Category Archives: Tips

Oily skin do avoid this for healthier skin (Updated 2022)

Not taking care properly of your oily skin can cause more skin issues. Get to know more about what you can and cannot do when having them. So first, what oily skin looks like? Shiny and often has breakouts Less visible wrinkles Visible and enlarged-looking pores Makeup may wear off easily Is having oily skin good? Although it can clog pores and lead to increased acne breakouts, it also has many benefits. Oil helps preserve the skin, and it tends to have thicker skin and fewer wrinkles. The key is to strike a balance between having too much oil and maintaining your skin’s natural moisture. What you should avoid in products: Occlusives like petroleum jelly Face oils like coconut oil Alcohol-based products Rough physical scrubs Silicones like dimethicone Artificial dyes Algae extracts Pomade Fragrances Isopropyl myristate Occlusive emollients Do this to help control the oil: DO wash your face every morning, evening, and after exercise. DO choose skin care products that are labeled “oil-free” and “non-comedogenic. DO use a gentle, foaming face wash. DO apply moisturizer daily. DO wear sunscreen outdoors. DO choose oil-free, water-based makeup. DO use blotting papers throughout the day. Take supplements to balance back skin pH levels. In simple words, you need to balance the oil levels and keep acne breakouts away. I would recommend you take supplements as they will help treat from the inside and make the skincare products you apply for work more effectively. Try this and see how it helps you and don’t forget to share with me in the comment section down below. Much love 😘    

Collagen drinks latest mind-blowing effectiveness (2022)

As you are growing older, you are losing collagen by 1.0% – 1.5% every year. Reducing collagen can cause the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Do collagen drinks really effective? Before we explain more about collagen drinks let’s look at what causes your collagen to be reduced. Reducing collagen every year in your body because of age is natural but what other factors can cause you to lose more collagen? Ultraviolet (UV light) Smoking High sugar intake Inflammation triggering diet Stress Genetics What can you do to boost back your collagen? Take collagen drinks Preclinical studies show that ingesting marine collagen repairs skin collagen, boosts skin collagen and elastin protein fibers, and produces a significant thickening of the outer skin surface (epidermis). It will result in decreased wrinkles and improved skin hydration and firmness. Collagen supplements also can promote bone growth/healing/strength. In cell culture, ingesting marine collagen increases collagen synthesis and helps incorporate minerals into the bone matrix. In addition, marine collagen supplementation significantly increases the size and mineral density of femur bones. Collagen supplements may help improve protein intake and body composition. Marine collagen is a pure protein with no fat or carbohydrate to dilute its impact. Therefore, marine collagen’s proline content can help increase lean body mass. 7 best foods that can boost your collagen: Beef bone broth Skin-on chicken Sardines Organ meats Berries Broccoli Aloe vera juice What is the best type of collagen that benefits the skin? Type I collagen is usually considered best for the skin. It is the most abundant type of collagen in the body. It maintains healthy bones, skin, hair, and nails. Like all types of collagen, levels of type I collagen begin to decline after about 25 years of age. What is marine collagen made of from collagen drinks? Marine, or fish, collagen comes from the skin of fish. It can help you bring your levels up. You may already use cosmetics with collagen in them but in most of these products, the collagen comes from pig and cow skins. Marine collagen is best if you want to improve your skin by looking young and healthy. In conclusion, researchers found that taking collagen drinks is highly effective in increasing and boosting collagen production. Taking it consistently over a long time can reduce your wrinkles, and fine lines and makes you look younger than your age.    

Immune system genius explanation & how it works (2022)

When the number of illnesses and diseases rises, we become more caring about our body and how it works especially the immune system. Everyone is born with innate (or natural) immunity, a type of general protection. Your immune system is a large network of organs, white blood cells, proteins (antibodies), and chemicals. This system works together to protect you from foreign invaders (bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi) that cause infection, illness, and disease. How does the immune system work? When the body senses foreign substances (called antigens), the immune system works to recognize the antigens and get rid of them. B lymphocytes are triggered to make antibodies (also called immunoglobulins). These proteins lock onto specific antigens. After they’re made, antibodies usually stay in our bodies in case we have to fight the same germ again. That’s why someone who gets sick with a disease, like chickenpox, usually won’t get sick from it again. Humans have three types of immunity: Innate immunity: Everyone is born with innate (or natural) immunity, a type of general protection. For example, the skin acts as a barrier to block germs from entering the body. And the immune system recognizes when certain invaders are foreign and could be dangerous. Adaptive immunity: Adaptive (or active) immunity develops throughout our lives. We develop adaptive immunity when we’re exposed to diseases or when we’re immunized against them with vaccines. Passive immunity: Passive immunity is “borrowed” from another source and it lasts for a short time. For example, antibodies in a mother’s breast milk give a baby temporary immunity to diseases to which the mother has been exposed. How to naturally boost the immune system: Having a healthy lifestyle can help the body’s natural defenses and benefit overall health: not smoking exercising avoiding excess alcohol consumption, for those who drink washing the hands frequently managing stress well keeping up to date with recommended vaccines having a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables having a moderate weight getting at least 7 hours of sleep in every 24-hour period Ways to boost your immune system: Take vaccines Maintain a healthy diet Exercise Hydrate Enough sleep Take supplement Various vitamins and minerals often referred to as “micronutrients,” are necessary for a healthy immune system. The main micronutrients that play a role in the immune response include: vitamin A vitamin C vitamin D vitamin E vitamin B6 vitamin B12 folate zinc iron copper Ideally, we would all obtain optimal amounts of these micronutrients through a well-balanced diet — but this can be difficult to achieve and many people worldwide have nutrient deficiencies. That’s why we recommend taking supplements as they will add more nutrients that your body needs and help boost your immune system. The supplement is beneficial to the immune system, as long as dosages stay below the recommended safety limits. High dosages can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea.  

20 fatigue symptoms you can easily defeated

Not being aware of what is going on with your body can cause even more damage. You need to always listen to your body to maintain a healthy body. Being fatigued is caused by many things: Lifestyle Medical conditions Medications Sleep disorders You first need to identify what causes you to be fatigued then only you know how to treat or manage fatigue. This is the list of how you can ease your fatigue: Avoid toxins: Don’t use illegal drugs and drink alcohol. Eat a healthy diet: A balanced diet and plenty of water will keep your body nourished and hydrated. Exercise: Do at least 15 minutes of any exercises (Yoga, jogging, swimming, etc) See your healthcare provider: Make an appointment to rule out infections, disease, illness, vitamin deficiencies, and other health conditions. You should also talk to your provider about the medications you’re taking to see if they are causing your symptoms. Maintain a healthy weight: Know your ideal weight and maintain that weight Practice good sleep habits: Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Don’t drink caffeine, use electronics, or exercise right before bed. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Supplement: Energy booster I understand to practice a healthy lifestyle is not easy and sometimes expensive. Start with something and slowly add a new routine for you to get used to it. It’s not easy but trust me it is worth it. Even just 15 minutes of morning yoga could change your whole day’s energy and mood. Don’t go too extreme as you will lead to more fatigue and maybe stress too. So what are the symptoms or signs of fatigue that you should be aware of?: Tired eyes Tired legs Whole-body tiredness Stiff shoulders Malaise (discomfort/uneasiness) Boredom or lack of motivations Sleepiness Impatience Depression and lack of desire to do the activities you once enjoyed. Trouble concentrating or focusing. Very low energy and motivation. Nervousness, anxiety, and irritability. Muscle weakness and pain. Unrefreshing sleep Muscle pain Multi-joint pain Pain without redness or swelling Tender cervical or axillary lymph nodes Sore throat Headache When I was younger I love heavy lifting but when I grow older my energy is not the same anymore and I tend to be more tired fast. Now I focus more on fitness instead of the look and I consume supplements as energy boosters to provide me with more nutrients that my body needs. The supplement does make a difference and I could feel the energy more compares to the days I didn’t take them. When I have more energy, I become more productive in my daily tasks. I believe having more energy makes us more motivated, focused, and productive. You need to manage fatigue pronto or you become more demotivated and depressed. Obviously, we don’t want that to happen. So I would say take some energy boosters so you can do other activities easily. Try this and see how it helps you. Share with me in the comment section if my article has helped you manage your fatigue. Much love 😘

Imbalanced skin ph level get balanced again overnight (2022)

Oily, dry, and combination skin shows that you have imbalanced skin. Check out this simple method. When you have an imbalanced skin pH level, you can face skin problems like oily skin, dryness, combination skin, acne, and many more. How can you balance back your imbalanced skin pH levels and achieve skin goals? There are a few methods and I will recommend you the easiest method for you to try. Other factors that can affect skin pH include: sebum and skin moisture sweat genetics and age detergents cosmetics and cleansers Trusted Source antibacterial products like soaps and gels certain skin conditions These factors can lead to unbalanced skin pH. Having skin pH that is too high can make you more likely to have acne. How to check your pH skin? Test-strips Dermatologist Observe and estimate How to balance skin pH? Wash with gentle cleansers Toner (Guaranteed help but recommeded to use hydration toner) Moisturize Exfoliate (I don’t prefer this as for sensitive & dry skin usually doesn’t work) Consume supplement (Easiest & Recommended) Please know that all I share is based on my experience having imbalanced skin and acne. Supplemet really helps to treat from inside so that whatever skincare products that we use work effectively. If you tried my simple method please share with me your journey. I would be down to know if you have new tips and hacks. Please share it in the comment section down below. Much love 😘  

Large pores easily reduced with this easy method (2022)

  Having large pores makes you feel more insecure as people can see your skin is not smooth and kind of like having many small holes in your face. Obviously, large pores are a serious problem that you need to fix. Honestly, before I know this method minimizing large pores’ appearance is not very easy. What causes the large pores? I am getting it because of this: too much steaming my face popping my acne But for some people, large pores come from their genetics. According to a 2016 study by trusted Source, the main causes of large pores are: Excessive sebum: This is when a person’s sebaceous gland produces a lot of oil, leading to oily skin. Decreased elasticity around the pore: This is when the skin becomes less supple. Increased hair follicle volume: This is when the pore at the end of the hair follicle becomes clogged. Can you close your large pores? No! You can’t close your pores completely. You can only lessen the appearance of your pores. Our pores are open for a reason. After so many skincare products I have tried and even putting ice on my face every day, but nothing works! We should never give up finding the solution as we will find the solution, in one fine day. Believe me! Which is for you today hehe HYDRATION!!! Easy huh? After everything, the secret is enough water in your skin and body! When your skin and body have enough hydration, your large pores will appear lesser. I would say you need to change to a hydration skincare line and drink enough water so your skin can appear healthier. Easy and simple right? Yeap that’s it! I struggle with drinking enough water so I add supplement to give my body deep hydration and it worked! Of course, I changed to a hydration skincare line too. This combination is perfect to hydrate my skin and body. Be consistent for a month to see the result. Try this and see how it works for you. Don’t forget to share with me the result after you try it okay? Much love 😘  

Pigmentation new painless treatment you should try (2022)

When special cells in our body are unhealthy or damaged that’s when you will get pigmentation. These special cells make melanin production. Melanin is a substance in your body that produces hair, eye, and skin pigmentation. The more melanin you produce, the darker your eyes, hair and skin will be. The amount of melanin in your body depends on a few different factors, including genetics and how much sun exposure you had. Melanin also absorbs harmful UV (ultraviolet) rays and protects your cells from sun damage but keep in mind that melanin alone isn’t enough to protect your skin from sun damage. That’s why it’s so important to wear sunscreen and appropriate clothing whenever you’re outside. Some people make an excess of melanin. This is known as hyperpigmentation, and it’s harmless. People who make too much melanin usually have patches of skin that become darker than the surrounding skin. So is it possible to stop your melanin production? It’s not possible to stop or permanently lower your body’s melanin production without regular skin-lightening treatments. You can lighten and perhaps remove existing hyperpigmentation, but it may return. So consistent skin lightening treatment would help reduce your pigmentation and when we say consistent it is obviously maintenance. If you can afford laser treatment go for it. But if you can’t, I have a new simplest solution for you at an affordable price. You can either consume whitening supplements only or both consume whitening supplements and apply whitening skincare products. Make sure the products are certified and Halal because we don’t want more damage to our skin. Look for supplements the main function is focused on whitening and skincare products whose main function is focused on whitening too. Choosing the right function surely will help your skin problems. I can’t suggest you whitening skincare products that help with pigmentation because I have never tried any but I can recommend whitening supplements that really focus on the whitening effect and help reduce the appearance of your pigmentation. It has 15 premium ingredients mixed together to help whiten the skin and help reduce melanin production. The important part is the whitening supplement is certified by Halal and the Ministry of Health (MOH).   After 1 bottle result   After 1 bottle result These are the results after consuming one bottle only. The results depend on our bodies and skin. Some people get a faster result, some get a slower result. It really depends. But mostly they will get results within one bottle. It’s not easy to remove pigmentation so don’t get demotivated and trust the process okay? If they can get the result, you can too. Go check out the whitening supplement for more information and give it a try. Don’t forget to share with me your skin journey with the product. I would love to know. Much love 😘

3 effortless way to remove your acne scars

Once you successfully removed your acne, you are now finding a solution for your acne scars. If not, you are not reading this 😁 Acne scars can be removed in a few ways such as by using skincare products, laser treatment, or taking supplements. I am going to share with you the cheapest way based on my experience. I have tried Vitamin E before to remove my acne scars and it has shown results but I find it very hard to maintain with Vitamin E. I am talking about pure thick texture Vitamin E in oil form. And the smell is a little bit uncomfortable. If you wanna try using Vitamin E oil, you go for the highest IU. The higher the IU, the better for your scars to reduce. I find it very hard to sleep with Vitamin E on my face. My pillowcase will get very messy unless you can sleep very still and not move at all. I would suggest you go for any topical products that have a whitening effect as they will lighten your skin as well as your scars. Usually, skincare products contain Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a famous ingredient when it comes to whitening. It is proven effective in whitening the skin. There are many Vitamin C serums on the market that you can try. You can opt for Vitamin C ampoules as it penetrates deeper than the serum. If you have normal acne scars, it is way easier for you to remove them but some people who have deeper acne scars, need to treat it using both ways inside and outside. I would highly recommend people with deeper ance scars consume supplements to repair their skin from the inside so that the topical products they used will work more effectively. Honestly, even for normal acne scars, the combination of consuming supplements and applying topical products is way more effective than only using topical products. Down below is the products that I love. After trying other products, I will go back to these ones as their results are just WOW! to maintain my skin from getting acne – acne spot treatment & Diamond Glow collagen supplement to lighten and remove my acne scars – Diamond Glow collagen supplement & night treatment moisturizer Pro Tip: You need to always keep your skin and body hydrated to make sure the products you used effectively work. Either drink enough water, use hydration skincare or consume supplements to give you the nutrients you need. A dry body and skin tend to work slower than hydrated ones. So this part is very crucial for you. Diamond Glow + acne spot treatment result   Diamond Glow result   Diamond Glow result   These are the results of the Diamond Glow collagen supplement. Treating your inner body is a must as many skin problems come from unhealthy inside of your body. So in order for you to maintain clearer and healthier skin forever, you need to consider taking collagen supplements as they will provide your body with extra nutrients that your body really needs. Especially when we grow older, our body produced lesser and lesser collagen. Read up about how important collagen is for healthy skin and body. You will find so many facts and proven results from taking collagen. You can read my other blog post where I share my hydration skincare routine and products that I used here. If you decided to try my method, please share with me how it works for you. I would really love to know if it helps lighten your skin or not. You can share it in the comment section below okay. Much love 😘  

Vitamin C new remarkable skin benefits (Updated 2022)

Vitamin C is more popular when Covid19 strikes and we found a new remarkable benefit for the skin that you need to know. Many of us already take Vitamin C as a morning routine to boost our immune system so our body can fight all viruses. While Vitamin C is a largely helpful nutrient, it is a water-soluble nutrient, which is best absorbed when you take them on an empty stomach. An ideal way would be to take your supplement first thing in the morning, 30-45 minutes before your meal. The recommended daily amount for vitamin C is 75 milligrams (mg) a day for women and 90 mg a day for men. During pregnancy, 120mg a day is recommended. The upper limit for all adults is 2,000mg a day. If you are taking other supplements, do calculate the total dosage so you are not exceeding the limit amount. There are plenty of skin benefits when taking vitamin C: provides hydration can brighten your skin can reduce redness can reduce hyperpigmentation can reduce the appearance of under-eye circles promotes collagen production may help prevent sagging may protect against sun damage may soothe sunburns may help wound healing In case you don’t know, these are Vitamin C health benefits: May reduce the risk of chronic disease May help manage high blood pressure May lower your risk of heart disease May reduce blood uric acid levels and help prevent gout attacks Helps prevent iron deficiency Boost immunity Wow sooo many benefits for skin and health! No wonder everyone is into Vitamin C now. And you should too! I personally like taking anything that can benefit both my skin and health. Why not right? Easy and cost-effective hehe There are a few ways you can take Vitamin C. Either through consuming, applying, or injection. I prefer consuming as you can enjoy both skin and health benefits. If you only apply it to your skin, it will only give benefits to mostly your face and not even your whole body. If you go for an injection, the cost is hard to maintain. My forever and always the choice is Diamond Glow. It is packed with 15 nutrients including Vitamin C extracted from fruits. Not only do I benefit from Vitamin C from fruit extracts, but I also benefit from other goodness of nutrients that really help my skin and improve my health, especially my energy. These are the benefits I enjoy from Diamond Glow: whitening & glowing skin more energy balanced hormone keep my face looking young and fresh balance my skin pH level from oily to natural remove my acne and scars hydrate my whole body boost my skin collagen reduce my dark circles boost metabolism boost immune system Yeap so many results I can see from taking Diamond Glow. The taste is mixed berries taste. A rich taste I tell you. Ah so yummy! You will get addicted to it but please follow the recommended dosage. Packed with Vitamin C and other nutrients (15 active ingredients) Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen. Mixed Berries Extract. Ascorbic Acid. Beta Glucan. Maltodextrin. Malus Domestica Extract. Prune Extract. Apricot Extract. Guarana Extract. Acai Berry Extract. Grape Seed Extract. Pine Bark Extract. L-Arginine. L-Cysteine. Sucralose   So yeah, those are the important things about Vitamin C you should know and how it can benefit both your skin and health. I highly recommend you consume Vitamin C on a daily basis for better-looking skin and the improvement of your health. If you decided to try Diamond Glow, please share with me your journey with Diamond Glow in the comment section down below. I would love to know! Much love 😘      

1 proven way can remove acne overnight (Updated 2022)

Even one small acne pops up on our face we are already feeling anxious, aren’t we? Thank god I found these products! I have tried so many skincare products to fight acne-prone skin but I couldn’t find any acne skincare line that works for me. In fact, it dried my skin more and caused more excess oil due to dryness. More oil = clogged pores Clogged pores = more acne! Omg so stressful! I feel you. So desperate to get rid of them as fast as we can and end up trying more products and causing even more damage to the skin. Especially people like me that don’t have the patience. I went to Innisfree and they suggested I use a hydration skincare line. I tried it but the result is too slow. They explained that our skin needs hydration to fight acne. Makes me wonder why in the world there are so many acne skincare lines in the market that make our skin drier when we need to hydrate the skin to fight acne. So I did some trial and error with a few brands. Now I know that I need to hydrate my skin but I also need to dry the acne. How do I do this? So I changed my cleanser to a hydration cleanser, and hydration toner, and add spot-on treatment for my acne. The more hydrated my skin, the easier the spot-on treatment to work on my skin. And I also know that I need extra body hydration for the products to easily absorb into my skin. So I add a hydration collagen supplement to help in absorbing the skincare products. With only cleanser, toner, spot-on treatment, and supplement for my night skincare routine it has helped me to get clearer and healthier skin. The result is overnight yes! When your body and skin are fully hydrated, any products are easily effective. During the day I used the same cleanser, and toner and I only apply sunscreen spf50. That’s all. I don’t want my skin too moist as it will make my skin oily. As I said before, oily will makes your pores clogged and lead to acne. So I only use sunscreen. I find it enough for me. You don’t really need too many skincare steps to get your dream skin. Find what works for you. The key is to hydrate the inside and outside body and find ance spot treatment to dry up the acne. It is very crucial to treat your inside first in order for the skincare to work. So yeah try this method and don’t forget to share with me how it works for you.   This method worked for me. Try it!        

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