t really know though it’s my first hahaha On the 22rd of May 2019, I still don’t feel like the baby is going to come out so I decided to go to the hospital, and no matter what I want that date! 😂 I am serious guys. I really want my baby to share the same birth date as my papa. The nurse checked my opening is only 3cm and she said I can deliver tomorrow if they induced me. OKAY, IT’S ON! (not knowing the pain after induced 😂) OMG, it’s crazy how I had every 5 mins of contractions since 11 pm. I can’t even sleep. I’m thinking how can I push the baby out when I already finishing my energy fighting the pain of contractions for so long? My husband suggested an epidural but nope! So stubborn to show that I am strong to do this without any help. After a 7cm opening, I gave up 😂 Give me the epidural NOW! Right after they injected my backbones, I didn’t feel any pain anymore but hey it’s not the time yet to push okay! I need to wait until the 10cm opening to push. Damn this is hard! They advised me to sleep first and will wake me up when 10cm. Oh okay 😂 Long story short, I deliver my beautiful baby boy at 4 pm on the 23rd of May 2019 😍 Jackpot! Got the date! Phew, THANK YOU EPIDURAL đŸ€Ł I cannot believe that my baby boy is very pinkish-white! It worked! Diamond Glow worked!!! It’s a boy! Look at his skin Noah 2.9kg So pinkish la you mummy so jelly! Look at that beautiful baby boy. My son, Noah. I continue consuming Diamond Glow during my confinement as it helps boost my energy and balances my hormones. It also helps boost my breastmilk yayy! Noah has very little jaundice and I only have to treat him at home. To sum up, my pregnancy journey was beautiful alhamdulillah. Thanks to Diamond Glow for giving me a fair baby 😍 If you are not allergic to collagen, give Diamond Glow a try and see how it helps your overall skin and health and your baby too. So far, I have never consumed anything else to maintain my skin and body healthy. Don’t forget to share with me your journey with Diamond Glow during pregnancy okay? Leave a comment if you would like to ask me anything too. Much love 😘    

5 Celebrities Celebrate 1 Product

Familiar with mouth-to-mouth marketing? That’s how Diamond Glow spreads rapidly. Diamond Glow proved it can empower women through beauty & wellness. When we sell a good product to really help women out there achieve their desired skin, God does the rest for me. One by one woman shared on social media their journey with Diamond Glow. I am beyond grateful for the honest feedback from them. It’s all about empowering other women through beauty & wellness. The least I could do. Not only I helped them be confident with bare skin. Some of them start selling it. They fell in love with Diamond Glow as I did. They believe in it. They want to empower other women with their own experienced too. Now we are a small group of women believing in each other and ready to take over the world 😂 Sounds so dramatic, but that’s how we felt, seriously. What’s so unique about Diamond Glow that makes people love it? Let’s get straight to the point: The 1st and one and only skin & health collagen supplement that doesn’t have restrictions: You don’t need to avoid caffeine You don’t need to drink 3 liters of water daily to see results You can mix it with any drink! You can also consume it during menstrual days You can take it before or after food BASICALLY, IT’S SUPER EASY FOR YOU TO MAINTAIN! I am the laziest person in the world. To prep my skin with crazy steps of skincare is just not gonna work for me. I can’t maintain that. Too busy for that 😝 Nahh I’m just lazy to do all that. I will find the simplest product for me to maintain like 2 in 1 moisturiser with SPF. Something like that. So if you are like me, yes! Diamond Glow is definitely for you. And I found that many women love this simplest solution. Especially for busy women. Nowadays, everyone is always on the run right? So making it simple is crucial. The simplest solution is jackpot guys! Celebrities start to look and share about Diamond Glow OMG! My small business just went skyrocketed with these blessings. Okay okay I’m going to share now the celebrities who tried and loved Diamond Glow 😍 Little Miss Khan Elfira Loy Nadiyah Shahera Bella Astilah Aprena Manrose It still feels so surreal. I am so happy they are very generous to share with Malaysia about Diamond Glow. Look at their skin! Very clear, healthy, and pinkish some more awhhh loveeee! Some of you girls asking whether you can take it more than once a day because you’re addicted to the taste! Okay, girl please only take 2 scoops max before sleep or you can take one scoop in the morning for an energy booster and one scoop before sleep for skin treatment. Up to you. Both ways worked! But do know that if you take it in the morning it only works as an energy booster. Before sleep will focus on the skin. But please follow the advised dose and not more than that. Too much of a good thing is also not good. Well basically, too much of anything is not good. If you wanna know more about Diamond Glow’s benefits, kindly click here BENEFITS I can’t wait to see more influencers, beauty bloggers, tiktokers, celebrities, and anyone else shares about Diamond Glow. I love honest feedback so that I know where I can improve. It really helps me on improving the quality of the product. If you have tried Diamond Glow, please don’t forget to share your story with me and share your thoughts on how I can improve my product and business too maybe? As long as we women have each other, we have nothing to worry about. Much love 💋💋💋  

10 Women Try This & Loved

If you have read my previous blog, you already know how I achieved healthy skin. To have clear-healthy looking skin is every women’s dream. Using it on my own is no fun. Sharing it with every woman out there and being able to help them get their dream skin, that’s FUN! But first, let’s share it with my 10 closest friends first and see how it turns out for them. I am super excited and nervous at the same time. Of course, I want it to score 10 out of 10. I provided them with 14 sachets instead of 7 just in case their body needs more time to show results. Most of them with skin problems like acne, scars, oily and dull. I believe with repairing their inside will help make their skin appear clearer and healthier. Just like mine đŸ€žđŸ» Okay I know you guys already can’t wait to see their before and after pictures he he he Before that, let me share with you 15 ingredients of Diamond Glow that are imported from Swiss & Brazil: Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen (make sure you are not allergic to collagen to take this) Mixed Berries Extract Ascorbic Acid Beta Glucan Maltodextrin Malus Domestica Extract Prune Extract Apricot Extract Guarana Extract Acai Berry Extract Grape Seed Extract Pine Bark Extract L-Arginine L-Glutathione Sucralose Now you know the secret ingredients to healthy skin. Oh but don’t be scared because it doesn’t taste any fish collagen at all. In fact, it tastes yummy like Ribena. Even better actually. You can taste the richness of mixed berries. Ah writing this makes me wanna drink one now 😋 Please also make sure you don’t have all of these to try Diamond Glow: WHO CAN’T CONSUME phenylketonuria PKU histamine intolerance cyst tumors thyroid lymphoma cystic fibrosis protein allergen vegan diabetic (refer doctor for our ingredients) chronic disease (refer to a doctor for our ingredients) high blood pressure (refer to a doctor for our ingredients) heart attack (refer doctor for our ingredients) No matter how much you want to try, just don’t okay! As advised by the chemist, it’s not recommended. Hey! Let’s make it more fun! How much do you think I score for these testimonies? 5/10? 3/10? 6/10? 10/10 or 0/10? Take a guess.. Sensitive and dull skin problems result in brighter and healthier skin Acne & dull skin problems result in less acne and brighter Scars & dull skin problems result in no more scars and brighter Old scars problem result in fading scars and brighter Dull skin problems result in brighter and skinnier   I SCORED 9/10 GUYS! But not everyone wants to share their before-after picture. Only managed to get 5 to share. So I found out that 1 girl didn’t even consistent drinking it as she always forgot. But hey, 9/10 is GREAT! From the before-after pictures, you can see many of them result in brightening and loss weight too! Oh my goodness, I didn’t expect weight loss though. Not only does Diamond Glow help treat your acne, scars, oily, and dry, but it also brightens and maintains your ideal weight. Can I say Diamond Glow is all in one now? Seems like it right? But I can safely say that its main function is more to the skin rather than weight loss. Let me officially share the Diamond Glow picture with you now ay? I just realised I didn’t share it yet. Silly me 😝  Let’s give a round of applause to the ahhhmazinggg skin solution product, Diamond Glow! (New packaging shoo cute)   So yeah, that’s the story of the 10 first women who tried Diamond Glow after me. If you wanna feel the difference yourself, just click the link and try your first tub. Try now Hey, don’t forget to share with me your journey with Diamond Glow in the comment section so I can share it with all the women out there too. Your sharing is much appreciated. See you on the next blog! Much love 😘      

1 Skincare Experience You’ll Thank Later

Honestly, I like to try skincare products, and of course like most of the other girls out there I want fast-result products! If you don’t know about this crucial thing.. Fast-result = Higher chemicals guyssss! Wanting to have white bright, clear, and glowing skin while not caring about skincare products with high chemicals caused acne breakouts and sensitive skin. Not even that, but once you stop using the products your skin became worst! Now it’s dull, oily, and acne all over my face urgh! Who to blame huh? And my self-esteem has gone idk where. I skipped classes sooo many times because I don’t have the confidence to go out. And once I didn’t go to class for 3 months straight and waited for my skin to get better. Covering with make-up will make it worse and slow the improvement. So what now? Well, with effort comes a miracle ay? Like any other fairytale, one day my step-mom open her mouth and said something that change my entire life! “I have this one friend of mine who works with chemists from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and they produce products that help skin problems like you. Do you wanna try them? I can try asking him to get some free samples”. Why only now Mom? HAHAHA (not being grateful 😂) Without hesitating, I said YES! As long as it’s safe. Wiser now huh LOL. Alhamdulillah my mom managed to get some samples from her friend but I was skeptical because her friend only gave me 7 sachets. Like seriously 7 sachets going to make this acne go away? Seriously…. Well, what do I have to lose right? Let’s try it! Without putting so much hope, I just consumed it and not looking so much myself in the mirror. Within the 7 days, I can’t remember which day, my mom said my skin is getting brighter and clearer! OMG for real?! Yes guys! So I keep on consuming it for 3 months and let’s look at my skin after 3 months consumed this mysterious product!   3 months result   Look at my skin guys! No filter for the after picture guys. You can see how I suffer in the before picture. Believe it or not, my confidence level just leveled up to a whole new level now. Thanks to this awesome product. What is more important for a woman than having clear healthy looking skin? I’m pretty sure you are dying to know the product, right? 😚 Alright alright, here you go guys my life saver . You gotta try to believe it guys. The most important things are it’s safe with Halal and MOH certification. Share down below in the comment section your experience with the product okay? Your story will help other women as I help yours. Thank you in advance!


#pechenakbantu campaign – An initiative to help women become financially independent during the pandemic. Help! It’s a word we all know. It’s something we all try our best to do. It’s something that all of us at pĂȘche strive for; helping women and communities. The #pechenakbantu campaign was born to help empower women, and allow them to independently create a source of income. Nak bantu is malay for wanting to help.  #pechenakbantu is based on one easy-to-follow idea, sell one bottle of Diamond Glow a day to one person, and at the end of the month, you will have thirty customers. Since #pechenakbantu is based on a dropshipping model, each person who signs up doesn’t have to worry about having initial capital to start. In addition, we have decided to increase the profit margin specifically for this campaign to help those in need.  In order to help motivate and keep the energy up pĂȘche will also reward those who are able to sell one bottle of Diamond Glow a day consistently, with GRAND CASH BONUS. We also provide marketing tips, tools, and materials for those who are a part of our #pechenakbantu campaign. The idea is to empower and motivate women to take control of their current situation and eventually be financially independent.  pĂȘche is about women, for women, by women and is set to make a difference in the lives of all women. For more information about our #pechenakbantu campaign please visit –


Who is Eqa Fakhri? She is a mother, entrepreneur, and advocate of women empowerment. Having graduated with a Diploma in Accounting from the Management and Science University (MSU), she started off her career with Public Mutual as a Unit Trust Consultant. There, she managed to gain valuable experiences and her leadership quality was recognized through promotion to an Agency Supervisor within just three months after her joining the company. However, the ambition to gain success gave her the push she needed and she decided to leave the comfort of her stable job to pursue her own passion. In 2017, she embarked on a new journey and pĂȘche was born. The birth of pĂȘche started because when she was a student, she suffered from low self esteem and a lack of confidence due to her acne problems. She then met with a product that was recommended to her and within 7 days of consuming it, she saw an improvement in her skin. Like all good things, she believed it should be shared with the world and Diamond Glow became available to the market in hopes to help other women with their confidence. With a RM900 budget, she was able to get 15 bottles of Diamond Glow and used the balance to market the product. Now pĂȘche restocks 10,000 bottles of Diamond Glow a month. Diamond Glow is a skin enhancer and energy booster and has managed to take the world by storm. Eqa’s dream of supporting and empowering women to pursue their passion and to gain financial stability allowed for her to develop a Leadership Program driven by a system that is easy to understand, follow, practice, and replicate, with a product that works. pĂȘche started with just one person. It was challenging, but she persisted. And now her business has grown into a team of 11, with a network of 8 sole distributors, 23 stockists, and 400 agents across 7 countries. Eqa Fakhri makes it a point to continuously invest her time and effort in mentoring and providing tools for her team to succeed. She is at her happiest when she sees the women she has mentored excel and achieve their goals no matter how small. Seeing the feedback from her consumers and seeing how Diamond Glow has restored their confidence and how it has improved their lives, makes all her hard work worthwhile.  In line with the goal to empower women, pĂȘche has introduced the #unleashyourpeche movement with the intention to spread love, support and empowerment to women worldwide.  She doesn’t stop there! With her dynamic team and loyal customers, pĂȘche is expanding day by day and continues to inspire more women to have the best quality of life and to take the leap in gaining success.  


Any institution, whether or not it’s miles society or organization, withinside the gift century, can’t be characterized efficiently without a girl’s equal participation in management activities. Women create an angle that brings to opposition and collaboration to groups and groups. In today’s world, groups which are led with the aid of inclusive management groups make powerful selections that supply higher results. In the twenty-first century, the vital features required to guide consist of the capacity to collaborate, connect, empathize and communicate. All those features are female in nature and might assist construct an extra sustainable future. Many facts display that groups led with the aid of using girls have higher monetary results. Leadership with the aid of using girls is crucial to grow the tempo of societal transformation at domestic and withinside the workplace. Women leaders are possibly to offer an incorporated view of labor and family, ensuring an engaged and promising non-public and expert future. In Rwanda, UN Women supported civil society groups in analysing the gender responsiveness of spending on agriculture, a sector where many women make their livelihoods. The data they collected informed advocacy that, from 2009 to 2011, encouraged a 26.3-per-cent jump in Rwanda’s agricultural budget.  UNWOMEN.ORG As you know, peche helps women to be financially empowered through our business tools and leadership program. The good news is we have our own “The Launching Of The Leader In You” program and we would like to invite you to our complimentary leadership webinar that happens once a month. Our next one will be on 4th September 2020 at 8.30 pm and we are looking forward to see you! Please fill in your details in the google sheet form down below. Thank you and see you there, champion!


Since the second half of the twentieth century, women’s exertion pressure participation has grown significantly. Women are running longer hours and pursuing better schooling in extra numbers. However, regardless of this progress, big salary gaps among women and men persist.  The gender salary gap refers back to the distinction in income among ladies and men. Experts have calculated this gap in a mess of ways, however the various calculations factor to a consensus. Women continually earn much less than men. Globally, women are paid less than men. The gender wage gap is estimated to be 23 per cent. This means that women earn 77 percent of what men earn, though these figures understate the real extent of gender pay gaps, particularly in developing countries where informal self-employment is prevalent.[14] Women also face the motherhood wage penalty, which increases as the number of children a woman has increases.[15] Women are more likely to be unemployed than men. In 2017, global unemployment rates for men and women stood at 5.5 per cent and 6.2 percent respectively. This is projected to remain relatively unchanged going into 2018 and through 2021.[11] UNWOMEN.ORG With more and more women becoming financially independent every day, they are becoming conscious about what to do with their money. Now, if financial independence is the first step, the final goal is financial freedom. Even though the intentions are right, due to lack of vision, most of them get stuck somewhere in the middle. In pĂȘche, we guide ways a woman can walk her way through financial independence towards financial freedom, but only with the right approach towards their money goals. Let me share with you a beautiful moment that we captured for one of our leaders celebrating her dream car at the age of 23 years old. Click here please If she can, you can too! Want to know more about how she can achieve her BIG GOAL?  Visit our  Website Follow our Instagram page Like and follow our FB page Like and subscribe our YouTube Channel


A leader is someone who impacts and encourages a collection of human beings to paintings closer to the belief of desires. The hallmark of management is the potential to persuade others closer to undertaking desires and closer to betterment. As Chester Barnard sums it up, “Leadership is the ability of a superior to influence the behavior of a subordinates or group and persuades them to follow a particular course of action.” Leadership isn’t gender-specific. It is a hard and fast of management features inherent or cultivated in character or men and women who expand themselves into exceptional leaders with mass following. Leaders may be both men or women. Women remain less likely to participate in the labour market than men around the world. Labour force participation rate for women aged 25-54 is 63 per cent compared to 94 per cent for men. [9] When including younger (aged 15 years and up) and older women (aged 55 and up) , in 2018 women’s global labour force participation rate is event lower at 48.5 per cent, 26.5 percentage points below that of men. UNWOMEN.ORG Women leaders are greater transformational than men leaders. They are characteristic as a function version for his or her subordinates. They encourage their group and spend a number of time educating their group. They care loads about their non-public development. Women leaders emphasize teamwork and real verbal exchange as a key to success. For maximum women leaders, management isn’t intended simplest for conducting organizational desires however for reworking their followers into higher people. Let’s take a look at what one of the women leaders said after joining the peche leadership program. “I FEEL THE ASSURANCE THAT I CAN BE A LEADER WHEN GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE A TEAM LEADER AMONG THE LEADERS” – BLOMMY, KNOCKOUT PECHE LEADER FROM NAMIBIA, AFRICA Please enjoy our humble video from the last leadership program. Click here If you are ready to pursue on the journey to financial stability, start now and connect with us:
 Visit our  Website Follow our Instagram page Like and follow our FB page Like and subscribe our YouTube Channel

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