Category Archives: Health

The Ultimate Skincare Routine for Combination Skin

skincare routine for combination skin

Like any other skin type, combination skin also demands proper cleansing, moisturizing, and protection to help achieve well-nourished, smooth, and glowing skin. However, maintaining a proper skincare routine for combination skin can be challenging at times. You want to balance moisture in dry and oily parts of your skin without losing necessary natural skin oil.   This article shares a skincare routine guide for people with combination skin. Let’s start!  Morning Skincare Routine for Combination Skin Cleanse with a Foaming Gel Cleanser Using a gel cleanser helps remove excess oil on combination skin. Its gentle exfoliation formula balances skin texture and develops a protective sheath around it. Salicylic acid, niacinamide, and hyaluronic acid are excellent ingredients for a youthful skin tone in combination skin types. Apply Toner  Toner is perfect for balancing skin pH by removing any excess oil left after cleansing. Make sure to use alcohol-free toner because it might cause irritation or burning sensation for sensitive skin or combination skin otherwise. Moisturize A good quality serum can fulfill the demands of skin moisturization by effectively hydrating the skin and protecting it from the patchy texture caused by extreme dryness. People with combination skin need two moisturizers for their skin, i.e., creamy or gel formula for dry skin and water-based formula for oily skin areas.  Apply Sunscreen Sun protection is essential for all skin types in your skincare routine. The best sunscreen should be broad spectrum with SPF 30 or above, protecting against UVA and UVB sun rays. Apply a small quantity to different points on skin exposed to sunlight and pat the area for absorption. You must apply sunscreen every time you go out or even every 2-3 hours of sun exposure. Night Skincare Routine for Combination Skin Remove Makeup  Clearing skin pores from makeup and keeping them unclogged is necessary for nourished skin. Make sure to remove all the makeup before going to bed because any leftover product may cause a rough and dull appearance. You can use any mild cleansers or natural skin products for this purpose. Cleanse  After removing makeup products, you need to apply a gentle cleanser to remove any dirt, bacteria, or makeup remnants.  Exfoliate  Exfoliation is essential for removing dead skin cells, unclogging skin pores, and protecting from extreme dryness.  Typically, the number of exfoliation sessions should not exceed twice a week.  Apply Face Mask Go for a multi-tasking face mask once a week to get balanced, well-nourished, and radiant skin. You can also make a DIY facial mask containing natural ingredients. Moisturize  Apply a gentle moisturizer or a high-quality serum on dry patches of the skin to get a hydrated texture. Best Ingredients for Combination Skin Hyaluronic acid is an excellent ingredient for combination skin as it hydrates the skin without leaving oily residues. Salicylic acid regulates and balances oil production in the skin. Lactic acid helps clear skin pores by removing dead skin cells. Emollients such as shea butter or coconut oil soften and rejuvenate the skin texture. Bottom Line Following a good skincare routine for combination skin can help revitalize skin by balancing its moisture. Moreover, you can take Peche’s Diamond Glow, a multivitamin supplement enriched with vitamins, minerals, collagen, and antioxidants to boost skin nourishment in all skin types.

4 Amazing Benefits of Guarana Extract for Your Health

health benefits of guarana extract

Guarana, also known as Paullinia cupana, is a fruit native to the Amazon. For many years, people have used the fruit and its extract for weight loss, improving memory, and relieving chronic diarrhea.  Guarana is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant properties to many health benefits such as improved digestive health and focus. The fruit also contains stimulants such as caffeine that act as an energy booster.  Let’s have a look at the top 4 health benefits of guarana. 4 Potential Health Benefits of Guarana Extract  1. Contains Antibacterial Properties One of the excellent qualities of guarana fruit is it can inhibit or kill harmful bacteria such as Escherichia coli (E.coli). Usually, E. Coli is found in human and animal intestines. Although not all of them are harmful, some can cause illness or diarrhea.  Guarana is also proven to suppress the growth of Streptococcus mutans, also known as S. mutans. It’s a bacteria responsible for tooth decay.  2. Can Reduce Fatigue and Improve Focus Another superb benefit of guarana extract is that it can help relieve fatigue and boost energy. Guarana seeds contain four to six times more caffeine than coffee beans, which makes them an excellent ingredient to block the effects of adenosine, a compound that causes your brain to relax. Adenosine receptors, when bound to caffeine, become inactive.   A study shows that people who take guarana vitamin supplements feel less fatigued as compared to those who do not. Surprisingly, eating guarana can help lower mental fatigue in cancer patients without any significant side effects.  3. May Treat Chronic Diarrhea and Constipation For centuries, guarana has been effectively used to treat digestive issues such as chronic diarrhea and constipation due to its antioxidant properties. The antibacterial effect is due to the combination of plant-based compounds (catechins or tannins) and caffeine. Being an astringent, tannins can bind and contract tissue which allows it to waterproof your digestive tract walls as well as restricts how much water is discharged into your bowels.  Moreover, guarana naturally has a high amount of caffeine that may act as a laxative. Caffeine stimulates peristalsis, which activates contractions in your intestine and colon muscles. This process can treat constipation by pushing the content to the rectum. 4. Helps Weight Loss  One out of three adults in America is obese. Obesity is not only about being overweight but often comes with many health risks, including high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and cancer.  Guarana’s caffeine-rich properties can help lose weight and suppress cravings for junk food and snack between meals. That’s because consuming caffeine boosts your metabolism by 3-11% within 24 hours. A faster metabolism at rest will help your body burn more calories.  A study also reveals that guarana helps weight loss by suppressing fat cell production and supporting genes that slow it down. However, guaranas’ effect on fat cells needs further research.  Bottom Line For many years, guarana has been used by Amazonian tribes for its pain-relieving effect. Guarana is most commonly used for reducing fatigue, improving learning abilities, and boosting energy.  A good thing is that you can easily add guarana extract into your routine through supplements. Diamond Glow is one such powder supplement that contains guarana extract, berries extract, grape seed extract, vitamin, and other natural ingredients. It helps boost your energy, relieve muscle pain, and treat many skin conditions like acne, dark spots, wrinkles, and more. 

6 Worst Foods that Can Cause Acne

foods that can cause acne

The link between certain foods and acne breakout is still a controversial debate. The facts vary from person to person in acne-prone skin types. One specific food may cause acne in some people while the same food may not affect others. However, keeping a good balance of healthy food and avoiding junk or unhealthy diet may contribute larger to getting rid of acne.  In this article, we’ve listed the 6 worst food choices that can trigger acne development.  6 Foods that Can Cause Acne Dairy Products Dairy products such as cheese, milk, butter, and full-fat yogurt may cause painful pimples and acne. Lactose intolerance can also make the symptoms worse. Research reveals that milk and ice cream are major acne-causing dairy products. However, there’s room for further research to find how exactly dairy products lead to acne. Alcoholic Beverages Consuming alcoholic beverages may disturb your hormonal balance, especially estrogen and testosterone. The disturbance in these two hormones is the major contributing factor to acne formation and its severity. Moreover, alcohol may also decrease immunity which results in allergies and frequent skin infections including acne. Junk Food Most people claim junk food as the principal triggering factor for acne. Fast food includes a vast variety of burgers, French fries, and pizzas that are extremely unhealthy for your health and skin.  The high content of saturated fats and processed ingredients may cause multiple skin disorders by disturbing the hormonal balance or blood sugar level. Thus, both these factors can induce acne breakout. However, if you have extreme cravings for fast food, you may try homemade products to reduce the content of processed ingredients. Foods Rich in Omega-6 Fats Omega-6 fatty acids may induce skin disorders in acne-prone skins as they are inflammatory. The richest sources of omega-6 fats are nuts, sunflower oil, fish oil, and soybean. These foods may increase sebum production and worsen the signs of acne.  A study was conducted on individuals using fish oil for 12 weeks and results indicated that the oil can increase the severity of acne. High Sugar Foods If you want a sweet dessert after dinner, it’s time to quickly stop or minimize its intake to reduce the risk of acne. High sugar foods boost insulin production which can lead to the production of excess sebum, thus causing clogging of pores and inflammation in the body. Excess sebum may trigger acne development. According to a recent study, high sugar intake can induce a high risk of acne breakouts. Whey Protein Powder Protein powders are usually used by athletes and bodybuilders who want to build their muscles fast. It is rich in amino acids (building blocks of proteins), thus contributing largely to the strengthening of muscles. However, whey protein can boost insulin levels that resultantly cause acne breakouts.  Bottom Line Research data indicating the link between acne and foods is yet insufficient to give particular dietary recommendations. However, you should keep a food diary to identify patterns in the type of foods triggering your acne problem. In addition to this, avoiding the consumption of the above-mentioned food may also help you prevent or treat acne.  If you’re experiencing acne issues, then consider taking Peche’s Diamond Glow multivitamin supplement. It’s rich in vitamin C, E, and other ingredients with antioxidant properties to help treat acne, dark spots, scars, and other skin conditions. Order now to get more youthful, glowing, and acne-free skin.

4 Impressive Health Benefits of Apricot Extract

health benefits of apricot extract

Experiencing digestive issues or earaches? Today we are going to name a fruit that will work wonders for many of your major to minor health issues. We’re talking about apricots.   Apricots or Armenian plums are highly nutritious yet low-calorie fruits. They’re packed with various minerals, vitamins, fibers, and more —all of which are known to have insane health benefits.  Let’s have a look at some health benefits of the apricot extract.  4 Amazing Health Benefits of Apricot Extract  1. May Aid Earaches  Apricot oil can be beneficial for relieving earache. Although there is little research available related to its mechanism, some sources suggest that pouring a few drops of apricot oil into the affected ear canal can relieve the pain.  2. May Treats Scalp Issues White flakes or dandruff on the scalp is a common problem for many that often becomes embarrassing. However, massaging your hair with apricot oil can help you get rid of dandruff naturally.  Apricot oil contains vitamin E and A, which help promote skin health and repair. A study suggests that apricot oil can help with scalp issues like psoriasis, eczema, dandruff, and dry scalp. It can also help restore moisture for dry, dull hair or flaky scalp. 3. May Aid in Anemia Treatment Eating dried apricots is a natural source of iron and copper. Anemia patients can add dried apricots to their diet to combat iron deficiency. Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is a condition that can lead to fatigue, weakness, lightheadedness, digestive problems, and general metabolic dysfunction. Due to a lack of iron and ultimately red blood cells, the body becomes unable to reoxygenate itself properly and organ systems stop functioning correctly. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy level of iron in your body. Both Iron and copper are a key part of red blood cell production. Note: Sulfate present in dried apricot may be toxic to asthma patients and people sensitive to dried foods.  4. Rich in Potassium Our body fluid depends mainly on potassium and sodium. Apricots are rich in potassium, which means consuming apricot extract can help maintain fluid levels in your body. It can also help body organs and muscles to get sufficient energy and function properly.  A good balance of electrolytes in the body can also help reduce cramps, improve blood circulation, and boost immunity.  Take Away  Apricot extract is palatable as well as beneficial for health. This delicious extract is not only rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants but also offers multiple benefits, including aiding earache and improving digestive health and liver health. You can consume apricot extract from fresh or dried apricots or in the form of supplements. Diamond Glow is one such powdered multivitamin supplement that contains apricot extract, berries extract, prune extracts, vitamins, collagen, and other natural ingredients. It helps promote a healthy scalp, improves skin health, boosts immunity, and offers many other health benefits. The supplement is HALAL certified and safe for all group ages.  Learn more about Diamond Glow or order the product here.

8 Incredible Benefits of Grape Seed Extract for Health

health benefits of grape seed extract

From fighting infections to treating skin disorders, grape seed extract (GSE) is an amazing ingredient that offers many health benefits. It is made after drying and grinding the grape seeds. Being rich in antioxidants, grape seed extract ca help treat cardiovascular, digestive, infectious, and autoimmune disorders.  Let’s have a look at the health benefits of grape seed extract.  8 Potential Health Benefits of Grape Seed Extract Reduces LDL Cholesterol GSE may pose heart health benefits such as managing high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Deposition of low-density lipoprotein in the body may cause stroke or heart attack. The cardioprotective role of GSE can reduce the associated risks. Research claims that the impacts may be more promising by following a restricted-calorie diet. Strengthen Bones and Muscles The grape seed extract is rich in flavonoids that are extremely good for increasing collagen production required for bone strength. According to a study, grape seed extract supplements may be highly beneficial for treating bone damage caused by inflammation and low mineral bone density. Moreover, it also helps treat chronic autoimmune inflammation in arthritis patients. Fights Oxidative Stress Being rich in tannins (antioxidants), grape seed extract helps protect the lining of the blood vessels from oxidative damage,  thus helping improve cardiovascular fitness. Moreover, it is also rich in anti-inflammatory properties that help combat free radical damage. Aids Weight Loss The extract contains bioactive components that help prevent fat deposition and fat absorption consumed through diet. It can also provide an energy boost and help you lose weight by speeding up your metabolism. Stimulates Cognitive Function GSE’s active ingredients can help improve cognitive functions such as improved focus, prolonged memory, and reduced temperament changes. It can also help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Boosts Kidney and Liver Function The functioning of different body organs may get affected due to high oxidative stress. Anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic properties of GSE can help prevent severe damage. Several studies also support the effectiveness of GSE supplementation for improved kidney and liver health. GSE may also prevent or treat fatty liver disease and treat high alanine aminotransferase enzyme (an indicator of liver damage). Treats Hypertension A study suggests that supplementing with grape seed extract can efficiently reduce diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Moreover, the impact of GSE was more pronounced in obese people and patients with metabolic disorders. However, conflicting results may be found in some patients depending on their lifestyle, age, and dosage of supplements. Boosts Immunity The flavonoids in GSE increase the immune system’s ability to defend against bacterial infections by stimulating vitamin C and vitamin E function. In addition, the antioxidants in grape seed extract are around 30-50 times more effective than vitamin C at defending the body from infections. Bottom Line You can take grape seed extract in the form of supplements that contain GSE. Diamond Glow is one such supplement that’s rich in grape seed extract, vitamins (A, B, C, and E), collagen, berries, and more to improve your skin health and overall health. It can nourish skin, improve blood flow, strengthen bones, and offer many other health benefits. 

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Acai Berry Extract

health benefits of acai berry extract

Acai berry is a highly nutritious superfruit that is native to America. It’s extracted from acai palm trees and comes packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and protein. Acai berry extract can provide potent health benefits such as improving cognitive function, digestive health, and cardiac fitness.  Let’s have a look at the health benefits of acai berry extract for your health. 7 Benefits of Acai Berry Extract for Your Health  Protects From Neurological Disorders Acai is rich in polyphenols that are effective in treating and preventing neurological disorders. Similarly, it can also control the accumulation of beta-amyloid- a compound that causes Alzheimer’s disease by interrupting the brain’s communication. It can cause the brain to suffer from inflammation and slow brain death. Research conducted on rats to check the effectiveness of acai berries suggests that it helped improve memory by reducing inflammatory signaling while aging. Moreover, it also protects the brain cells from oxidative damage. Helps Weight loss The high content of fiber in acai berry extract makes it ideal for providing satiating- the feeling of fullness. It can reduce cravings that can contribute to reducing weight healthily. Furthermore, the high fatty acid content can speed up the metabolism rate which aids in getting rid of excessive fat. Helps Reduce Bad Cholesterol Levels  Sterols present in acai berry extract can be used to reduce bad cholesterol levels by preventing the absorption of cholesterol in the body. A study claims that acai berries can significantly reduce the risk of atherosclerosis by improving the lipid profile. Moreover, an increase in antioxidant levels may also help improve heart health. Improves Digestive System Another benefit of acai berry extract is that it can help boost digestive system functionality. It can be considered prebiotics in the colon, hence contributing to better gut health. Moreover, a densely packed fiber may help regulate bowel movements and prevent bloating issues. Good for Diabetes The glycemic index of acai is low, which is good for diabetic patients. It also has a low level of lipids. Acai juice can be a healthy way to keep your blood sugar level in check. Prevents Premature aging The high antioxidant content in acai boosts its anti-aging effects. One little acai berry contains almost thrice as many antioxidants as blueberry and ten times as much as a grape. It is also rich in phytochemicals that help slow down and even reverse the effects of aging. Protects from Oxidative Stress Acai berry extract is incredibly rich in antioxidants that help protect the body against free radicals. It can neutralize the free radicals damage and help prevent the associated risk of various diseases such as cancer, diabetes, chronic liver, and kidney diseases.  The antioxidant content of acai berries can also aid better absorption in the gut, making it highly suitable for good digestion. Bottom Line Taking acai berry extract either fresh or in the form of supplements can be highly beneficial for your health. Diamond Glow is a multivitamin that contains a balanced blend of acai berry extract, apricot extract,  prune extract, vitamin A, B, C, and E, and other natural ingredients to promote skin and hair health. It also improves your overall health by aiding gut health and immunity. Click here to learn more about Diamond Glow or order it for you.

5 Potential Health Benefits Of Prunes

health benefits of prunes

It is recommended to drink eight glasses of water per day to stay healthy. But you might find it boring to drink plain water all day to keep yourself hydrated. An effective alternative is to add some extra flavors and nutrients into your diet routine. Try some prune juice or extract that is known to be beneficial for treating several health conditions.  Prune is rich in minerals and vitamins and contains antioxidant properties that can help prevent high blood pressure levels, support liver health, and offer other health benefits. The fruit is available in both fresh and dried form, making it extremely easy to add to your routine. You can also take it in the form of supplements that contain prune extract. Scroll down to know more about the health benefits of prunes. 5 Health Benefits of Prunes   1. Prevents High Blood Pressure  Potassium is a mineral essential for our many bodily functions such as balancing the normal fluid levels in cells, contracting muscles, and maintaining the sodium and blood pressure levels. Prune extract is rich in potassium. A study shows that drinking prune juice or eating prune daily can reduce blood pressure, especially in cases of hypertension.  2. A Good Source of Iron In many people, iron deficiency can lead to Anemia. It is a condition in which our body can not make enough red blood cells because of a lack of iron. Anemia patients show signs like fatigue, shortness of breath, and irritability. Prune is an excellent source of iron that can be helpful for preventing and treating iron deficiency. 3. Lowers Risk of Colon Cancer Colon cancer is a condition that is hard to detect, it can be intense and spread quickly. Following a good diet plan can help you prevent this tumor.  Research shows adding dried prunes into your diet routine can reduce the risk of colon cancer. Eating dried prunes also increases microbiota or beneficial bacteria throughout the colon and improves your health. 4. Supports Liver Health For many years, prunes have been used in traditional medicines for liver infection and hepatitis. According to a study, drinking prune juice can help get rid of many harmful chemicals developed as a result of liver infection. However, further research is required to learn the effect of prune juice as a treatment for liver problems. 5. Help Lose Weight  Do you know dieticians often recommend prune to people on weight-loss diets? Prune is imbued with a lot of nutrients and can help release leptin. Leptin is a hormone that tells your body when it is full, hence maintaining your snacking habit and making you eat fewer calories. The Bottom Line Prune is packed with plenty of vitamins, fibers, antioxidants, and minerals. Consuming prune can help lower the risk of various diseases. You can take fresh or dried prunes or even sip them in the form of prune extracts from supplements such as Diamond Glow. It is a powder supplement that contains prune extract in addition to vitamin A, B, C, E, and other 14 natural ingredients to help reduce excess oil, cellulite, belly fats, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and the sky’s the limit. Note: Do refer to a doctor or read the details on the package before consuming the supplement if you have any serious health conditions. 

7 Amazing Benefits of Berries for Your Health

benefits of berries for health

Take a handful of berries, and you’ll love their juicy, delicious taste having high nutritious content. Berries are superfoods rich in antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fibers that provide incredible health benefits and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.  Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries are great options for your everyday healthy meal. This article is all about the incredible health benefits of berries. So, keep reading to know! 7 Health Benefits of Berries  Rich in Antioxidants Berries are a great source of antioxidants that can help combat oxidative stress in the body caused by free radicals. Research reveals that antioxidants are essential to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and chronic kidney or liver diseases. Another study claims that blueberries intake improves cells’ antioxidant defense mechanism against DNA damage, thus protecting cells against oxidative stress.  Packed with Vitamins and Minerals Being low in calories and rich in nutritional content, berries are the magical fruits for good skin health and overall health. They contain a high dose of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, K,  polyphenols, manganese, folate, and copper. So, daily berries intake is can boost your health and minimize the risk of frequent infections.  Controls Blood Sugar level Despite of having sweetness, berries are a great fruit for diabetes patients. This is because berries contain a lot of fiber that is recommended for diabetes. These are extremely effective in controlling the blood sugar and insulin level in the body.   According to research, blueberries can help lower blood sugar levels, thus acting as anti-diabetic therapy. Similarly, glycaemic control can be improved by taking berries.  Imbalanced levels of glycemia can lead to diabetic problems.  Loaded with Fiber Berries are the high nutritious fruits having a significant content of soluble fiber. The more the amount of soluble fiber in a food, the more it will provide satiety (the feeling of fullness), thus helping weight management.  Raspberries have the highest fiber content among berries, providing around 8g of fiber per one-cup serving. Blackberries and strawberries are also rich sources of fiber. Lowers the Risk of Cardiovascular Problems These heart-friendly fruits help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in the body. According to research, strawberries and blueberries are the ideal fruits to mitigate oxidative stress in the body by decreasing the accumulation of triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein. Thus, increasing their intake can significantly lower heart problems. Prevent Urinary Tract Infections Berries, especially cranberries, are highly beneficial to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs). Studies reveal that anthocyanins found in cranberries have a highly protective role against E.Coli bacteria that causes UTIs.  Fights and Prevents Cancer Anthocyanins and flavonoids present in berries protect the cells from oxidative stress and DNA damage, thus helping reduce the risk of cancer. Berries primarily help reduce the risk of oral, esophagus, breast, and colon cancer.  Cranberries, blueberries, and strawberries are considered the most effective for reducing cancer risk. Bottom Line Consuming a reasonable quantity of berries may help improve your general health and prevent the risk of many diseases such as heart diseases and cancer. It’s better to consume fresh berries, however, if they aren’t available, you can take supplements rich in berries extracts for maximum health benefits. One such multivitamin is Diamond Glow, rich in vitamins (A, B, C, and E), collagen, and berries extract to help you revive your health and fitness regime.   

5 Effective Tips to Lighten Skin Tone Fast

lighten skin tone

Fair and flawless skin is everyone’s dream, but girls are usually more concerned about it. However, you can’t permanently change your skin tone from dark to fair complexion, as depicted in many advertisements for fairness products. But you can restore to glowing, radiant skin tone, which tends to darken over time due to dust, pollution, and underlying health problems. We’ve compiled 5 practical tips for lightening your skin tone and restoring its natural tint. So, keep reading to know! 5 Tips to Lighten Skin Tone  Use Sunscreen Ultraviolet rays of the sun deteriorate your natural skin tone and radiance. Thus, a good sunscreen with SPF 30 or above is essential for your skin-lightening routine. A high-quality sunscreen reduces melanin production, fades dark spots, and improves skin freshness, leading to skin lightening. Ensure re-applying sunscreen every 2-3 hours when exposed to constant sunlight for good results.  Consume Multivitamins  Vitamins are a great source to lighten your skin tone and improve its natural radiance. You can benefit from vitamins in topical applications such as OTC medicines, serums, and creams or supplements intake. The most incredible vitamins for skin lightening are vitamins A, C, B12, and E. Vitamin A helps prevent sun damage and fades dark spots. Vitamin C is involved in enhancing collagen production and reducing melanin synthesis. Vitamin B12 promotes cell renewal and improves skin juvenility and freshness. Vitamin E is well known for its excellent benefits for skin youthfulness and lightening dark spots. Diamond Glow is one such multivitamin that’s HACCP certified to treat hyperpigmentation, acne, premature aging, and hormonal imbalance-related issues. It is formulated with collagen, natural fruit extracts, and vitamins (A, B, C, and E) that magically boost skin lightening and juvenility. Apply Lemon Juice Lemon juice is one of the most effective natural ingredients for lightening your skin’s tone. It is a natural bleaching agent that’s super amazing for your skin’s health and freshness. Being an antioxidant, it also helps combat free radicals that cause skin infections. You can use lemon juice either topically or consume it in the form of supplements.  For best results, apply freshly squeezed lemon juice to your skin with the help of cotton and leave it for about 5 minutes. Rinse it off with fresh water. You’ll see a clear difference in skin tone and texture after only 2-3 applications. Exfoliate  Gentle exfoliation using physical or chemical exfoliants is the best way to lighten skin tone fast. Exfoliants peel off dead skin cells, diminish pigmented spots, and increase cell turnover. However, keep in mind to avoid harsh rubbing while exfoliating as it can increase the skin sensitivity and lead to a rough patchy texture. Apply Chemical Peels Chemical peeling is highly effective for removing skin pigmentation and lightening skin. In this procedure, the topmost layer of the skin is removed using an acid-based chemical, exposing younger, lighter, and healthier skin. Your dermatologist determines the session duration and number of visits depending on your skin type and texture. Microdermabrasion is a more suitable treatment for people with sensitive skin. Bottom Line You’ll definitely find lighter and brighter skin in no time by following the tips mentioned above; however, it’s best to try natural ingredients before undergoing any chemical procedures. Moreover, be consistent with your skincare routine and cautious with product application.

Can Scrubbing Remove Blackheads?

Blackheads or open comedones are the most common types of acne that develop as a result of clogged pores. Scrubbing can remove the upper section of blackheads but doesn’t eradicate them from roots. Thus, they can quickly resurface and appear even after a few days. Moreover, harsh scrubbing may cause scarring, so be gentle while doing exfoliation through scrubbing. Here, we have covered all the points about scrubbing that might help you understand the pros and cons of scrubbing for blackheads. So, keep reading! What Causes Blackheads? Blackheads appear as small black spots that develop on areas having larger pores such as the nose, forehead, cheeks, or neck. The most common causes of blackheads are: Build up excessive oil or sebum Accumulation of bacteria and dirt Heavy sweating Hormonal changes Genetic factors What Type of Scrubs are Best for Blackheads Removal? It’s important to point out here that every type of scrub is not suitable for blackheads removal. This is because some scrubs contain harsh chemicals or fragrances that may cause bruising or redness along with inflammation. So, you have to be extremely cautious in choosing the right type of scrub according to your skin type.  Scrubs having Alpha or beta hydroxy acids are amazingly beneficial for several skin problems including acne, pre-mature aging signs, and blackheads. The best example of alpha hydroxyl acids is glycolic acid while beta hydroxy acid is salicylic acid. Both act as superficial peels and help remove the topmost dead skin cells hence leaving skin youthful and smooth. Moreover, they are considered highly safe so, used extensively in OTC medicines.  How to do Safe Scrubbing? Dermatologists usually recommend exfoliation using scrubs only 2-3 times a week and depend on your skin type and product used. Here, some tips are given that may reduce the risk of skin inflammation or redness while scrubbing. Steaming is exceptionally good to open clogged pores. So, always try to steam your skin before applying any exfoliant. Always apply the scrub on damp skin. Always be gentle while applying any skincare product to your skin, especially scrubs. Harsh scrubbing may strip the skin’s natural oil and produce more oil. So, accumulation of excess oil may result in acne.  Massage your skin gently in a circular motion for about 2 minutes and pay more focus on areas having blackheads.  Rinse your skin and pat dry. Follow with a high-quality moisturizer and serum to soothe and protect the skin. Can Scrubs Cause Harm to Your Skin? If your scrub is irritating your skin or causing inflammation and rash even after mild use then you should skip it from your skincare routine as early as possible. Harsh facial scrubbing might cause severe sensitivity for blemished and acne-prone skin, research states. Moreover, squeezing blackheads may result in rupturing of follicles, hence forming inflammatory lesions. In this way, you can turn your blackheads into more severe skin problems. Furthermore, the closer a blackhead is to the surface of the skin, the easier and safer it to remove. Bottom Line A high-quality scrub may effectively treat and prevent blackheads but, gentle procedure matters a lot. Avoid harsh scrubbing as it can complicate the problem. However, if you continue developing blackheads, you must make an appointment with your dermatologist who may use professional tools.  

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